Aetherstorm Roc's Scores
Here are my scores for CC1 Steam; will update as I do better optimisation.

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win 
TOTAL SCORE: 5,917,370

  # | LEVEL               | SCORE | TIME
  1 | LESSON 1            |  1320 |   82
  2 | LESSON 2            |  1900 |   90
  3 | LESSON 3            |  2380 |   88
  4 | LESSON 4            |  3160 |  116
  5 | LESSON 5            |  3340 |   84
  6 | LESSON 6            |  3930 |   93
  7 | LESSON 7            |  4840 |  134
  8 | LESSON 8            |  4960 |   96
  9 | NUTS AND BOLTS      |  7440 |  294
10 | BRUSHFIRE           |  5510 |   51
11 | TRINITY             |  7520 |  202
12 | HUNT                |  8540 |  254
13 | SOUTHPOLE           |  6500 |    0
14 | TELEBLOCK           |  8940 |  194
15 | ELEMENTARY          |  8320 |   82
16 | CELLBLOCKED         |  8000 |    0
17 | NICE DAY            |  9320 |   82
18 | CASTLE MOAT         | 14510 |  551
19 | DIGGER              | 10980 |  148
20 | TOSSED SALAD        | 13350 |  335
21 | ICEBERG             | 11660 |  116
22 | FORCED ENTRY        | 13300 |  230
23 | BLOBNET             | 12890 |  139
24 | OORTO GELD          | 15690 |  369
25 | BLINK               | 16650 |  415
26 | CHCHCHIPS           | 15380 |  238
27 | GO WITH THE FLOW    | 14860 |  136
28 | PING PONG           | 16010 |  201
29 | ARCTICFLOW          | 16550 |  205
30 | MISHMESH            | 18380 |  338
31 | KNOT                | 15530 |    3
32 | SCAVENGER HUNT      | 19720 |  372
33 | ON THE ROCKS        | 16500 |    0
34 | CYPHER              | 19970 |  297
35 | LEMMINGS            | 21530 |  403
36 | LADDER              | 20310 |  231
37 | SEEING STARS        | 21630 |  313
38 | SAMPLER             | 23490 |  449
39 | GLUT                | 19650 |   15
40 | FLOORGASBORG        | 21910 |  191
41 | I.C. YOU            | 22100 |  160
42 | BEWARE OF BUG       | 22870 |  187
43 | LOCK BLOCK          | 22690 |  119
44 | REFRACTION          | 23390 |  139
45 | MONSTER LAB         | 25360 |  286
46 | THREE DOORS         | 24990 |  199
47 | PIER SEVEN          | 25640 |  214
48 | MUGGER SQUARE       | 26670 |  267
49 | PROBLEMS            | 25930 |  143
50 | DIGDIRT             | 25520 |   52
51 | I SLIDE             | 31990 |  649
52 | THE LAST LAUGGH     | 29810 |  381
53 | TRAFFIC COP         | 30920 |  442
54 | GRAIL               | 29920 |  292
55 | POTPOURRI           | 28150 |   65
56 | DEEPFREEZE          | 29470 |  147
57 | STRANGE MAZE        | 30710 |  221
58 | LOOP AROUND         | 34370 |  537
59 | HIDDEN DANGER       | 33150 |  365
60 | SCOUNDREL           | 32870 |  287
61 | RINK                | 30500 |    0
62 | SLO MO              | 33770 |  277
63 | BLOCK FACTORY       | 36210 |  471
64 | SPOOKS              | 36030 |  403
65 | AMSTERDAM           | 35950 |  345
66 | VICTIM              | 35890 |  289
67 | CHIPMINE            | 37860 |  436
68 | EENY MINY MOE       | 37450 |  345
69 | BOUNCE CITY         | 36610 |  211
70 | NIGHTMARE           | 36330 |  133
71 | CORRIDOR            | 38850 |  335
72 | REVERSE ALLEY       | 36000 |    0
73 | MORTON              | 40230 |  373
74 | PLAYTIME            | 40480 |  348
75 | STEAM               | 42280 |  478
76 | FOUR PLEX           | 39550 |  155
77 | INVINVIBLE CHAMPION | 43030 |  453
78 | FORCE SQUARE        | 43350 |  435
79 | DRAWN AND QUARTERED | 41560 |  206
80 | VANISHING ACT       | 45480 |  548
81 | WRITERS BLOCK       | 40500 |    0
82 | SOCIALIST ACTION    | 50570 |  957
83 | UP THE BLOCK        | 44310 |  281
84 | WARS                | 47780 |  578
85 | TELENET             | 44510 |  201
86 | SUICIDE             | 46790 |  379
87 | CITYBLOCK           | 43500 |    0
88 | SPIRALS             | 47040 |  304
89 | BLOCK BUSTER        | 47410 |  291
90 | PLAYHOUSE           | 47990 |  299
91 | JUMPING SWARM       | 49070 |  357
92 | VORTEX              | 50170 |  417
93 | ROADSIGN            | 51910 |  541
94 | NOW YOU SEE IT      | 47000 |    0
95 | FOUR SQUARE         | 50830 |  333
96 | PARANOIA            | 51090 |  309
97 | METASTABLE TO CHAOS | 49670 |  117
98 | SHRINKING           | 51770 |  277
99 | CATACOMBS           | 51550 |  205
100 | COLONY              | 50000 |    0
101 | APARTMENT           | 52890 |  239
102 | ICEHOUSE            | 52730 |  173
103 | MEMORY              | 55710 |  421
104 | JAILER              | 53630 |  163
105 | SHORT CIRCUIT       | 54750 |  225
106 | KABLAM              | 53000 |    0
107 | BALLS O FIRE        | 55240 |  174
108 | BLOCK OUT           | 55940 |  194
109 | TORTURECHAMBER      | 55780 |  128
110 | CHILLER             | 57370 |  237
111 | TIME LAPSE          | 55500 |    0
112 | FORTUNE FAVOURS THE | 56000 |    0
113 | OPEN QUESTION       | 58880 |  238
114 | DECEPTION           | 58740 |  174
115 | OVERSEA DELIVERY    | 57500 |    0
116 | BLOCK BUSTER II     | 63150 |  515
117 | THE MARSH           | 58500 |    0
118 | MISS DIRECTION      | 61480 |  248
119 | SLIDE STEP          | 61030 |  153
120 | ALPHABET SOUP       | 60000 |    0
121 | PERFECT MATCH       | 60500 |    0
122 | TOTALLY FAIR        | 63600 |  260
123 | THE PRISONER        | 64030 |  253
124 | FIRETRAP            | 67110 |  511
125 | MIXED NUTS          | 62500 |    0
126 | BLOCK AND ROLL      | 64520 |  152
127 | SKELZIE             | 67880 |  438
128 | ALL FULL            | 66160 |  216
129 | LOBSTER TRAP        | 67010 |  251
130 | ICE CUBE            | 65000 |    0
131 | TOTALLY UNFAIR      | 65560 |    6
132 | MIX UP              | 69670 |  367
133 | BLOBDANCE           | 66500 |    0
134 | PAIN                | 67000 |    0
135 | TRUST ME            | 70050 |  255
136 | DOUBLEMAZE          | 68000 |    0
137 | GOLDKEY             | 72100 |  360
138 | PARTIAL POST        | 69770 |   77
139 | YORKHOUSE           | 69500 |    0
140 | ICEDEATH            | 72390 |  239
141 | UNDERGROUND         | 70500 |    0
142 | PENTAGRAM           | 71000 |    0
143 | STRIPES?            | 71500 |    0
144 | FIREFLIES           | 72000 |    0
145 | THANKS TO...        | 72500 |    0
146 | CAKE WALK           | 77990 |  499
147 | FORCE FIELD         | 73500 |    0
148 | MIND BLOCK          | 74000 |    0
149 | SPECIAL             | 83950 |  945
Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Managed to change 2 b-1s to 2 bs. Thanks for the help guys!

