Joshua Bone's level design feedback thread thingy
Thanks, J. B.! I appreciate the very specific and descriptive feedback, and the very nice compliments.

I've exhausted my free trials of Parallels, VMWare, and Windows now on both my computers, so I'm not sure when I'll get back to the game, but I'll keep these in mind for when I do.


Bonus just involves clearing enough space to push the block up through the FF and onto the trap button (you need suction boots and armor). I've done it a couple times, just had to come up with a room-by-room plan to pack away all the unneeded items.

Did I really do that with the bonuses? Fail I think I designed the level with Chip and switched it to Melinda last minute.

I'll take another look at 04 THOUGHTFUL and 05 POOL OF THE ACCURSED since they haven't been too popular. On THOUGHTFUL I must have just stumbled upon the method, since I've gotten it almost every time. I definitely didn't think it was going to be as frustrating for players as it apparently has been. On POOL yeah the teeth balancing is borderline outrageous. I can pull this level off almost every time but it definitely might be a case where my knowing the intended solution obscures the difficulty of finding it. I may just do a complete redesign.

On 06 SPIRIT PORTAL, I'm pretty sure you're right, only one spot for the teleport that works. This was definitely a case of trying a design without knowing whether it would be possible, I was pretty relieved to find that sweet spot.

The rest of your reviews are pretty in-line with my own feelings about the levels, which is always a relief as a designer! I'm looking forward to trying out Centennium once I figure out the least expensive way to play CC2 Thumbs up .
My CC1 custom levelset, JoshuaBoneLP.dat
My 'Walls of CC1' custom levelset for CC2,, containing levels based on the first 28 levels of CC1.
My CC2 misfit levels,, containing 4 levels that didn't fit anywhere else.
Designer totals:
15 levels in CCLP3
52 levels in CC2
Public Apology: I'm very, very sorry about HAUNTED CASTLE, ANTARCTICA, and the endings on VENICE and THINKTANK.

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Joshua Bone's level design feedback thread thingy - by Joshua Bone - 29-Jun-2015, 12:08 PM

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