Syzygy's Scores
Updates for CCLP4 MS

4. Oasis - 220

11. Keyboard Malfunction - 327

12. Rivets - 219

14. Poly-Gone - 277

19. Conservation of Keys - 185

20. It's No Skin Off My Teeth - 329

22. Bodyguards - 238

23. Western Standards of Living - 349
Updates for CCLP4 MS

26. Shrub - 192

28. Zephyr Heights - 376

32. Blended Brussels Sprouts - 271

35. Chasing Chips - 341

36. One Who Raids Tombs - 452

38. Detonation Station - 132

49. Block Parking - 878
Updates for CCLP4 MS

53. Protect Your Fortress - 287

60. Flippant - 199

63. Pneumatic Diversity Vents - 504

70. Science Museum - 346

71. Puuf - 175

72. Sewerway - 349

73. Sealed Doors in the Spacecraft - 255

74. Technopathic - 309

75. Unmitigated Hint Factory Disaster - 349
Updates for CCLP4 MS

92. Fire Is My Enemy - 425

93. Bombs Are a Beautiful Thing - 363
Updates for CCLP4 MS

101. Condo Management - 393

107. Combinations - 835

108. Scatterbrained - 491

109. Shemozzle - 18

110. Keyrithmetic - 945

112. Triple Mint Slurpee - 307

121. Death and Destruction - 382
Updates for CCLP4 MS

127. Wrong Exit - 219

133. Monochrome - 626

135. Propaganda - 384

139. Unravel - 974

140. Repair the Automatic (Caution) Doors - 731

142. Stratagem - 43

144. Paradigm Shift - 686

146. Japanese Game Show - 819

148. Gravity Well - 397

Total score: 6,062,750
Could you please send me a copy of the .dat in question as well as your MS and Lynx tws files? I don't suspect you of cheating, but scores in altered versions of sets have always been extremely frowned upon and I want to some due diligence work. I would like to make 100% sure that all of your solutions play fine in a non-edited version of the set, since it's possible that this mystery version of CC1 has additional subtle changes beyond the ice tiles.

122. Jigsee - 687 728

140. Repair the Automatic (Caution) Doors - 778 789 793

146. Japanese Game Show - 819 (b+4 825(b+9,nr) ¡?¡ Slight smile

14. Poly-Gone - 277

72. Sewerway - 357

140 - Repair the Automatic (Caution) Doors - 797

146 - Japanese Game Show - 829 832

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