# | LEVEL     | SCORE | TIME
7 | LESSON 7  |  4850 |  135
60 | SCOUNDREL | 32880 |  288
Score updates - 8 bolds achieved!

Also, the scores I posted yesterday havn't been updated. No problem if you just havn't got round to it yet, I just didn't want them to be forgotten!

Chip Win Teeth Chip Win

#  | LEVEL          | SCORE | TIME
9  | NUTS AND BOLTS |  7500 | 300
11 | TRINITY        |  7540 | 204
12 | HUNT           |  8690 | 269
14 | TELEBLOCK      |  8980 | 198
15 | ELEMENTARY     |  8380 |  88
18 | CASTLE MOAT    | 14520 | 552
19 | DIGGER         | 11210 | 171
20 | TOSSED SALAD   | 13400 | 340

Chip Win Teeth Chip Win
Here are my scores for CC2LP1!
A really awesome set; such fun to play. Can't wait to improve these scores.

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win

1: 160 | 3590 (Island Beginnings)
2: 305 | 5250 (Wrong of Way)
3: 159 | 3150 (A Little Help)
4: 5 | 4050 (Cave Diving)
5: 119 | 5690 (Button Museum)
6: 386 | 6860 (How to Item Drop Like a Champ)
7: 85 | 4650 (Tori)
8: 249 | 7490 (Brigand Land)
9: 219 | 6690 (What's a Girl to Do?)
10: 286 | 7860 (Blocksmith)
11: 0 | 5500 (When One Door Closes)
12: 344 | 9440 (Spreading Like Wildfire)
13: 130 | 7800 (Temporary Housing)
14: 186 | 8860 (Getting Off Track)
15: 226 | 9760 (Slip Up)
16: 202 | 10020 (A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity)
17: 174 | 10240 (Key Keeper)
18: 190 | 12100 (Dialectic Materialism)
19: 122 | 10720 (Restricted Areas)
20: 96 | 10960 (Tetromino Trek)
21: 90 | 11400 (Stepping With Stones)
22: 192 | 13920 (Wire You Doing This)
23: 103 | 12530 (Trans-Pachipic Partnership)
24: 94 | 14940 (If Walls Could Speak)
25: 157 | 14370 (Solitary Alignment)
26: 160 | 14600 (My Antisocial Friend)
27: 306 | 16960 (Dropping In)
28: 107 | 15070 (Bootiful)
29: 243 | 16930 (Secret Escape Tunnel)
30: 309 | 18090 (The Electric Company)
31: 182 | 17628 (A Helping Hand)
32: 12 | 16120 (Ball of Blocks)
33: 349 | 20540 (Trial by Fire)
34: 339 | 22390 (Relics of a Lost Age)
35: 46 | 17960 (Bowling in the Sewer)
36: 78 | 18780 (Metalhead)
37: 202 | 20520 (Haunted Swamp)
38: 178 | 20780 (Prism Prison)
39: 181 | 21310 (Slime Minister)
40: 133 | 21330 (A Real Thinker)
41: 131 | 21810 (Teeth on Edge)
42: 239 | 24390 (Mellow Yellow, Hello)
43: 164 | 23140 (Tulip Garden)
44: 260 | 24600 (Caught Flatfooted)
45: 167 | 24170 (Settlement of Arrakis)
46: 47 | 25690 (Axis)
47: 164 | 25140 (Lowlife)
48: 122 | 25220 (Get Behind Me, Satan)
49: 199 | 26490 (Sokobomb)
50: 214 | 27140 (Point Nemo)
51: 347 | 30970 (Faces in the Mirror)
52: 243 | 28430 (Stopgap Measure)
53: 64 | 27140 (In a Minefield)
54: 0 | 27000 (Green Wrangler)
55: 126 | 29360 (Warning: Oncoming Maze)
56: 237 | 30370 (Asceticism)
57: 113 | 29630 (Poison Backyard)
58: 235 | 31350 (Caveat Emptor)
59: 22 | 29720 (Set in Motion)
60: 119 | 31190 (Green Thumb)
61: 122 | 31720 (Broken Railyard)
62: 413 | 35130 (Sosie)
63: 244 | 42140 (Swivel Tombs)
64: 139 | 33390 (Flowers of Power)
65: 312 | 35620 (Left Behind Again)
66: 104 | 34040 (Insane Asylum)
67: 494 | 38440 (Before My Very Eyes)
68: 198 | 35980 (Pipe Maze)
69: 2 | 34540 (Nameplate Stamping Facility)
70: 270 | 37700 (Multiplicare)
71: 237 | 38470 (Hyacinth)
72: 219 | 38190 (Rage Rooms)
73: 405 | 40550 (Foiled Again)
74: 264 | 40440 (The Floodgates Open)
75: 109 | 40790 (Excavation Alley)
76: 65 | 42650 (Three Mile Island)
77: 264 | 41140 (Repeaters)
78: 316 | 42160 (Blocked In)
79: 323 | 42730 (Marine Science Museum)
80: 327 | 43270 (Forest Hub)
81: 367 | 44370 (Bomb Blockade)
82: 140 | 42400 (Bit Player)
83: 408 | 45580 (Electric Feel)
84: 351 | 45510 (Avec des Reserves)
85: 133 | 43830 (Double Agent)
86: 496 | 47960 (Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster)
87: 433 | 47930 (Of the Roses)
88: 206 | 46060 (Highlighter)
89: 280 | 47700 (Chip and Melinda Go Skating)
90: 42 | 45420 (Time in a Bottle)
91: 212 | 47620 (chipdied.wmv)
