Ida's Official Set Scores
My first score report here on CCZone (I think).
Obviously many of these times are just initial times.


#1: 82 
#2: 90 (b)
#3: 89 (b)
#4: 114 
#5: 85 (b)
#6: 94 (b)
#7: 134 
#8: 96 (b)
#9: 291 
#10: 51 (b)
#11: 196 
#12: 270 (b)
#13: [982] (b)
#14: 162 
#15: 78 
#16: [968] 
#17: 82 
#18: 548 
#19: 94 
#20: 315 
#21: 115 
#22: 141 
#23: 313 
#24: 389 
#25: 410 
#26: 232 
#27: 121 
#28: 226 
#29: 282 
#30: 217 
#31: 3 

This should add up to a score of 301 200
Total score (as previously reported): 5 946 060


CC1 Lynx

#1: 72 
#2: 86 
#3: 84 
#4: 105 
#5: 82 
#6: 92 
#7: 123 
#8: 95 
#9: 262 
#10: 46 
#11: 169 
#12: 246 
#13: [981] (b)
#14: 125 
#15: 35 
#16: [966] 
#17: 78 
#18: 541 
#19: 128 
#20: 303 
#21: 94 
#22: 86 

Total Score: 155 020


CC1 Steam

#1: 78 
#2: 87 
#3: 87 
#4: 110 
#5: 83 
#6: 93 (b)
#7: 118 
#8: 96 (b)
#9: 269 
#10: 45 
#11: 162 
#12: 224 
#13: 0 
#14: 128 
#15: 43 
#16: 0 
#17: 79 
#18: 539 
#19: 130 
#20: 315 
#21: 101 
#22: 237 
#23: 291

Total Score: 171 150



#1: 168 (b)
#2: 176 (+2)
#3: 181 (+1)
#4: 200 (+6)
#5: 216 
#6: 173 
#7: 160 
#8: 220 
#9: 218 
#10: 297 
#11: 192 
#12: 231 
#13: 225 
#14: 187 
#15: 280 
#16: 251 
#17: [985] 
#18: 219 

Total Score: 121 460


CCLP1 Lynx

#1: 160
#2: 167
#3: 170
#4: 185
#5: 209
#6: 164
#7: 161
#8: 221
#9: 215
#10: 269
#11: 200
#12: 238
#13: 199
#14: 143
#15: 263
#16: 233
#17: [984]

Total Score: 108 480


CC2 Times

#1: 0
#2: 0
#3: 0
#4: 13
#5: 180
#6: 167
#7: 179
#8: 132
#9: 0
#10: 90
#11: 14
#12: 131
#13: 85
#14: 3 (b)
#15: 75
#16: 194
#17: 159
#18: 85
#19: 0
#20: 87
#21: 150
#22: 240
#23: 289
#24: 79 (b)
#25: 157
#26: 152
#27: 73
#28: 16
#29: 0
#30: 69
#31: 87
#32: 132
#33: 136
#34: 113
#35: 23
#36: 80
#37: 107
#38: 79
#39: 6
#40: 14 (b)
#41: 184
#42: 6
#43: 90
#44: 153
#45: 57
#46: 96
#47: 149
#48: 264
#49: 121
#50: 0
#51: 173


CC2 Scores

#1: 1102
#2: 1000 (b)
#3: 1500 (b)
#4: 2130
#5: 4300
#6: 4677
#7: 5290
#8: 5320
#9: 4500 (b)
#10: 5900
#11: 6730
#12: 7310
#13: 7350
#14: 7030 (b)
#15: 8250
#16: 9940
#17: 10090
#18: 9850
#19: 9500 (b)
#20: 10870
#21: 12000
#22: 13400
#23: 15390
#24: 13690
#25: 16370
#26: 14640
#27: 14230
#28: 15260
#29: 14500 (b)
#30: 15690
#31: 16370
#32: 17320
#33: 17860
#34: 18130
#35: 17730
#36: 18800
#37: 19570
#38: 19790
#39: 19560
#40: 20140 (b)
#41: 22340
#42: 21060
#43: 22400
#44: 23630
#45: 23070
#46: 23960
#47: 24990
#48: 26640
#49: 25710
#50: 25000 (b)
#51: 27230

Total Score: 719 109


Also, I have a couple of ideas/wishes for the scoreboard.

