The first custom set you played
The family set my siblings and I created using a primitive editor I wrote in QuickBASIC. Smiley

Quote:Played CC1 as a kid and that was it, and only about a year ago discovered *gasp* there's OTHER levels?!?!? Been ripping through as much as possible since.

That was my story too, only I discovered the community more like six or seven years ago. But I had the same sense of excitement when I realized there were other people on the Internet making amazing levels for an awesome game. Slight smile
Quote:The next I'll probably sit down and seriously do are JBLP1 and TCCLP.

As the creator of TCCLP, I would not recommend playing it Tongue TS0, TS1, and TS2 are vast improvements over it.
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.

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