Temple of No Key: The block pushing is a bit lengthy, but it's interspersed among other tasks well enough that it doesn't really feel like a chore. The recessed wall/ice room at the end was a little mean, as you can't see what is or is not a good path at the beginning or in the upper right corner (if you already moved to the right edge in the latter case). I got lucky the first time, but i had to restart anyway because i missed something else in the level, so maybe it's not as significant as it seems? It should still get fixed, though.
Potential bust: you can use a block to disrupt the bugs. This is especially helpful in Lynx since monsters erase blue keys and avoid yellow keys (allowing you to block off the teleport). I don't know if the resulting chaos is manageable, though.
Collapsing Elevator Shafts: That's a mean ending, but otherwise this level's alright.
Do You Even Lift?: Busted: The second room can be skipped via partial post (so i guess i got my wish after all

Falling: I like this level more with the low time limit it currently has, but i guess i won't mind too much if that gets changed.
Whirl Blast: Is this even possible in Lynx? I don't see how to get the yellow key and still have enough blocks for everything else, whereas in MS, you can have the fireball go over the yellow key, discarding only one block in the process.
A Slapstick Tragedy: During nominations, i said for my own level, "Do You Even Lift?", that i wish i removed the second room when submitting this. My reason is that i'm not comfortable requiring knowledge of advanced mechanics in a CCLP, particularly ones that people normally won't discover/figure out on their own--in my case (and this case), ramming and block-slapping. At the very least, there needs to be some introduction (block-slapping had one in CCLP3 #16, but i don't think it's very good). What do other people think?
Escalators: This level is stupidly simple. Why am i so amused by it?
Anthill: The bugs in the second hub-like area have a nasty habit of clumping together and blocking off where you need to go, at least in Lynx.
Switch Side: The pink balls are effectively toggle walls, with the exception that there are places where you can slip by before they "close". These shortcuts are a nice touch that would have been nicer imo if it was actually required somewhere. It also would have been nicer if it didn't have to take up the entire map because it got repetitive and tedious after a while.
Also, i think i broke it:
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I think moving the mechanism to the bottom right corner will fix that.
Scrambled Data: The first two rooms are pretty much the only things i like in this level. The toggle wall corridor takes forever to get through, and you have to go through it
3 times. The red key/block section was about twice as long as it needed to be, and i died to the pink ball near the end of the level because i had no idea it was there (my first time in that area, i went down the left side first, so i couldn't have window-shopped it from below).
Caveat Emptor: I don't know if this is intended or not, but you can shut off the tanks with a timed tank button press instead of using the block by the blue lock in the bottom right, resulting in extra keys.
Construct-a-Sokoban: Is it even possible to get more than 10 red keys?
Bugs on the Wing: The beginning is the only part that's interesting to me, but there isn't much to do afterward so it's fine.
Skelzink Overloaded: A bit too much block pushing for my liking, but otherwise a pretty solid level.
The Room Without Space: There's an interesting sokoban hidden in the obscuring, unnecessarily long hallways. Here's an old (~7.5 months) attempt of mine to refine it:
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Looking at it now, i'm wondering why i put a dirt space by that blue button, since it doesn't seem like the red key that was in that corridor was needed.
Spin Cycle: The block at (23,19) could be one space closer so the recessed wall behind it is visible from the right, and the red locks in the upper right could be at least 4 tiles lower (or the recessed walls replaced with ice or something) for similar reasons. I had a lot of fun with this level until i guessed incorrectly at those parts.
The Moment of Tooth: In Lynx, Chip can step away before the block clones and therefore doesn't need the teeth at all. Also teeth + fire.