Aetherstorm Roc's Scores
CC1 on Steam score improvements

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win

29: 17410 | 291 (ARCTICFLOW) [b-1]
30: 19540 | 454 (MISHMESH) [b]
39: 19670 | 17 (GLUT) [b]
43: 22710 | 121 (LOCK BLOCK) [b-1]
64: 37450 | 545 (SPOOKS) [b-2]
73: 41320 | 482 (MORTON) b-5]
99: 53140 | 364 (CATACOMBS) [b-6]
113: 61120 | 462 (OPEN QUESTION) [b]
122: 63710 | 271 (TOTALLY FAIR) [b]
132: 70900 | 490 (MIX UP) [b-191] [:haha:]
138: 71240 | 224 (PARTIAL POST) [b-1]
140: 72470 | 247 (ICEDEATH) [b]

TOTAL SCORE: 5,951,450

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
20 new bolds for CC1 steam!

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win

32: 19790 | 379 (SCAVENGER HUNT) [b]
38: 23520 | 452 (SAMPLER) [b]
40: 21930 | 193 (FLOORGASBORG) [b]
41: 22160 | 166 (I.C. YOU) [b]
44: 23440 | 144 (REFRACTION) [b]
46: 25000 | 200 (THREE DOORS) [b]
48: 26720 | 272 (MUGGER SQUARE) [b]
49: 26110 | 161 (PROBLEMS) [b]
53: 31010 | 451 (TRAFFIC COP) [b-1]
57: 30780 | 228 (STRANGE MAZE) [b]
59: 33160 | 366 (HIDDEN DANGER) [b]
65: 36330 | 383 (AMSTERDAM) [b]
66: 35910 | 291 (VICTIM) [b]
67: 38680 | 518 (CHIPMINE) [b]
69: 36700 | 220 (BOUNCE CITY) [b]
70: 36360 | 136 (NIGHTMARE) [b]
71: 39030 | 353 (CORRIDOR) [b]
74: 40520 | 352 (PLAYTIME) [b-4]
75: 42290 | 479 (STEAM) [b]
78: 43690 | 469 (FORCE SQUARE) [b]
79: 41680 | 218 (DRAWN AND QUARTERED) [b]
83: 44470 | 297 (UP THE BLOCK) [b]

NEW TOTAL: 5,954,280

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Some more improvements for CC1 steam - another 20 bold times achieved!

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win

24: 16260 | 426 (OORTO GELD) [b-2]
27: 14950 | 145 (GO WITH THE FLOW) [b]
28: 16360 | 236 (PING PONG) [b]
43: 22720 | 122 (LOCK BLOCK) [b]
47: 25720 | 222 (PIER SEVEN) [b]
55: 28180 | 68 (POTPOURRI) [b]
56: 29500 | 150 (DEEPFREEZE) [b]
58: 34470 | 547 (LOOP AROUND) [b]
85: 44740 | 224 (TELENET) [b]
91: 49160 | 366 (JUMPING SWARM) [b]
93: 52870 | 637 (ROADSIGN) [b-1]
96: 51150 | 315 (PARANOIA) [b]
101: 52900 | 240 (APARTMENT) [b]
103: 56380 | 488 (MEMORY) [b]
109: 55800 | 130 (TORTURECHAMBER) [b]
110: 57680 | 268 (CHILLER) [b-2]
119: 61280 | 178 (SLIDE STEP) [b]
123: 64110 | 261 (THE PRISONER) [b-4]
124: 68570 | 657 (FIRETRAP) [b-4]
127: 67920 | 442 (SKELZIE) [b]
128: 66820 | 282 (ALL FULL) [b-10]
129: 67370 | 287 (LOBSTER TRAP) [b]
131: 65750 | 25 (TOTALLY UNFAIR) [b]
137: 72310 | 381 (GOLDKEY) [b]
138: 71250 | 225 (PARTIAL POST) [b]
149: 84010 | 951 (SPECIAL) [b]

NEW TOTAL: 5,958,810

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Matched the Jailer bold in Steam CC1

104: 54340 | 234 (JAILER) [b]

With thanks to Sharpeye and ChosenID
Two small improvements to my Steam CC1 score

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
89: 357 | 48070 (BLOCK BUSTER)
116: 695 | 64950 (BLOCK BUSTER II)
Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
A few more bolds crossed off the list
A few bolds crossed off the list and one one second short of the bold

35: 577 | 23270 (LEMMINGS)      [b]
53: 452 | 31020 (TRAFFIC COP)   [b]
123: 265 | 64150 (THE PRISONER) [b-1]
124: 662 | 68620 (FIRETRAP)     [b]

NEW TOTAL: 5,963,260

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
Some more bolds in the bag (hopefully legit this time)

29: 292 | 17420 (ARCTICFLOW)       [b]
63: 474 | 36240 (BLOCK FACTORY)    [b]
74: 356 | 40560 (PLAYTIME)         [b]
82: 976 | 50760 (SOCIALIST ACTION) [b]
126: 435 | 67350 (BLOCK N ROLL)     [b]
132: 672 | 72720 (MIX UP)
138: 229 | 71290 (PARTIAL POST)     [b]

NEW TOTAL: 5,964,380

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
CC1 Steam updates

54: 323 | 30230 (GRAIL)               [b]
77: 479 | 43290 (INVINCIBLE CHAMPION) [b]
84: 579 | 47790 (WARS)                [b]
97: 290 | 51400 (METASTABLE TO CHAOS) [b]
108: 272 | 56720 (BLOCK OUT)          [b]

NEW TOTAL: 5,966,490

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win
5 more bolds for CC1 Steam

23: 440 | 15900 (BLOBNET)      [b]
49: 162 | 26120 (PROBLEMS)     [b]
73: 487 | 41370 (MORTON)       [b]
93: 638 | 52880 (ROADSIGN)     [b]
123: 266 | 64160 (THE PRISONER) [b]

NEW TOTAL: 5,966,600

Chip Win Chip Win
A new confirm for CC1 Steam

76: 409 | 42090 (FOUR PLEX) [bc]

Chip Win Chip Win Chip Win

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