92: 250 | 52600 (Cosmic Dump)
93: 309 | 49590 (Warp)
94: 243 | 49430 (Various Hues of Blue)
95: 263 | 50130 (Strike!)
96: 121 | 53210 (Sentinel Beach)
97: 464 | 59140 (Around the Corner)
98: 361 | 52610 (Gentlemen's Club)
99: 39 | 49890 (Delirium)
100: 273 | 52730 (Treasure Collection)
101: 244 | 52940 (Ectoplasm)
102: 274 | 53740 (Haystack)
103: 371 | 55510 (Powder Monkey)
104: 320 | 55200 (Filled Out in Triplicate)
105: 436 | 56860 (Remote Detonator)
106: 145 | 54450 (Cold Lazarus)
107: 0 | 54500 (Complex Complex)
108: 230 | 56450 (Virtue Is Its Own Reward)
109: 0 | 55100 (Present Push)
110: 38 | 55880 (Hoopla)
111: 35 | 55850 (Ruin Rush)
112: 246 | 58460 (The Amazing Vortex)
113: 215 | 58750 (Casper)
114: 265 | 59650 (Pairing Off)
115: 397 | 62570 (Cheese)
116: 147 | 59510 (Snail Simulator 2019)
117: 113 | 59630 (Get Your Hands Dirty)
118: 5 | 59165 (Phantoms)
119: 142 | 60920 (Confetti)
120: 48 | 60480 (Ultimate Roller Priorities)
121: 335 | 63850 (Permutation)
122: 280 | 63930 (Pushing Pull Doors)
123: 374 | 65840 (Bar)
124: 343 | 66430 (Waterfall)
125: 7 | 66420 (Touka)
126: 250 | 65500 (Be Optimal or Be Dead)
127: 153 | 65030 (One Good Turn)
128: 270 | 66700 (Line)
129: 173 | 66280 (Small Matters)
130: 345 | 70450 (Northlands)
131: 400 | 69500 (Wormhole in the Sun)
132: 346 | 73310 (Furi)
133: 221 | 69310 (Boiled in Blood)
134: 125 | 68250 (The 34 Primroses)
135: 178 | 69280 (Military Intelligence)
136: 317 | 74050 (Eastbound)
137: 316 | 71660 (Meeting in the Aisle)
138: 121 | 71810 (Greedy Twin)
139: 0 | 69500 (Reverse Osmosis)
140: 344 | 73540 (Title Deferred)
141: 157 | 72070 (Thin Blue Line)
142: 278 | 73780 (Aten: Disk of the Sun)
143: 516 | 76660 (Wallcrawling)
144: 0 | 72000 (Marktkanaal)
145: 239 | 74890 (Lady in the Water)
146: 76 | 73760 (Quadrathlon)
147: 196 | 75860 (Fill in the Blanks)
148: 435 | 78350 (Total Eclipse of the Port)
149: 22 | 74720 (Bye Bye Bye)
150: 263 | 77630 (Joint Effort)
151: 121 | 77710 (No Swap Zone)
152: 484 | 80840 (Flamechanger)
153: 92 | 77420 (Slow-Motion Hallway Fight Sequence)
154: 259 | 79590 (Autopilot)
155: 523 | 83730 (Number Field)
156: 447 | 82570 (Uptown Decisions)
157: 324 | 83840 (Archival Footage)
158: 486 | 86360 (The Gift of Giving)
159: 0 | 79500 (Cut the Ice)
160: 169 | 81790 (Sneak Around)
161: 295 | 83680 (Chaos to Metastable)
162: 463 | 86030 (Ode to a Tank Crossing the Road)
163: 205 | 83550 (Boot Warehouse)
164: 74 | 83950 (Deadline Extension)
165: 276 | 85760 (Cold Comfort)
166: 339 | 87390 (Triple-B Battery)
167: 0 | 83500 (Wizard's Prison)
168: 189 | 85890 (Aquatos Sewer System)
169: 280 | 87772 (Love and Theft)
170: 386 | 88960 (Circuit City)
171: 0 | 85500 (Fuse)
172: 334 | 89515 (Anarchaeology)
173: 500 | 91500 (Tiny Isle Reshuffled)
174: 106 | 88260 (Objectification)
175: 439 | 93890 (Mobile Cannon Mr. McCallahan)
176: 351 | 91510 (Double Stop)
177: 336 | 91860 (The Wrong Direction)
178: 96 | 89960 (Tank of Justice)
179: 435 | 94100 (Oversaturated Contrast)
180: 337 | 93870 (Slither)
181: 33 | 91030 (Bringin' Down the House)
182: 280 | 93800 (Two Minds)
183: 368 | 120220 (Triple Threat)
184: 703 | 99030 (Production Line)
185: 465 | 122150 (Bigger Boulder Alley)
186: 471 | 102920 (Pushing the Boundaries)
187: 0 | 93500 (Return Strategies)
188: 470 | 99710 (Noen Cheoc)
189: 67 | 95170 (Liquid Defense)
190: 281 | 97810 (Blocko's Modern Life)
191: 421 | 99710 (Leaving It All Behind)
192: 598 | 106980 (Sequence)
193: 182 | 98320 (Connected Component)
194: 303 | 101080 (Give Up the Ghost)
195: 0 | 97500 (Teleblast)
196: 540 | 103400 (The Girl Who Was Left Behind)
197: 0 | 98540 (Primed)
198: 0 | 103000 (Great Train Robbery)
199: 595 | 105450 (Obfuscated and Interred)
200: 0 | 102000 (Swivel Castle)

Total: 10,659,690
Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
I fixed my CC2LP1 save file so now my Tiny Isle Reshuffled score is valid. Some other improvements to scores as well.

