1. Blaze Maze:
Interesting use of a maze to start off the level. I like the bonus flags though, 6/10
2. Circle of life:
Three times around its too many thanks 3/10. Once: 7/10, Twice: 5/10
3. Forest:
My original thoughts on the level were "oh no" but the aesthetics are nice and the level itself isn’t too tedious. 7/10
4. Maneuver:
Finally a good hook level. Gets the level concept across nicely. Misses the chance to use an AND gate however

... 10/10
5. Electrical Wire:
Somehow took a cc2 main game level concept and made it worse. Short level though so 2/10
6. Step:
Interesting concept, very good uses of different “dodging”. Blue key dodging felt a little unnecessary but wasn’t overly difficult. Score bonuses used well. 10/10
7. Ruins:
Started out not liking the level, found a few helpful items. Turned into a good level. 9/10
8. Around:
Interesting level… Seems more like a filler one to me, but the concepts worked nicely together. Everything meshed well so… 7/10.
9. Matrix:
Wow. The level practically completes itself and then you can’t exit. 0/10
10. Snatch:
Annoying level in general. teeth bait was shown better in "a little help" after this one. 0/10
11. A little help:
Good level, I like the teeth baiting, and the set up required for the path. Scary ending but doable. 8/10
12. Fire Hazards:
Good level. The use of balls as a visual aid as well as the different fire rows lighting up gave a good indication of when it would be safe. 9/10
13. Checkpoints:
Really don’t know what to say for this one… swivel maze DansGame, Block Maze DansGame, Key Thief with invisible walls maze, and finish it over with another maze… DansGame 3/10
14. Everglades:
Bonus points for having good quality aesthetic working with each other. Negative points for basically being a blue wall maze where the blue walls don’t disappear. 3/10
*15. Control:
Interesting level idea, but that’s gonna be a no from me. 2/10
16. Acamp-oh!:
What is going on in this level? 1/10
17. Room by room:
Annoying to solve. Good concepts and using the rooms together, wish the end was a little less screw up able, and the green teleporters are used far too often much. As is the level is: 4/10 Switch the railroad and the green teleports? 6/10, rework those things entirely? 8/10.
*18. Whisper:
https://i.imgur.com/41CkDS0.png Biggest lie of my life. 3/10.
*19. Thief, you’ve taken all that was key:
Good planning required for the level to work properly. Good incorporation of a sokoban at the start of the level. 6/10. That was written before making it through the key start. Didn’t go past there. 2/10
20. Dystopia:
Good level, very cool concept behind it. Block hooking could be shorter, but utilizes the hook well fortunately but whatever. Hint tile would be useful. 9/10.
*21. Railyard:
No RR sign found within the first 5 seconds. Conditionally bad maze with dodging. 2/10
22. Red Key Dungeon:
Interesting leadup, was dreading having to come all the way back until the helmet was given. Time limit idea is good, made the level into an exciting end with the helmet. 10/10
*23. The Blue Room:
A maze where everything looks the same. Pink gender tiles would make this level playable. 1/10
*24. Primed:
Didn’t make it past the second block puzzle I will admit, but I saw another one. That’s at least two too many. Just because you make an all directional block doesn’t change the puzzle thanks. 3/10 for the cool reversing concept.
*25. Network:
Oh boy logic gates. Oh boy a red teleport. Sea of water… oh. Yeah no. 1/10
*26. Fire Tunnel:
5 switches to lead eventually to an exit. That’s probably 3 too many, and that’s not counting anything past the original five if any exist. 1/10
*27. Jungle Outpost:
Interesting concept once again. But resident sleeper. I’ll take a hard pass on this one. 3/10
*28. Immovable Object:
Didn’t make it past the first block section gg tbh. ?/?
*29. Pharaoh:
Sokobans are sokobanned thanks. 2/10
30. Overflow:
I’ll give you this one because its cute. Cute take on a maze. 6/10