File category: CC1 Levelsets

DO NOT PLAY THIS SET! ALL ITS LEVELS APPEAR IN C1059-1 AND C1059-2. I simply grouped levels from both these sets to submit for CCLP4. This assumes that CCLP4 will be a CC1 set. If it turns out it will be a CC2 set, I will delete this file and upload a CC2 set instead.

Confirmed solvable? Yes (Lynx and MS)

What's New in Version 1.4
  • 1.0: Original upload on 13 September 2015.
  • 1.1: 28 November 2015:
  • *11: removed chance ending;
  • *33: removed entirely;
  • *55 (now 54): fixed MS bust, as suggested by Tyler.
  • 1.2: 19 February 2016. Added four new levels.
  • 1.3: 01 March 2016. Fixed a few issues detailed in the spreadsheet.
  • 1.3.1: Uploaded the wrong file, everything should be fine now.
  • 1.4: 16 May 2016. Fixed levels 24, 54 and 82.

Attached Files
.dat   C1059-CCLP4.dat (Size: 77.26 KB / Downloads: 444)
CC is awesome!

CC2 sets (still being updated): C1059-CC2 --- Walls of CC2

CC1 sets (all complete): C1059-2 --- C1059-1 --- 1059PG01 --- C1059-Christmas --- C1059-INSANITY --- C1059-CCLP4

My Youtube channel --- Fiver's Honeycomb --- Fanfiction.net

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