#1 - In the player score cards, could we change the wording of "Worse than public" to something less intimidating? Happy  For example "Slower than public"...
#2 - It would be neat to have one more distinction (color code) of the scores. To me, as a casual player who likes to keep scores but can't even get bold time on Lesson 1, it feels like the first three (Bold, Better than public, and Public) are for the really skilled and competitive players, and for the rest of us (me) there's only the red color. Can we have an orange color that indicates that the player has at least tried to improve the score, and not only solved the level once? That would give more incentive to improve even if I know I'll never be able to reach bold time. The orange could be for example:
a) Score is within a certain percentage of bold time (for example 2%: This means that for levels with bold of >100, 1 second away would be orange. Bold 100-149 means 2 seconds away, bolds of 150-199 means 3 seconds from bold would give an orange score)
b) Even better, but more job to calculate, would be within a certain percentage (10%?) of the bold solving time of the level (time limit - bold time). That's more fair because the longer the level, the more seconds off are allowed.
c) Another option could be to indicate if you are in the top 20 or 50 or 100 or whatever of all players on that level.

Well, these requests are just ideas and nothing I'll pursue if the rest of you think it's just bs. Tongue

Over and out!
CC2 Times


#4: 15 (+2, b)
#5: 198 (+18, b)
#6: 196 (+29, b)
#13: 89 (+4)
#15: 88 (+13)
#16: 209 (+15)
#17: 205 (+46)
#18: 89 (+4)

New times:

#52: 172
#53: 6
#54: 61
#55: 66
#56: 149
#57: 419
#58: 71
#59: 371
#60: 0
#61: 94
#62: 22
#63: 93
#64: 73
#65: 124
#66: 20
#67: 148
#68: 184
#69: 160
#70: 28
#71: 0
#72: 198
#73: 61
#74: 78
#75: 55
#76: 5
#77: 184
#78: 18


CC2 Scores


#1: 1404 (+302, b)
#4: 2150 (+20, b)
#5: 4540
#6: 5315
#13: 7490
#15: 8380
#16: 10090
#17: 10550
#18: 9890

New scores:

#52: 30710
#53: 26560
#54: 28610
#55: 28160
#56: 30490
#57: 32690
#58: 37530
#59: 33210
#60: 30050 (b)
#61: 32430
#62: 31220
#63: 32430
#64: 32730
#65: 33740
#66: 33200
#67: 34980
#68: 35840
#69: 36100
#70: 35280
#71: 35500 (b)
#72: 38480
#73: 37110
#74: 37780
#75: 38960
#76: 38050
#77: 40340
#78: 39180

Total score: 1 642 589
CC2 Times , Scores


#25: 248 , 16370
#26: 192 , 14940
#28: 165 , 15650
#31: 87 , 41450
#32: 183 , 17830
#41: 257 , 23070
#68: 266 , 36660
#69: 283 , 37330


#79: 170 , 42200
#80: 101 , 42010
#81: 219 , 42690
#82: 39 , 41390
#83: 140 , 42900
#84: 258 , 44580
#85: 2 , 42520
#86: 25 , 43250
#87: 115 , 44738
#88: 251 , 47010
#89: 1 , 44510
#90: 51 , 45510
#91: 31 , 45810
#92: 143 , 47660

Total score: 2 288 427
(Total time should be 10 035)
CC2 Times , Scores


#10: 112 , 6120
#12: 141 , 7410
#20: 94 , 10940
#22: 242 (b) , 13420
#27: 95 , 14450
#28: 174 , 16810 (additional improvement since last post)
CC2 Times, Scores


#30: 85 , 15850
#33: 182 , 18320
#34: 122 , 18220
#35: 35 , 17850
#38: 87 , 19870
#42: 11 , 21110
#43: 113 , 22630
#44: 275 , 24750
#55: 80 , 28300


#93: 10 , 46600
#94: 267 , 50560
#95: 68 , 48820
#96: 1 , 48110
#97: 111 , 49610
#98: 33 , 49330
#99: 0 , 49500
#100: 0 , 55000
#101: 110 , 51630
#102: 309 , 54200
#103: 42 , 51920
#104: 212 , 54120
#105: 95 , 53450
#106: 173 , 54730
#107: 35 , 53850
#108: 257 , 56820
#109: 117 , 63420
#110: 107 , 56070
#111: 42 , 55920
#112: 7 , 56070
#113: 47 , 56970
#114: 21 , 58210
#115: 198 , 59480
#116: 80 , 58800
#117: 137 , 59870
#118: 197 , 60970
#119: 36 , 59860
#120: 180 , 61800

