Currently only level 59, 60, 134, 135, 136, 137, 141, 146, 147, and 148.
Note: Michael Warner told me that he cannot make this .tws file working for some unknown reason. I don't know what could be the trouble hence I cannot fix it. It worked well on my laptop.
What's New in Version 1.6.0
Compatible with version 1.6 of the levelset.
Currently only level 59, 60, 134, 135, 136, 137, 141, 146, 147, and 148.
So, a while back, we had a rather spirited discussion on the newsgroup about what the “lesson level” setup for CCLP1 was going to look like. There were several options proposed and no real consensus reached that I could remember. Various numbers for lesson levels were also thrown around too, and it seemed like 10 was mentioned by a few community members. But again, nothing was set in stone, and that was probably for the best, as the number would also be somewhat dependent on the number of highly-voted non-lesson levels in the set.
I don’t expect us to reach any sort of consensus on this now, especially since we’ll kind of have to play a lot of this by ear depending on how voting goes, but I just wanted to gauge community opinion on what sort of method should be used to compile a collection of lesson levels with which to begin CCLP1 without bringing numbers into the picture. Here’s a rundown of what options have been proposed so far:
- Voting on one collection of lesson levels among those created by designers who have submitted levels for CCLP1 consideration.
- Holding a separate round of voting just for all levels that were designed to be tutorials or could function as such and including a mixture of the highest-voted ones, each of which would focus on introducing different elements.
- Having the staff collectively design a collection of lesson levels.
- Having the staff select their favorite lesson levels from the submission pool and modify them as needed to ensure continuity across the series.
- Forgetting about "lesson" levels. Wait, what? Here’s another idea: instead of blocking off a section for lesson levels, we could just see what the landscape of highly-rated low-difficulty levels looks like, create our collection of tutorials from that, and add hints wherever needed.
I started thinking about the last possibility more recently (particularly after playing through Pit of 100 Tiles, where this pretty much is the case) and have become a bit more comfortable with it. Not only does it allow more chances for designers to get their levels into CCLP1, but it also provides some flexibility as well. We don’t necessarily need to introduce every game element at the beginning of CCLP1 and can save some for later, much like the original game did with blobs, walkers, and paramecia. And if a level with “lesson” in its name makes it in, great - if not, other levels can also fit the bill. It also frees us from having to include all of these levels in a row. What do you think? Is there an option on this list that sounds most appealing to you?
I downloaded CHIPS.dat from one of Tyler's links (actually contains the whole game with Chips.exe and sounds) and someone had edited level 88 -Spirals- and made it unsolvable. The bad file is hosted on, Site 2. The freewebs version was OK though. And I wondered why it was taking so long to solve!!
I've solved the entire set before... on an old 386. Now I'm redoing it just to get the Awards from here!
They've been working hard on polishing Chuck's Challenge 3D, here's a video of the latest build for every-one, which includes lots of new special effects and improved performance.