May 2013 Time Trial - A Non-Creative Revisit
Quote:It is solvable in MSCC. As Pieguy tried to explain earlier, you have to make sure your last sliding direction is East or West before entering the teleport. One way is to use the east force floor at [2,5] before grabbing the last suction boots.

Also, beware of cross-checking on the ice slide.
Okay, I get it now. I will try to re-attempt this on MSCC and see if I can improve the time. Thanks for the explanation. Thumbs up
Reynaldi Judianto Angry Unamused Fail
Just a friendly reminder to all: this is the last weekend you have to work on this competition! Get those solutions in on time!

Also wanted to thank everyone who has participated in these time trials this spring. It's been a blast and though it's been a bit more work than I anticipated, it was all worth it. Now that CCLP1 voting is here, I'll use that as an excuse to not run any more of these competitions for the rest of the year. Depending on where we are at with CCLP1 at the start of next year I'll see if I can run a few more. I certainly have some more ideas for fun levels, but I need to find the time to build and test them, as I'm sure you understand. It's possible I'll do a Treasure Hunter Competition this fall if nothing else.

So this also means that if someone else is interested in working on making some TT levels, go right ahead! If you aren't part of the staff, you can simply send some levels to me and I'll have a look at them and possibly run a competition with your levels. (If this is something you'd be interested in but would like some ideas or help in making happen, feel free to send me a private message and we can discuss some details.) In any case, it'll be interesting to see how the rest of this year's Chip Cup will go! And it's not like I'm going anywhere so you'll see me around too, just not running these competitions most likely. Slight smile

The results!

1. pieguy__ 575 + 140 = 715
2. jblewis_ 573 + 139 = 712
3. random 8 510 + 135 = 645 (Lynx)
4. Tom R___ 520 + 122 = 644
5. Reynaldi 495 + 135 = 630 (MSCC)
6. Michael_ 392 + 115 = 507 (Lynx)
7. Jupey95_ --- + 112 = 112

Once again order is restored in the universe as pieguy takes back the crown from J.B. this month. The difference between their two routes on the first level were minor, except in the (first) block pushing room pieguy saved exactly two seconds and J.B. never caught up after that. On the second level, most people lost out in the first room by travelling too much between diagonal lines of chips, travelling two three moves to get to the next chip instead of only two.

Third place goes to random 8 with only a difference of one second! He used Lynx for the first level because there was a lynx-only bust he exploited, entering the teleport at (4,7) from the east, to come out from (13,28). However, he missed the larger bust of being able to bypass the other block pushing area by going on the ice with skates from (9,21), explaining the three better times on that level. We haven't had large busts like this in time trial levels before, but I found it interesting to not fix it and see who noticed it. We won't be trying to fool you guys often like this, and indeed nobody spotted it the first time the levels were used half a year ago. Speaking of which, I have not recieved the results for that competition from Lessinath, but I remember my own submissions were done in a bit of a hurry and scored 518 + 139 = 657 in MS.

Thanks to all the participants! Below you can find the videos of pieguy's winning routes.

Oh, I guess this also means submissions are now closed Tongue See you guys again some other time, and have a good summer!


EDIT: didn't realize at first that this was Reynaldi's first time to participate in a time trial (or any competition for that matter), so congratulations on your new Run Chip Run! -award! Sorry you had trouble with the playing and recording of the first level in MSCC. However, you did very well in the results!
Aww, bummer - I knew there was more time available in that first block room on the first level! Oh,'s what I get for waiting until the very last day to optimize it. Slight smile Congrats, pieguy!
Of course I lost in this competition. I think it's impossible for me to get into first place. Tongue
Reynaldi Judianto Angry Unamused Fail
Congrats pieguy and of course all the other participants Slight smile. I didn't enter this month because I didn't have enough time to try the first level. I scored 138 in the other level.

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