Forgetting how to solve a level
Has anyone attempted to solve a level they have previously completed and knew what they were supposed to do and the rough order they were supposed to do it in but completely forgotten the HOW part? This gets confusing because you already know the level and until the aha moment kicks in and you remember everything you feel completely lost!
I know that feel.

(Off topic: Also, a female chipster according to your account? It's honestly sad I haven't seen more female chipsters. It'd be honestly rather nice to see what both genders could come up with and what possible records could be set. 'cause, you know, most chipsters are males. Just a trend I noticed and stuffs.)
Sewiouswy, Pom-Pom, whewe is that CCLP4 I so want?

Chip Win
How about forgetting one you created yourself and haven't played for a year?

@Chipwoodstock yes, I am a female chipster and it would be fun to see the difference between the two, I too noticed the overwhelming majority of males as well.

@PB_guy oh yes, especially ones you created your self. I have a level that I created that I swear I had previously solved, though upon looking at in the editor it does not appear to be solvable at all, and I have no idea what I did to solve it.
I always forget how to do the very last part of MISS DIRECTION.
They call me Earthling, for I come from Earth.

Earthling1.dat, my levelset.

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