The person below me
Sure, why not?

The person below me likes collecting things.
'I made 1,000 levels once.' - Jacques

True, I collect K'nex pieces and 50p coins Slight smile

The person below me can recite the cosine rule from memory.
Read the sentence below this one.

You owe me $20.

Read the sentence above this one.
False, I have to look it up every time.

The person below me gets less than 6 hours of sleep a night.

False, I pretty much need 7 and a half, and I CAN recite the cosine rule, and several others. (Very silly.)

The person below me likes red more than blue.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan

The person below me knows what a mesocyclone is.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!

The person below me likes going to parties!
'I made 1,000 levels once.' - Jacques

True, but only as long as there is no alcoholic drinking (or is in strict moderation).

The person below me absolutely cannot wait to see the collab Trevor/Rock/Josh Let's Play video going up tonight.
True, even though I'm just hearing of it now.

The person below me likes mice (the rodent kind).
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
Absolutely not. Ever heard of hantavirus? A killer! I was the mouse trapper at work for our offices and greenhouses.

(ps. if you have a rat or mice problem and need hints/suggestions, let me know.)

The person below me likes liver.

(I was refering to safe, lab grown mice that are sold as pets).

Liver is OK if it's made right, but if it's done wrong it's terrible.

The person below me is good as chess.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!

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