Questions about Tile World mechanics
I'm debating whether to make a version for the browser, and I have some technical questions I hope y'all can answer:

1. Do you check the sliplist before or after you check the monster list (on the even numbered 10ths)?

2. In MS the monster picks a direction and moves, while in lynx ALL the monsters pick a direction and then they all try to move, right?

3. How long does animation take? Does Chip still get five moves per second?

4. When does a creature clone? When the button is pushed, or one turn after? Same question for blue, green and brown buttons -- when do they trigger?


"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
Curious what you're going to use for this endeavor. Is it going to be based in Javascript/HTML 5 technology like <canvas> and that kind of thing? Sounds like a good bit of work there to replicate the Tile World behaviors.
Well, I'm not sure yet. It will Javascript and xhtml, but I hate to have to use all of jQuery (which has some nice graphics tools) because then I'd have to either make it playable only online, or require jQuery downloading.

I've tried a few things with DIVs and timing but the lag is bad. So, I might have to have a downloadable one and an online one.

There is a LOT of work to do, so I don't know when I'll have time to do it.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan

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