Two for the Road LYNX.ccl at the Yahoo group
Not sure if the CCLP1 staff has seen this yet, but Steven Jones (creator of Egyptian Motif.ccl) has a second set recently updated at the Yahoo group called "Two_For_the_Road_LYNX.ccl" that he wants considered for CCLP1 and CCLP4...
Mike L

My level sets:
MikeL2 - 200 levels, updated 1/22/2017
MikeL2-fix - Lynx compatible version of MikeL2
MikeL3 - 86 levels, updated 1/22/2017 - a best-of set with levels from MikeL2, MikeL4 or my now-hidden rejects set
MikeL4 - 27 levels, updated 1/22/2017 - home of any new post-2009 levels I make
MikeLrejects - 351 levels, updated 5/16/2013 - all my older/experimental/not as good levels
I like level 4 (Confounded).
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
That levelset is now named Extra_Extra.ccl. It currently has 28 levels. The level named "Confounded" has been updated for workability.

Steven J
Thanks for the update, Steven. We've already gone through it and evaluated it - sorry for the non-update on the page.

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