does anyone know if the original chip's challenge for windows hides files on your computer and how to fix canyon.mid?
so after downloading CC Zone attachment: /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=92" data-fileid="92">canyon.mid
and placing it on the windows folder, I tried testing it out by going on the original chip's challenge for windows. I tried reinstalling the game but I was still at the same level. I decided to use the "go back" tool but the canyon music wasn't playing. anyone know a fix?

Attached Files
.mid   canyon.mid (Size: 33.08 KB / Downloads: 292)
[Image: 47109.png]
canyon.mid only plays in the original if you have canyon.mid preinstalled in your hard drive, which as far as I know is only true for the Windows 3.1 version (and maybe the Windows 95 version?) Which version are you using?
windows 10?
[Image: 47109.png]
Quote:On 12/15/2018 at 12:03 PM, Indyindeed said:

canyon.mid only plays in the original if you have canyon.mid preinstalled in your hard drive, which as far as I know is only true for the Windows 3.1 version (and maybe the Windows 95 version?) Which version are you using?

It doesn't have to be preinstalled - it simply has to be in C:\WINDOWS, the default directory MSCC looks in for that file.

But you can change the location of any sound file the game uses in entpack.ini.
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