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Chips Challenge 2 Level Pack 1
2: 160 | 3820 (Island Beginnings)
3: 359 | 5750 (Wrong of Way)
4: 159 | 3150 (A Little Help)
5: 5 | 4050 (Cave Diving)
6: 119 | 5690 (Button Museum)
7: 443 | 7430 (How to Item Drop Like a Champ)
8: 271 | 6510 (Tori)
9: 254 | 7540 (Brigand Land)
10: 240 | 6900 (What's a Girl to Do?)
11: 355 | 8550 (Blocksmith)
12: 0 | 5500 (When One Door Closes)
13: 344 | 9440 (Spreading Like Wildfire)
14: 130 | 7800 (Temporary Housing)
15: 186 | 8860 (Getting Off Track)
16: 226 | 9760 (Slip Up)
17: 202 | 10020 (A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity)
18: 174 | 10240 (Key Keeper)
19: 337 | 13570 (Dialectic Materialism)
20: 122 | 10720 (Restricted Areas)
21: 96 | 10960 (Tetromino Trek)
22: 113 | 11630 (Stepping With Stones)
23: 326 | 15260 (Wire You Doing This)
24: 208 | 13580 (Trans-Pachipic Partnership)
25: 158 | 15580 (If Walls Could Speak)
26: 246 | 15260 (Solitary Alignment)
27: 224 | 15240 (My Antisocial Friend)
28: 311 | 17210 (Dropping In)
29: 112 | 15120 (Bootiful)
30: 249 | 16990 (Secret Escape Tunnel)
31: 309 | 18090 (The Electric Company)
32: 198 | 17838 (A Helping Hand)
33: 63 | 16630 (Ball of Blocks)
34: 349 | 20540 (Trial by Fire)
35: 339 | 22390 (Relics of a Lost Age)
36: 242 | 19920 (Bowling in the Sewer)
37: 96 | 18960 (Metalhead)
38: 202 | 20520 (Haunted Swamp)
39: 178 | 20780 (Prism Prison)
40: 181 | 21310 (Slime Minister)
41: 139 | 21390 (A Real Thinker)
42: 162 | 22120 (Teeth on Edge)
43: 239 | 24390 (Mellow Yellow, Hello)
44: 164 | 23140 (Tulip Garden)
45: 264 | 24640 (Caught Flatfooted)
46: 167 | 24170 (Settlement of Arrakis)
47: 47 | 25690 (Axis)
48: 164 | 25140 (Lowlife)
49: 140 | 25400 (Get Behind Me, Satan)
50: 199 | 26490 (Sokobomb)
51: 232 | 27320 (Point Nemo)
52: 347 | 30970 (Faces in the Mirror)
53: 243 | 28430 (Stopgap Measure)
54: 64 | 27140 (In a Minefield)
55: 0 | 27000 (Green Wrangler)
56: 126 | 29360 (Warning: Oncoming Maze)
57: 237 | 30370 (Asceticism)
58: 163 | 30130 (Poison Backyard)
59: 235 | 31350 (Caveat Emptor)
60: 22 | 29720 (Set in Motion)
61: 119 | 31190 (Green Thumb)
62: 122 | 31720 (Broken Railyard)
63: 413 | 35130 (Sosie)
64: 273 | 42430 (Swivel Tombs)
65: 139 | 33390 (Flowers of Power)
66: 312 | 35620 (Left Behind Again)
67: 117 | 34170 (Insane Asylum)
68: 585 | 39350 (Before My Very Eyes)
69: 198 | 35980 (Pipe Maze)
70: 82 | 35320 (Nameplate Stamping Facility)
71: 276 | 37760 (Multiplicare)
72: 237 | 38470 (Hyacinth)
73: 219 | 38190 (Rage Rooms)
74: 405 | 40550 (Foiled Again)
75: 264 | 40440 (The Floodgates Open)
76: 109 | 40790 (Excavation Alley)
77: 65 | 42650 (Three Mile Island)
78: 264 | 41140 (Repeaters)
79: 398 | 43980 (Blocked In)
80: 365 | 43150 (Marine Science Museum)
81: 443 | 44430 (Forest Hub)
82: 367 | 44370 (Bomb Blockade)
83: 140 | 42400 (Bit Player)
84: 408 | 45580 (Electric Feel)
85: 351 | 45510 (Avec des Reserves)
86: 133 | 43830 (Double Agent)
87: 496 | 47960 (Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster)
88: 433 | 47930 (Of the Roses)
89: 206 | 46060 (Highlighter)
90: 280 | 47700 (Chip and Melinda Go Skating)
91: 42 | 45420 (Time in a Bottle)
92: 212 | 47620 (chipdied.wmv)
93: 250 | 52600 (Cosmic Dump)
94: 309 | 49590 (Warp)
95: 243 | 49430 (Various Hues of Blue)
96: 263 | 50130 (Strike!)
97: 121 | 53210 (Sentinel Beach)
98: 464 | 59140 (Around the Corner)
99: 361 | 52610 (Gentlemen's Club)
100: 373 | 53230 (Delirium)
101: 273 | 52730 (Treasure Collection)
102: 244 | 52940 (Ectoplasm)
103: 274 | 53740 (Haystack)
104: 371 | 55510 (Powder Monkey)
105: 320 | 55200 (Filled Out in Triplicate)
106: 436 | 56860 (Remote Detonator)
107: 145 | 54450 (Cold Lazarus)
108: 0 | 54500 (Complex Complex)
109: 230 | 56450 (Virtue Is Its Own Reward)
110: 0 | 55100 (Present Push)
111: 318 | 58680 (Hoopla)
112: 35 | 55850 (Ruin Rush)
113: 246 | 58460 (The Amazing Vortex)
114: 215 | 58750 (Casper)
115: 265 | 59650 (Pairing Off)
116: 397 | 62570 (Cheese)
117: 147 | 59510 (Snail Simulator 2019)
118: 113 | 59630 (Get Your Hands Dirty)
119: 5 | 59165 (Phantoms)
120: 142 | 60920 (Confetti)
121: 48 | 60480 (Ultimate Roller Priorities)
122: 344 | 63940 (Permutation)
123: 280 | 63930 (Pushing Pull Doors)
124: 374 | 65840 (Bar)
125: 343 | 66430 (Waterfall)
126: 7 | 66420 (Touka)
127: 250 | 65500 (Be Optimal or Be Dead)
128: 153 | 65030 (One Good Turn)
129: 270 | 66700 (Line)
130: 173 | 66280 (Small Matters)
131: 345 | 70450 (Northlands)
132: 400 | 69500 (Wormhole in the Sun)
133: 346 | 73310 (Furi)
134: 221 | 69310 (Boiled in Blood)
135: 125 | 68250 (The 34 Primroses)
136: 178 | 69280 (Military Intelligence)
137: 317 | 74050 (Eastbound)
138: 316 | 71660 (Meeting in the Aisle)
139: 121 | 71810 (Greedy Twin)
140: 0 | 69500 (Reverse Osmosis)
141: 344 | 73540 (Title Deferred)
142: 157 | 72070 (Thin Blue Line)
143: 278 | 73780 (Aten: Disk of the Sun)
144: 516 | 76660 (Wallcrawling)
145: 0 | 72000 (Marktkanaal)
146: 239 | 74890 (Lady in the Water)
147: 76 | 73760 (Quadrathlon)
148: 196 | 75860 (Fill in the Blanks)
149: 435 | 78350 (Total Eclipse of the Port)
150: 22 | 74720 (Bye Bye Bye)
151: 263 | 77630 (Joint Effort)
152: 121 | 77710 (No Swap Zone)
153: 484 | 80840 (Flamechanger)
154: 92 | 77420 (Slow-Motion Hallway Fight Sequence)
155: 259 | 79590 (Autopilot)
156: 523 | 83730 (Number Field)
157: 447 | 82570 (Uptown Decisions)
158: 324 | 83840 (Archival Footage)
159: 486 | 86360 (The Gift of Giving)
160: 0 | 79500 (Cut the Ice)
161: 169 | 81790 (Sneak Around)
162: 295 | 83680 (Chaos to Metastable)
163: 463 | 86030 (Ode to a Tank Crossing the Road)
164: 205 | 83550 (Boot Warehouse)
165: 74 | 83950 (Deadline Extension)
166: 276 | 85760 (Cold Comfort)
167: 339 | 87390 (Triple-B Battery)
168: 0 | 83500 (Wizard's Prison)
169: 189 | 85890 (Aquatos Sewer System)
170: 280 | 87772 (Love and Theft)
171: 386 | 88960 (Circuit City)
172: 0 | 85500 (Fuse)
173: 334 | 89515 (Anarchaeology)
174: 273 | 89230 (Tiny Isle Reshuffled)
175: 318 | 90380 (Objectification)
176: 489 | 96390 (Mobile Cannon Mr. McCallahan)
177: 351 | 91510 (Double Stop)
178: 336 | 91860 (The Wrong Direction)
179: 96 | 89960 (Tank of Justice)
180: 435 | 94100 (Oversaturated Contrast)
181: 337 | 93870 (Slither)
182: 33 | 91030 (Bringin' Down the House)
183: 280 | 93800 (Two Minds)
184: 368 | 120220 (Triple Threat)
185: 903 | 104230 (Production Line)
186: 465 | 122150 (Bigger Boulder Alley)
187: 471 | 102920 (Pushing the Boundaries)
188: 0 | 93500 (Return Strategies)
189: 470 | 99710 (Noen Cheoc)
190: 67 | 95170 (Liquid Defense)
191: 378 | 98780 (Blocko's Modern Life)
192: 421 | 99710 (Leaving It All Behind)
193: 598 | 106980 (Sequence)
194: 182 | 98320 (Connected Component)
195: 303 | 101080 (Give Up the Ghost)
196: 0 | 97500 (Teleblast)
197: 540 | 103400 (The Girl Who Was Left Behind)
198: 0 | 98540 (Primed)
199: 0 | 103000 (Great Train Robbery)
200: 595 | 105450 (Obfuscated and Interred)
201: 0 | 102000 (Swivel Castle)
Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Figured I should post my scores for CC2 so here they are.
I know my save file has some issues because of how it looks in game so if there are any wierd score reports here that's why; having said that, the scores list generated by GliderBot seems okay upon a quick inspection.

