March 2015 Create Competition Levels Packaged
File category: Archived

This package includes the levels submitted to the March 2015 Create Competition. The zip file contains two sets, one for each rule set and with different levels, as well as the accompanying ccx and dac files. You can also download the individual sets separately from the right in the previous versions list (though the first version is marked 'all levels' it does not contain all the bonus levels).

The levels and designers are:


Swiped Away - Syzygy

<span style="color:rgb(0,0,205)"><span style="font-family:Helvetica Neue">Squares
<span style="color:rgb(34,34,34)"><span style="font-family:Helvetica Neue"> - IceyLava108

Sea of Keys - eric119

Attack of the Keys - Chipster1059

Specific Gravity - J.B. Lewis

The Keys to Failure - Cyberdog

Delayed Post - Ihavenoname248

eXceLleNcY - geodave

Sub Station Alpha - Syzygy

Bonfire - IceyLava108


The Power of Slide Delay Compels You! - Ihavenoname248

The Bugs Who Couldn't Think for Themselves - eric119

Deprogression - chipster1059

Serendipity - Syzygy

Suffocate - IceyLava108

Mining - IceyLava108

Skeptic Debunked - Syzygy

MiSery - geodave

Chips' Challenge - RB3ProKeys

Ram It Down - Cyberdog

Sand Boxes - Syzygy

Seaweed - Syzygy

The Second Most Insane Level In All Of Space! - RB3ProKeys


School 4 2 Rules (both MS and Lynx)- Syzygy

Silhouettes de 101 Apparitions (two versions) - Syzygy

Standard Email Attachment Limit (Lynx) - Syzygy

Hidden Agenda (MS) - M11k4

Squared Bonfire (Lynx) - IceyLava108

1200 BPM (Lynx) - random 8

Thanks so much for all the participants! For more information on the competition, check out the thread!

What's New in Version (full edition)
  • Zip package including ccx and dac files.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.zip (Size: 16.5 KB / Downloads: 430)

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