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  Cellblocked Solution
Posted by: budugoo - 25-Aug-2013, 8:11 AM - Forum: Solution Maps - No Replies

To those beginners who can't solve this Tongue

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  Pac Man (for Spyro)
Posted by: budugoo - 25-Aug-2013, 5:18 AM - Forum: Level Pack Previews - Replies (1)

Mr crude attempt at Inky, Pinky, Blinky and Clyde

For Spyro

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  K.K. Favorite
Posted by: Chipwoodstock - 24-Aug-2013, 8:13 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

To all the Chipsters who play Animal Crossing, what K.K. Slider song is your favorite? I like Space K.K. the most.

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Posted by: thinker - 24-Aug-2013, 8:06 AM - Forum: CC1 Level Packs - Replies (1)

File category: CC1 Levelsets

SexyFrogs levelset with 3 levels - with level 1 being the culmination of many versions; in my attempt at reaching my goal of makng a level of this type.

Levels 2 and 3 are earlier versions, that are supposedly easier than level 1. By playing either of these two levels, one can get a better idea of the general layout of the level...which might help (?).

These versions are based upon level 21 "Audacious Scavenger Hunt" -in my "Places.ccl" levelset -that was offered for CCLP1 consideration, etc. --- which is the most simple version of the "SexyFrogs". level

Ian Wilson -thinker

Update: level 2 needed to be fixed because of one to many bombs in column 31...sorry!

since I am doing an update, I made some other improvements to level 1...(mainly the relocation of the fire shoe)

What's New in Version MS & Lynx
  • Thanks to MikeL for his help with suggestions to make level 1 better and to eliminate possible confusion about taking certain routes, et.
  • These several updates were really not required for the level to work originally, but it should eliminate possible problems. Some of the updates were to fix some errors that I made in making the changes -that ended up not working.
  • Ian Wilson
  • Sorry for any inconvenience - Ian Wilson
  • Update to fix level 2 with too many bombs in column 31. sorry! Also, fixed level #1 -fire shoe.

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.ccl   SexyFrogs.ccl (Size: 4.49 KB / Downloads: 543)
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  ZK3: Damnation
Posted by: IceyLava108 - 23-Aug-2013, 7:15 PM - Forum: Under Construction - Replies (14)

Alright, it's been about eight months since I released my second pack of levels. Although it has a lower amount of levels (I think 80 is a rather nice ending point, actually), I actually consider it much better than my first set of 149. (which is now on its 56th update or so).

Alright, onto why this topic is a topic: my next levelset, ZK3. It's at a total of 29 levels so far -- and it's looking pretty good.
I was originally aiming for a higher level cap when I first started production, like 125 or 150 or something like that, but after planning a holiday release, I've changed my mind around to 100. While the bigger numbers can still happen, 100 or around there is probably more likely as the outcome.

So, with all that being said, I'll finish off with the first level. And yes. This is the first level, and it will always be the first level.

Also, on a side note, there is a possibility this set will launch at 50 levels, and then eventually a second 50 levels, but I'm not sure.
I prefer releasing the whole thing at once, unlike pretty much everyone else Tongue

Stay tuned for more.

[Image: xHBQg45.png]

Welcome to Damnation, my friend.

[Click to Show Content]

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Posted by: Chipwoodstock - 23-Aug-2013, 2:38 PM - Forum: Feedback - Replies (8)

For "THE LAST LAUGH" on the list of top favorite or least favorite levels, the (CC1) next to it says (CC11) instead.

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  Down My Memory Lane - Part I: Earliest
Posted by: budugoo - 23-Aug-2013, 11:38 AM - Forum: Blog Station - Replies (3)

I hated brinjal.

The first time I ever played CC was when I was six years old (back in 2003, I think). Well, my dad played most of it, I only pretended to play Tongue. Back then we had an old Pentium IV PC on Windows 98 - and my dad got a copy of BOWEP, which had Chip's Challenge with it - the start of my Chipping days.