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Chips Challenge 2
1: 0 | 1404 (LESSON 1)
2: 0 | 1000 (ALL ICE)
3: 0 | 1500 (KEY MANIA)
4: 15 | 2150 (ALL SHOOK UP)
5: 196 | 4560 (DOWN AND OUT)
6: 196 | 5436 (DOOR WAYS)
7: 191 | 9320 (TURTLE BLOCKS)
8: 169 | 5690 (SWIVELS)
9: 0 | 4500 (LESSON 2)
10: 115 | 6150 (ALONE)
11: 19 | 6770 (TUMBLERS)
12: 145 | 7450 (FORCE PERIMETER)
13: 93 | 7530 (SEVEN UP)
14: 3 | 7030 (RUN-AROUND)
15: 89 | 8390 (WATCH YOUR STEP)
16: 221 | 10210 (SEA TURTLES)
17: 203 | 10530 (FROZEN)
18: 79 | 9790 (NO TURNING BACK)
19: 0 | 9500 (LESSON 3)
20: 96 | 10960 (COBBLER)
21: 222 | 12720 (EIGHT WAYS)
22: 242 | 14060 (MIND GAME)
23: 294 | 15440 (TRICKED YA!)
24: 78 | 13730 (JAY WALKER)
25: 249 | 17290 (TRIATHLON)
26: 196 | 15080 (CHAMBER BOMB)
27: 96 | 14460 (CLIMBING)
28: 140 | 16500 (SAPPER DO)
29: 0 | 14500 (LESSON 4)
30: 87 | 15870 (INLAY)
31: 92 | 41290 (ICE DANCING)
32: 185 | 17850 (REVELATIONS)
33: 183 | 18330 (IDENTITY CRISIS)
34: 125 | 18250 (GLOBS)
35: 35 | 17850 (CHIPS?)
36: 89 | 18890 (SPRING MINES)
37: 145 | 19950 (HOTKEYS)
38: 88 | 19880 (QUICK TIME)
39: 7 | 19570 (QUICK TIME II)
40: 14 | 20140 (QUICK TIME III)
41: 257 | 23070 (FREEZE FRAME)
42: 10 | 21200 (YOU MUST BE JOKING)
43: 117 | 22670 (RETICULATING SPLINES)
44: 163 | 24830 (SILO BOMBER)
45: 117 | 23670 (MIDDLE SCHOOL)
46: 342 | 26420 (LONG LOST FRIEND)
47: 158 | 25080 (DESERT OASIS)
48: 280 | 26800 (TRIAL OF ELEMENTS)
49: 110 | 25600 (CAITLYN'S MAZE)
50: 0 | 25000 (LESSON 5)
51: 200 | 27500 (MAZES)
52: 175 | 31970 (CONFUSION)
53: 12 | 26620 (QUICKCHIP)
54: 82 | 28820 (SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE)
55: 80 | 28300 (T-N-T TIME)
56: 181 | 30810 (QUICK THINKING)
57: 427 | 32770 (MONTY HAUL)
58: 55 | 37550 (GOLD RUSH)
59: 375 | 33250 (TRIAL AND ERROR?)
60: 0 | 30050 (LESSON 6)
61: 95 | 32440 (FEEDING TIME)
62: 30 | 31300 (GRAB BAG)
63: 144 | 32940 (DISCIPLE)
64: 127 | 33460 (PRACTICE)
65: 166 | 34160 (CHIP HIMSELF)
66: 26 | 33260 (ELECTRIC TRAP)
67: 215 | 35650 (GHOST TRAP)
68: 235 | 36350 (LIGHTS OUT)
69: 254 | 37040 (LOOKALIKE)
70: 59 | 35590 (RAIL BOWLING)
71: 0 | 35500 (LESSON 7)
72: 215 | 38650 (ON AND OFF)
73: 60 | 37100 (GHOST BRIDGE)
74: 85 | 37850 (MUSH)
75: 54 | 39020 (DRESS CODE)
76: 54 | 38540 (THAW)
77: 152 | 40030 (THE ROVER ROOM)
78: 24 | 39240 (STRICT PROCESS)
79: 171 | 42210 (ONION)
80: 134 | 42340 (CHIP PALACE)
81: 221 | 42710 (CAMPFIRES)
82: 38 | 41380 (AVALANCHE)
83: 220 | 43700 (DOUBLE DARE)
84: 160 | 45700 (OFF KEY)
85: 5 | 42550 (SCRAMBLED EGGS)
86: 33 | 43330 (TANK HELP)
87: 234 | 46188 (X MARKS THE SPOT)
88: 301 | 48010 (ESCAPE)
89: 5 | 44550 (CLOSET)
90: 68 | 45680 (EVIL TWIN)
91: 31 | 45810 (MONSTER RACE)
92: 96 | 48190 (TRIPWIRES)
93: 22 | 46720 (APARTMENTS)
94: 198 | 50120 (DECISIONS)
95: 75 | 50380 (OUROBOROS)
96: 1 | 48110 (EASY?)
97: 112 | 49620 (THINK FAST)
98: 223 | 51230 (SIBLING RIVALRY)
99: 0 | 49500 (BINARY)
100: 0 | 154000 (CRAZY)
101: 127 | 51770 (TANK BLOCKER)
102: 414 | 55420 (OBSTACLES)
103: 67 | 52170 (RUNWAY)
