Lost CC2
I was forced to return to laptop to original factory setting about a month and a half ago. Since I played CC2 while online all of my achievements and progress, levels completed is recorded. But when I reinstalled Steam onto my PC the program for CC2 behaves as if I have never played before, starts right at level 1, and I cannot access the levels in which I was on (I was on 170- Practice to Perfect). Is there a way to access my online progress and incorporate it somehow into the game, so I can continue where I left off? If not, what are my options?
Patrick Knowles II
The game seems to save to cloud sometimes (it does for me), even though there appears to be no option for Steam cloud saving (I noticed that CC1 has that option - maybe CC2 only uses cloud saving if it's turned on in CC1?).

Since it seems your savegame wasn't saved to the cloud, I guess there aren't many good options left:

1: Skip levels with F6 until you are at 170. I think this will cause you to miss the achievement for completing 161-180 and completing all levels and your total score in-game will not include the missed progress. However, if you have reported the scores earlier on the newsgroup, the scoreboard website will keep track of your total score.

2. Replay the levels again.

3. If you have written down or reported your scores, use hex editing magic to reconstruct your savegame. However, I haven't found documentation for the format of the save game files, so it's probably going to be very difficult (probably more time-consuming than replaying the levels).

I'm not sure how the cloud thing works, maybe someone more knowledgeable could chime in if there are better options left.
I saved all of my scores to a spreadsheet, but since it has been almost half a year since I last played, I am not sure how many levels scores are recorded on the high scores website.
Patrick Knowles II
I have scores from you for all levels up to 159 (give or take a couple you skipped/didn't report). They can be accessed by scrolling through the pages at http://jamesa7171.net/level.php (there will be a way to view them all on one page eventually, but right now that's only available for all the CC1 sets)

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