Testing CCLP1 levels on I-phone?
Interesting - I played Will's World some time ago, but deleted it because the emulation is not so great and many levels are busted (because it is neither MS nor Lynx, but a weird mixture of both)...

Hopefully the programmers will do something about it!
- budugoo

I'm going to present a list of voting rules and guidelines when voting begins, a couple of which are:

- Don't worry about time limits because we'll be ensuring that each level in the final product has adequate time, unless there's a really compelling reason to keep the amount low, and/or the level is obviously designed to be played with a low time limit. If either or both of the latter two is the case, you should rate the level taking the low time limit into account.

- For optimizers: please don't worry about levels with a heavy amount of luck required for a bold solution. Levels that involve a Blobnet-scale chance of reaching the exit with the highest possible time will most likely be untimed, though levels that involve randomness (such as Jumping Swarm) will most likely be kept timed, all other factors notwithstanding.
Quote:Yes I got that, the problem is how to get the URL to the clipboard in the first place.

I sort of found a way now though, by clicking the link and then immediately click the share-icon, I can get the URL in an email and then copy it to the clipboard and then paste it in Will's World. How did you do?

Yes, I noted also that the thief becomes quicksand in the hints! I find this very clever. Both that the hint changes automatically and that it is quicksand that takes your boot! I mean, a spy/thief would rather steal your keys, don't you think?

Now playing ArchieP1. It's sort of a good thing, to play in WW, it gives me a beginner's touch! For one thing I didn't realise what the quicksand was (the hint was too long and cut in half), so I stepped in fire/water w/o boots a couple times. For another thing, I'm not used to the controls so I also speeded into water a few times...

Thus I can recommend this!

Don't like though that the game gives away how many keys you collect of each colour. That kind of destroys a couple of my levels.
Hi, I don't know if you got the answer to question, but to copy the URL, you press and hold the file name and a menu will come up, press copy, then from wills world, you press and hold where you enter the URL and press paste. Hope this helps.

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