104: 241 | 54410 (PIECES OF EIGHT)
105: 115 | 53650 (ALL-IN-ONE)
106: 182 | 54820 (MAZE OF THE OBEYOR)
107: 38 | 53880 (WING AND A PRAYER)
108: 320 | 58530 (REPAER MIRG)
109: 109 | 60790 (SAY "CHEESE")
110: 19 | 55190 (FLEA MARKET)
111: 47 | 55970 (SDRAWKCAB)
112: 6 | 56060 (BOWL TO FREEDOM)
113: 71 | 57210 (TEETH ATTACK)
114: 56 | 58560 (IN THE LONG RUN)
115: 287 | 63670 (DOUBLE TROUBLE)
116: 71 | 58710 (GHOSTBOMBS)
117: 187 | 60370 (ROOM #9)
118: 202 | 61020 (SHIP AHOY)
119: 62 | 65590 (GHOST)
120: 244 | 62440 (FOURSOME)
121: 84 | 61340 (FLIP-FLOP)
122: 328 | 64280 (FIRE AND ICE)
123: 25 | 61750 (CHAOSLANDS)
124: 4 | 62040 (YELLOW BRICK ROAD)
125: 33 | 62830 (WOLFPACK)
126: 19 | 63190 (ICE THREAT)
127: 150 | 65000 (BOMBER MAZE)
128: 189 | 65890 (WINTER IN THE MARSH)
129: 87 | 65370 (FIRING RANGE)
130: 89 | 66890 (NONSENSE)
131: 98 | 68480 (JETLINE)
132: 225 | 68250 (BREAKING IN)
133: 171 | 68210 (PANIC CHIP)
134: 78 | 67780 (RE:THINK)
135: 266 | 71180 (CLUELESS)
136: 331 | 72010 (BIG HOUSE)
137: 28 | 68780 (ON THE RUN)
138: 143 | 70430 (CONSTRUCTION ZONE)
139: 87 | 70370 (RE:THINK II)
140: 153 | 71530 (REBEL)
141: 167 | 72170 (LOGIC PRISON)
142: 14 | 71140 (FISH AND CHIPS)
143: 237 | 73870 (CAVERNS)
144: 63 | 74580 (THE VILLAGE)
145: 218 | 74680 (TURNING POINT)
146: 27 | 73270 (BARRICADE BRIGADE)
147: 13 | 73630 (FACTORY)
148: 40 | 74400 (TANK RUSH)
149: 250 | 77000 (BANQUET HALL)
150: 31 | 75310 (RUSH)
151: 81 | 84310 (MINEFIELD)
152: 27 | 76270 (PATTERN BUFFERS)
153: 45 | 76950 (DEATHTRAP)
154: 358 | 96580 (PIGEON HOLES)
155: 512 | 82620 (VENICE)
156: 227 | 80270 (IN THE SLIME)
157: 233 | 80830 (SWIVEL MOTEL)
158: 197 | 80970 (NO EASY TASK)
159: 301 | 82510 (IN & OUT)
160: 244 | 84045 (ANTARCTICA)
161: 3 | 80530 (DODGEBALL)
162: 168 | 82680 (ICE CASTLE)
163: 279 | 84290 (BLOX)
164: 4 | 82040 (CROSS-CIRCUIT)
165: 267 | 89370 (MELINDA 911)
166: 108 | 84080 (QUADRO)
167: 254 | 86040 (PREY)
168: 177 | 88770 (PHASE FOUR)
169: 303 | 87630 (BOMBS QUAD)
170: 257 | 88770 (PRACTICE TO PERFECT)
171: 682 | 92320 (HAUNTED CASTLE)
172: 117 | 87170 (CAMPGROUNDS)
173: 73 | 87230 (CLEAR OUT)
174: 301 | 93120 (BLOCKY TROUBLE)
175: 189 | 89390 (THINKTANK)
176: 248 | 94980 (LINE AND SINKER)
177: 38 | 88890 (MINE CHALLENGE)
178: 384 | 95240 (BREAKING THE ICE)
179: 677 | 96270 (IN & OUT II)
180: 208 | 92080 (SMUGGLER)
181: 87 | 91370 (DEADMEAT)
182: 269 | 96230 (SEA QUEUE)
183: 69 | 92190 (HIRED HAND)
184: 78 | 98410 (GEARS)
185: 287 | 95370 (SLAMBAM)
186: 172 | 95720 (DA BOMB)
187: 445 | 97950 (ENDANGERED SPECIES)
188: 268 | 96680 (CLONE)
189: 2 | 94520 (ISLAND )
190: 120 | 96200 (DYSPHORIA)
191: 192 | 97420 (PUSH UP MAZE)
192: 53 | 96530 (BOILER ROOM)
193: 159 | 102090 (TANK WAR)
194: 141 | 102410 (MEMORIES)
195: 22 | 99940 (SPARE ME)
196: 158 | 100180 (SWAMP)
197: 194 | 100440 (BLOCKCOMBO 4)
198: 59 | 99590 (CHIP OFF THE BLOCK)
199: 402 | 111520 (ROOM TO BREATHE)
200: 0 | 104000 (CRAZY II)
Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Fixed again scores for CC2LP1 (now starts at 1 and finishes at 200!)

