Stupid deaths.
Let me guess... "Wharaghrgh-WHghgheughRaRr?"

Or "Bummer."?
I think it was more like, "Oh WOW. Did I just do that?!" Slight smile
I was talking about the in-game sound, actually, but the reaction is still video-worthy if only it had been recorded.
Hahaha, I totally missed that! I love your onomatopoeia of the TW death sound, by the way. Sadly, the in-game MSCC (which I use when recording) sounds don't work properly, so I have to work without them.
Quote:Hahaha, I totally missed that! I love your onomatopoeia of the TW death sound, by the way. Sadly, the in-game MSCC (which I use when recording) sounds don't work properly, so I have to work without them.

Use of the word onomatopoeia (and apparently the right spelling) gets you a big WIN from this grammar nazi.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
Reply sounds nothing like it's spelled! Tongue
I think we get the idea, and that it is impossible to make a true onomatopoeia for Tile World's death sound.
Haha, no, what I meant was that the word "onomatopoeia" doesn't exactly sound like it's spelled. Tongue
Let's not get into a "Why is the word 'abbreviated' so long?" discussion.

On the other hand, perhaps we should. Yay for more threads! Teeth
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
"NO. Just no." #AndrewR


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