This tileset looks pretty cool for a starter preview. Reminds me of my rainbow.bmp I made a long time ago, if I still have it around anywhere.
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CAM'S CHALLEGNE - Preview - by Chipwoodstock - 08-Jun-2013, 9:48 PM
CAM'S CHALLEGNE - Preview - by budugoo - 09-Jun-2013, 3:54 AM
CAM'S CHALLEGNE - Preview - by Chipwoodstock - 09-Jun-2013, 6:28 AM
CAM'S CHALLEGNE - Preview - by budugoo - 23-Aug-2013, 1:43 AM
CAM'S CHALLEGNE - Preview - by Chipwoodstock - 23-Aug-2013, 8:28 AM
CAM'S CHALLEGNE - Preview - by IceyLava108 - 24-Aug-2013, 10:41 PM

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