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Chips Challenge 2 Level Pack 1
1: 160 | 3820 (Island Beginnings)
2: 359 | 5750 (Wrong of Way)
3: 159 | 3150 (A Little Help)
4: 5 | 4050 (Cave Diving)
5: 119 | 5690 (Button Museum)
6: 443 | 7430 (How to Item Drop Like a Champ)
7: 271 | 6510 (Tori)
8: 254 | 7540 (Brigand Land)
9: 240 | 6900 (What's a Girl to Do?)
10: 355 | 8550 (Blocksmith)
11: 0 | 5500 (When One Door Closes)
12: 344 | 9440 (Spreading Like Wildfire)
13: 130 | 7800 (Temporary Housing)
14: 186 | 8860 (Getting Off Track)
15: 226 | 9760 (Slip Up)
16: 202 | 10020 (A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity)
17: 174 | 10240 (Key Keeper)
18: 337 | 13570 (Dialectic Materialism)
19: 122 | 10720 (Restricted Areas)
20: 96 | 10960 (Tetromino Trek)
21: 113 | 11630 (Stepping With Stones)
22: 326 | 15260 (Wire You Doing This)
23: 208 | 13580 (Trans-Pachipic Partnership)
24: 158 | 15580 (If Walls Could Speak)
25: 246 | 15260 (Solitary Alignment)
26: 224 | 15240 (My Antisocial Friend)
27: 311 | 17210 (Dropping In)
28: 112 | 15120 (Bootiful)
29: 249 | 16990 (Secret Escape Tunnel)
30: 309 | 18090 (The Electric Company)
31: 198 | 17838 (A Helping Hand)
32: 63 | 16630 (Ball of Blocks)
33: 349 | 20540 (Trial by Fire)
34: 339 | 22390 (Relics of a Lost Age)
35: 242 | 19920 (Bowling in the Sewer)
36: 96 | 18960 (Metalhead)
37: 202 | 20520 (Haunted Swamp)
38: 178 | 20780 (Prism Prison)
39: 181 | 21310 (Slime Minister)
40: 139 | 21390 (A Real Thinker)
41: 162 | 22120 (Teeth on Edge)
42: 239 | 24390 (Mellow Yellow, Hello)
43: 164 | 23140 (Tulip Garden)
44: 264 | 24640 (Caught Flatfooted)
45: 167 | 24170 (Settlement of Arrakis)
46: 47 | 25690 (Axis)
47: 164 | 25140 (Lowlife)
48: 140 | 25400 (Get Behind Me, Satan)
49: 199 | 26490 (Sokobomb)
50: 232 | 27320 (Point Nemo)
51: 347 | 30970 (Faces in the Mirror)
52: 243 | 28430 (Stopgap Measure)
53: 64 | 27140 (In a Minefield)
54: 0 | 27000 (Green Wrangler)
55: 126 | 29360 (Warning: Oncoming Maze)
56: 237 | 30370 (Asceticism)
57: 163 | 30130 (Poison Backyard)
58: 235 | 31350 (Caveat Emptor)
59: 22 | 29720 (Set in Motion)
60: 119 | 31190 (Green Thumb)
61: 122 | 31720 (Broken Railyard)
62: 413 | 35130 (Sosie)
63: 273 | 42430 (Swivel Tombs)
64: 139 | 33390 (Flowers of Power)
65: 312 | 35620 (Left Behind Again)
66: 117 | 34170 (Insane Asylum)
67: 585 | 39350 (Before My Very Eyes)
68: 198 | 35980 (Pipe Maze)
69: 82 | 35320 (Nameplate Stamping Facility)
70: 276 | 37760 (Multiplicare)
71: 237 | 38470 (Hyacinth)
72: 219 | 38190 (Rage Rooms)
73: 405 | 40550 (Foiled Again)
74: 264 | 40440 (The Floodgates Open)
75: 109 | 40790 (Excavation Alley)
76: 65 | 42650 (Three Mile Island)
77: 264 | 41140 (Repeaters)
78: 398 | 43980 (Blocked In)
79: 365 | 43150 (Marine Science Museum)
80: 443 | 44430 (Forest Hub)
81: 367 | 44370 (Bomb Blockade)
82: 140 | 42400 (Bit Player)
83: 408 | 45580 (Electric Feel)
84: 351 | 45510 (Avec des Reserves)
85: 133 | 43830 (Double Agent)
86: 496 | 47960 (Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster)
87: 433 | 47930 (Of the Roses)
88: 206 | 46060 (Highlighter)
89: 280 | 47700 (Chip and Melinda Go Skating)
90: 42 | 45420 (Time in a Bottle)
91: 212 | 47620 (chipdied.wmv)
92: 250 | 52600 (Cosmic Dump)
93: 309 | 49590 (Warp)
94: 243 | 49430 (Various Hues of Blue)
95: 263 | 50130 (Strike!)
96: 121 | 53210 (Sentinel Beach)
97: 464 | 59140 (Around the Corner)
98: 361 | 52610 (Gentlemen's Club)
99: 375 | 53250 (Delirium)
100: 273 | 52730 (Treasure Collection)
101: 244 | 52940 (Ectoplasm)
102: 274 | 53740 (Haystack)
103: 371 | 55510 (Powder Monkey)
104: 320 | 55200 (Filled Out in Triplicate)
105: 436 | 56860 (Remote Detonator)
106: 145 | 54450 (Cold Lazarus)
107: 0 | 54500 (Complex Complex)
108: 230 | 56450 (Virtue Is Its Own Reward)
109: 0 | 55100 (Present Push)
110: 318 | 58680 (Hoopla)
111: 35 | 55850 (Ruin Rush)
112: 246 | 58460 (The Amazing Vortex)
113: 215 | 58750 (Casper)
114: 265 | 59650 (Pairing Off)
115: 397 | 62570 (Cheese)
116: 147 | 59510 (Snail Simulator 2019)
117: 113 | 59630 (Get Your Hands Dirty)
118: 5 | 59165 (Phantoms)
119: 142 | 60920 (Confetti)
120: 48 | 60480 (Ultimate Roller Priorities)
121: 344 | 63940 (Permutation)
122: 280 | 63930 (Pushing Pull Doors)
123: 374 | 65840 (Bar)
124: 343 | 66430 (Waterfall)
125: 7 | 66420 (Touka)
126: 250 | 65500 (Be Optimal or Be Dead)
127: 153 | 65030 (One Good Turn)
128: 270 | 66700 (Line)
129: 173 | 66280 (Small Matters)
130: 345 | 70450 (Northlands)
131: 400 | 69500 (Wormhole in the Sun)
132: 346 | 73310 (Furi)
133: 221 | 69310 (Boiled in Blood)
134: 125 | 68250 (The 34 Primroses)
135: 178 | 69280 (Military Intelligence)
136: 317 | 74050 (Eastbound)
137: 316 | 71660 (Meeting in the Aisle)
138: 121 | 71810 (Greedy Twin)
139: 0 | 69500 (Reverse Osmosis)
140: 344 | 73540 (Title Deferred)
141: 157 | 72070 (Thin Blue Line)
142: 278 | 73780 (Aten: Disk of the Sun)
143: 516 | 76660 (Wallcrawling)
144: 0 | 72000 (Marktkanaal)
145: 239 | 74890 (Lady in the Water)
146: 76 | 73760 (Quadrathlon)
147: 196 | 75860 (Fill in the Blanks)
148: 435 | 78350 (Total Eclipse of the Port)
149: 22 | 74720 (Bye Bye Bye)
150: 263 | 77630 (Joint Effort)
151: 121 | 77710 (No Swap Zone)
152: 484 | 80840 (Flamechanger)
153: 92 | 77420 (Slow-Motion Hallway Fight Sequence)
154: 259 | 79590 (Autopilot)
155: 523 | 83730 (Number Field)
156: 447 | 82570 (Uptown Decisions)
157: 348 | 90380 (Archival Footage)
158: 486 | 86360 (The Gift of Giving)
159: 0 | 79500 (Cut the Ice)
160: 169 | 81790 (Sneak Around)
161: 295 | 83680 (Chaos to Metastable)
162: 463 | 86030 (Ode to a Tank Crossing the Road)
163: 205 | 83550 (Boot Warehouse)
164: 74 | 83950 (Deadline Extension)
165: 276 | 85760 (Cold Comfort)
166: 339 | 87390 (Triple-B Battery)
167: 0 | 83500 (Wizard's Prison)
168: 189 | 85890 (Aquatos Sewer System)
169: 280 | 87772 (Love and Theft)
170: 386 | 88960 (Circuit City)
171: 0 | 85500 (Fuse)
172: 334 | 89515 (Anarchaeology)
173: 273 | 89230 (Tiny Isle Reshuffled)
174: 318 | 90380 (Objectification)
175: 489 | 96390 (Mobile Cannon Mr. McCallahan)
176: 351 | 91510 (Double Stop)
177: 336 | 91860 (The Wrong Direction)
178: 96 | 89960 (Tank of Justice)
179: 435 | 94100 (Oversaturated Contrast)
180: 337 | 93870 (Slither)
181: 33 | 91030 (Bringin' Down the House)
182: 280 | 93800 (Two Minds)
183: 368 | 120220 (Triple Threat)
184: 903 | 104230 (Production Line)
185: 465 | 122150 (Bigger Boulder Alley)
186: 471 | 102920 (Pushing the Boundaries)
187: 0 | 93500 (Return Strategies)
188: 470 | 99710 (Noen Cheoc)
189: 67 | 95170 (Liquid Defense)
190: 378 | 98780 (Blocko's Modern Life)
191: 421 | 99710 (Leaving It All Behind)
192: 598 | 106980 (Sequence)
193: 182 | 98320 (Connected Component)
194: 303 | 101080 (Give Up the Ghost)
195: 0 | 97500 (Teleblast)
196: 540 | 103400 (The Girl Who Was Left Behind)
197: 0 | 98540 (Primed)
198: 0 | 103000 (Great Train Robbery)
199: 595 | 105450 (Obfuscated and Interred)
200: 0 | 102000 (Swivel Castle)
Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Some improvements to my CC2LP1 save