Total score 3 828 357
CC2 Times, Scores
Thank you IHNN for advice on how to run faster :)

#7: 189 (b-2) , 5390 
#8: 165  , 5650 
#13: 92 (b-1) , 7490 (+0)
#15: 89 (b) , 8390 
#16: 223  , 10230 
#28: 175 (b-1) , 16810 (+0)
#30: 87 (b) , 15870 
#38: 88 (b) , 19880 
#39: 7 (b) , 19570 
#42: 12 (b) , 21200 
#56: 174  , 30490 (+0)
#61: 95 (b) , 32440 
#82: 40 (b) , 41400 
#85: 5 (b) , 42550 
#89: 13  , 44630 
#103: 67 (b-1) , 52170 
#111: 47 (b) , 55970

#121: 35  , 60850 
#122: 286  , 63860 
#123: 23  , 61730 
#124: 4 (b) , 62040 
#125: 12  , 62620 
#126: 19 (b) , 63190 
#127: 200  , 65500 

Total time: 13 972
Total score: 4 269 327
CC2 Times, Scores


#11: 18 (b-1) , 6730 (+0)
#28: 176 (b) , 16820 
#34: 125  , 18250 
#64: 127 (b-1) , 33440 
#65: 144  , 33940 
#69: 284 (b-1) , 37340 
#79: 171  , 42210 
#92: 227  , 48270


#128: 167  , 65670 
#129: 87 (b) , 65370 
#130: 86  , 66860 
#131: 174  , 69240 
#132: 181  , 67810 
#133: 149  , 67990 
#134: 75  , 67750 
#135: 232  , 69840 
#136: 198  , 69980 
#137: 28 (b) , 68780 
#138: 144  , 70440 
#139: 73  , 70230

Total time: 15 734
Total score: 5 090 867
CC2 times, scores


#18: 90 (b-1) , 9900
#23: 293 (b-1), 15430
#28: 176 (+0, b) , 16830 (+10, b-10)
#43: 117 (b) , 22670 (b)
#48: 277 , 26770
#81: 220 , 42700
#93: 13 , 46630

#140: 119 , 71190
#141: 597 , 76470
#142: 10 , 71100
#143: 122 , 72720
#144: 68 , 74520
#145: 161 , 74110
#146: 15 , 73150
#147: 15 , 73650
#148: 5 , 74050
#149: 226 , 76760
#150: 19 , 75190
#151: 76 , 77260
#152: 27 , 76270
#153: 8 , 76580
#154: 220 , 79200
#156: 214 , 80140
#157: 220 , 80700
#158: 173 , 80720
#159: 164 , 81140
#160: 230 , 82300
#161: 1 , 80510

Total time: 19 132
Total score: 6 783 187


CC2LP1 times, scores

#1: 1610 , 111
#2: 3060 , 206
#3: 2640 , 108
#4: 2150 , 15
#5: 4600 , 210
#6: 6220 , 322
#7: 5420 , 172
#8: 6410 , 241
#9: 4890 , 39
#10: 7720 , 272
#11: 5500 , 0
#12: 6320 , 32

Total time: 1 728
Total score: 56 540
CC2LP1 times, scores

#13: 132 , 7820
#14: 216 , 9160
#15: 255 , 10050
#16: 131 , 9310
#17: 158 , 10080
#18: 45 , 9500
#19: 98 , 10480
#20: 35 , 10350
#21: 91 , 11410
#22: 286 , 13860
#23: 22 , 11720
#24: 86 , 12860
#25: 16 , 12660
#26: 112 , 14120
#27: 141 , 14910
#28: 48 , 14480
#29: 239 , 16890
#30: 271 , 17710

Total time: 4 110
Total score: 273 910

Also, I noticed that I missed one score in my previous report:

CC2 time, score

#155: 682, 84320

Total time & score as reported above
CC2 times, scores

#162: 187 , 82870
#163: 136 , 82860
#164: 6 , 82060
#165: 377 , 90370
#166: 105 , 84050
#167: 271 , 86210
#168: 246 , 89460
#169: 770 , 92200
#170: 42 , 86420
#171: 636 , 91860
#172: 126 , 87260

Total time: 22 034
Total score: 7 738 807

Next is Clear Out. Can I get a helmet for that one, please?


CC2LP1 times, scores

#31: 48 , 16220
#32: 49 , 16490
#33: 235 , 19350
#34: 87 , 20870
#35: 175 , 19250
#36: 86 , 18860

Total time: 4 790
Total score: 384 950

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