Miika's feedback thread
So I thought I could occasionally give you guys some feedback on running the site, and thought it might be useful to collect them all in one place. This is for minor things that I see that might not need their own thread.

First, a thank you to those that keep this site running and stuff. Thanks.

Then the thing I had on my mind right now: please start some sort of competition this month!

Summer is a time when people have time to participate anyways, and even a create comp doesn't take too much effort to launch. I'd suggest a theme of making a treasure hunter level, and all the entries could then be part of the treasure hunt for next month. (Not sure of the details on how it would work exactly though...)
Next request:

How could we organize the files somewhat? Even having two categories for level sets, one for smaller sets and one for larger (more serious) ones. The cut-off could be arbitrary, chosen by the uploader, or a fix number of levels (like ten). Currently spotting the bigger sets from the smaller ones is arduous. Please don't let this deteriorate into another Yahoo-group file mess.
Competitions will start again this month, and I'll do the small and large sets changes this week. Slight smile
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]
Still don't see small sets and large sets separated ...

New request:

Could there be a folder in the Gallery for "Gaming Situations"? So when you take a screenshot of a funny death or something it would go in there. Most of the pictures in the Other folder would currently fall in this type of a category.

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