My dad used to play CC continuously back then - well, we were both addicted to it. To the point where we were issued warnings (by mom, of course) in case we were on the game for more than two hours a day. Anyway, we finished quite a few levels. I remember discovering the Ctrl+K shortcut by accident one day, and thinking it to be a glitch, wrote down the passwords for all levels up to 145. When we figured there were more, and that we needed to beat them in order to get past them, well, 146 (Not a) Cake Walk put us to the test. Mind you, in all this, only my dad was playing - I was only spectating and trying to complete Lesson 8. So we finished quite a few levels, while skipping the ones which we were unable to solve.

I had a morbid fear of teeth back then - I remember being so scared of them that even though I used up all the dirt on the eighth level (umpteen times), I was always eaten the tick after I got the chip. Digger was a nightmare - though somehow I managed to go at least once, to 4 chips remaining before I died.

Mazes were something else that confused me and ate my head back then (sometimes they still do) - So naturally, Brushfire was somewhat of a disaster in my hands. I managed to get away from the bug back then, only to walk into a dead end. Now, level editors or MapMaker was not something that we had even heard of back then, so full-grid maps were not an option.

The other thing that I was dead scared of were random monsters. Blobs and rollers (yes, I know we call them walkers now). Forget Blobdance or Jumping Swarm - Blobnet was also crazy tough. When I used to see a blob or a walker, somehow my fingers used to stop working properly. Either that or the blobs used to chase me intentionally. This was something that I shared with my dad. He was also quite unlucky and unsuccessful when it came to that level.

Which brings me back to my brinjals (also called eggplants or aubergines, to those who don't know). I hated them back then. The thing I loved was goat's brains. (Even though some of you might be disgusted at it, it's actually quite a delicacy). One morning we both were at the PC, religiously trying to complete this dastardly level. Mom cooked brinjals that day. It was a Sunday, so school was off and we had the whole day at the PC, instead of just the evening. My mom still has a habit of cooking the thing I hate during Sunday afternoons, and cooking my favourite at night (but that's another matter). So I was forcefully yanked off my Quest to eat stupid brinjals.

So, my mom has a habit of telling any sort of lie just to get her son to eat what she wants to feed. This time she cooked up a story that brinjals are actually a substitute for goat's brains, and that I would have triple the brainpower, and that I could easily complete the level (my spirit, my dad's fingers). I hesitatingly ate it. I think I wanted to prove her wrong then, but it didn't work. We finished the level that day.

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  Are you a geek?
Posted by: budugoo - 23-Aug-2013, 11:34 AM - Forum: Poll Station - Replies (6)

Would you consider yourself a geek?

I have no idea why I'm posting this... Tongue

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  My highest CASTLE MOAT time
Posted by: Chipwoodstock - 22-Aug-2013, 11:20 AM - Forum: High Scores - Replies (8)

It's no new record, probably far from it, but it's something! I got 547 (My old was 532) on it. The bold is 553, so i'm 6 seconds off the bold time with my new record. It's not amazingly fast, but hey, 6 seconds away from a bold time, I will gladly take it! I might try and improve my fastest time.

[Image: r31m.png]

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  What do you think Chip looks like?
Posted by: Hash1 - 20-Aug-2013, 9:39 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (17)

Have you ever wondered what Chip looks like? I mean, there are just sooooooo many versions of him,.. almost every thing with him on it is a unique version of him, with many waaaay different fisical aspects. anything from a blond, pink shirt Chip to a cartoonish-looking red-head Chip.

[Image: ChipLynx.png]

[Image: ChipNormal.jpg]

[Image: CHIPEND.png]

[Image: Chiplynxcover.jpg]

[Image: Chipgoldcover.jpg]

[Image: ChipIcon.png]

Well, I gotta say, the standard MS graphics Chip isn't really nerdy enough. Almost, but not enough... the CHIPEND Chip (when you beat the MS last level) looks very goofy to me! I'd say he looks like either like the Lynx game pack cover, (not the green-pants one, but the one were he has a key in his hand and he's dodging teeth), that or the 80's Harry Potter-looking Chip (The picture that also shows Melinda). And the Chip Exe's Icon Chip ( [Image: ChipIcon.png] ) looks too surrealism to me!

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