Kefrith's Scoreboards
Here are links to my scoreboard pages. Please submit your high scores by email or in this thread!

Chip's Carnival Scoreboard:

KefrithLP1 Scoreboard:
I'm all over the Interwebs! Just ask for my name on any given site, and if I'm there, I'll let you know!
Just fixed a busted level in KefrithLP1. Please download the updated set here:
I'm all over the Interwebs! Just ask for my name on any given site, and if I'm there, I'll let you know!
Here are my scores:

#1 - 67

#2 - 99 (couldn't boost that extra second)

#3 - 42

#4 - 14

#5 - 79 (possibly lowered the time limit after scoring 122?)

#6 - 26

#7 - 18

#8 - 45

#9 - 34 (first solution)

#10 - 22

#11 - 70 (rough optimization)

#12 unsolvable

#13 - 27

I hear James has some better scores though. I might go back and improve on a couple for which I didn't spend all too much time, but I'll let him post his times first.

I enjoyed the levels! It was refreshing to play around with some non-lynx compatible stuff, level 2 in particular. I couple of the levels were a bit simple (#4,#6), and a couple had some neat little twists while solving for the first time (#5,#8). The time limits were quite tight on all of the levels, and the levels were short enough that I was left wanting a few more in the set. I guess that's a good thing, though. I'm adding Carnival.dat to my list of sets to try out Slight smile

Glad you liked them! I'll update the scoreboards soon. I am planning to add more levels to KefrithLP1 eventually...
I'm all over the Interwebs! Just ask for my name on any given site, and if I'm there, I'll let you know!
1 - 67

2 - 100

3 - 56

4 - 16

5 - 79 (I think your 122 time might have been from when this level had a higher time limit, like Miika said)

6 - 26

7 - 19

8 - 48

9 - 81

10 - 22

11 - 74

13 - 27
I can't verify what you are saying about my Level 5 score due to a broken keyboard key, but I'll take your word for it. As I told Miika, I will update the scoreboard soon.
I'm all over the Interwebs! Just ask for my name on any given site, and if I'm there, I'll let you know!
Scoreboards updated!
I'm all over the Interwebs! Just ask for my name on any given site, and if I'm there, I'll let you know!
2 new levels have been added to KefrithLP1.dat! Please give 'em a try!
I'm all over the Interwebs! Just ask for my name on any given site, and if I'm there, I'll let you know!

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