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win 
These three are score improvements only

16: 202 | 16690 (A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity)
66: 117 | 41990 (Insane Asylum)
181: 33 | 93570 (Bringin' Down the House)

These have improvements to both time and score

90: 70 | 47070 (Time in a Bottle)
101: 304 | 54390 (Ectoplasm)
112: 422 | 60220 (The Amazing Vortex)
113: 249 | 59070 (Casper)
126: 280 | 65800 (Be Optimal or Be Dead)
133: 370 | 71370 (Boiled in Blood)
135: 317 | 70670 (Military Intelligence)
146: 601 | 79010 (Quadrathlon)
160: 374 | 83740 (Sneak Around)
169: 327 | 88900 (Love and Theft)

This should bring my total score to 10,741,358
Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
CC1 Steam Improvements:
Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
22: 13890 | 289 (FORCED ENTRY) [b]
24: 15870 | 387 (OORTO GELD) [b-41]
25: 16720 | 422 (BLINK) [b]
26: 15530 | 253 (CHCHCHIPS) [b]
27: 14940 | 144 (GO WITH THE FLOW) [b-1]
28: 16350 | 235 (PING PONG) [b-1]
And the big one...
23: 15870 | 437 (BLOBNET) [b+1]
Total score should now be 5922400

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
CC1 Steam updates

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
35: 23230 | 573 (LEMMINGS) [b-3]
36: 20320 | 232 (LADDER) [b]
50: 28190 | 319 (DIGDIRT) [b]
62: 33820 | 282 (SLO MO) [b]
63: 36220 | 472 (BLOCK FACTORY) [b-2]
68: 38920 | 492 (EENY MINY MOE) [b-2]
76: 41860 | 386 (FOUR PLEX) [b-21]
77: 43270 | 477 (INVINCIBLE CHAMPION) [b-2]
80: 47320 | 732 (VANISHING ACT) [b]
86: 46800 | 380 (SUICIDE) [b]
90: 48140 | 314 (PLAYHOUSE) [b-2]
92: 50430 | 443 (VORTEX) [b]
95: 50840 | 334 (FOUR SQUARE) [b]
98: 52320 | 332 (SHRINKING) [b]
102: 52750 | 175 (ICEHOUSE) [b]
104: 54330 | 233 (JAILER) [b-1]
105: 55040 | 254 (SHORT CIRCUIT) [b]
107: 56080 | 258 (BALLS O FIRE) [b]
108: 56680 | 268 (BLOCK OUT) [b-4]
118: 61580 | 258 (MISS DIRECTION) [b]
124: 68510 | 651 (FIRETRAP) [b-10]
126: 66510 | 351 (BLOCK N ROLL) [b-84] [lol]
129: 67360 | 286 (LOBSTER TRAP) [b-1]
149: 84000 | 950 (SPECIAL) [b-1]

NEW TOTAL: 5,940,160

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win

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