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Posted by: Syzygy - 11-Oct-2017, 4:28 AM - Forum: Tile World Save Files - No Replies

File category: TWS Files

Save file to confirm completion of CCLP4 in MS. Score: 6,072,550.

What's New in Version 1.2

A few faster times. ¡?¡

CC Zone attachment: /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=31" data-fileid="31">CCLP4-MS.dac.tws

CC Zone attachment: CCLP4-MS.dac.tws

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  CCLP4 Lynx completion
Posted by: Syzygy - 10-Oct-2017, 8:52 PM - Forum: Awards - No Replies

See tws file at http://cczone.invisionzone.com/index.php?/files/file/643-cclp4-lynxdactws/

Syzygy ¡?¡

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Posted by: Syzygy - 10-Oct-2017, 8:48 PM - Forum: Tile World Save Files - No Replies

File category: TWS Files

My save file for CCLP4 Lynx - Score now @ 6,073,480

What's New in Version 1.1

A few faster times. ¡?¡

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.tws   CCLP4-Lynx.dac.tws (Size: 47.79 KB / Downloads: 251)
.tws   CCLP4-Lynx.dac.tws (Size: 46.52 KB / Downloads: 258)
.tws   CCLP4-Lynx.dac.tws (Size: 45.81 KB / Downloads: 239)
.tws   CCLP4-Lynx.dac.tws (Size: 43.29 KB / Downloads: 247)
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  October 2017 Survival Competition
Posted by: M11k4 - 10-Oct-2017, 11:19 AM - Forum: Competitions - Replies (2)

It's been three years since the last Survival competition, so it's about time we had a new one!


I combined all the previous Survival levels into this one set, with the newest one, #6 - Impending Demise
, being used for this competition. It's built by Lessinath, so a big thanks in that direction. It is similar in nature to the very first Survival level with some key differences that I'll let you discover. The objective is to stay alive as long as possible before the monsters get to you! You may play in either MS or Lynx.

The point of these competitions is to have fun and connect with the community. While that's the case here too, this is also your chance to try and see how crazy you are about this game of ours. There is no randomness in the level and there is no way for you to influence the monsters, all you can do is dodge. Then die and try again. I expect most participants to just send in a casual, maybe a decent effort, but maybe someone out there will go overboard with this and plan out an actual method to stay alive for way too long than is healthy. Don't feel pressured to be that guy. If you are that person, please only do it if you find enjoyment in it. The rest of us will then wait for the results. The deadline for your submission is in a month, November 12th
where you live.

Send in your avi or tws attempts to me at valeosote at hotmail dot com
. You may solve the level or die in the attempt, it doesn't matter, though it is easier for me to judge this thing if you send in a tws which does require you so reach an exit. I may choose to combine some submissions into a tie if they are close to each other by a few seconds (up to ten, and this clause is here so you don't feel bad about maybe surviving another second or two). I will strive to reply with a confirmation that I have received your entry and reviewed it. I prefer if you use your username and this competition in the email subject. Keep it short and simple, something like: "October Survival - Santa."

Ask below for any stuff that I didn't cover or is otherwise on your mind! Feel free to vent your frustrations and other feelings, but try not to spoil your actual score on the level.



P.S. Though it is usually implied, I feel specially obligated to point out a technical requirement for this competition: though you may plan out a method of attack and even use tools that help you in this, your actual submission is supposed to be played by you without any gimmicks. Just use your sense of fair judgement and ask in case you are thinking of something that may be borderline.

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  CC Zone Survival
Posted by: M11k4 - 10-Oct-2017, 11:16 AM - Forum: Competition Level Packs - No Replies

File category: Competitions

When the Fireballs take over, how long can you survive?

When the Blocks go crazy, how long can you survive?

When your fortress is overrun, how long can you survive?

This set contains the Survival levels that have been used for competitions.

, by Lessinath, from September 2012

-Block Madness
, by Lessinath, from April 2013

-Underground Fortress
, by Lessinath, from April 2013

-Dance of Death
, by Lessinath, from April 2013

-Perpetual Motion
, by M11k4, from October 2014

-Impending Demise
, by Lessinath, from October 2017

This set is not for the light-hearted. The objective in each level is to survive without dying or possibly cooking the level. For the sake of your mental health, it is not actually recommended that you even attempt these levels.

You can find more information on the competitions in their respective threads in the competitions sub-forum. A great big thank you to Lessinath for coming up with so many of these levels!

I would say 'enjoy', but with this set it's more appropriate to wish you well!


What's New in Version (17-10)
  • -combined first five survival levels into one set
  • -added 'Impending Demise' as sixth level
  • -added exits to the first level
  • -levels #2-#5 can still be survived 'indefinitely'

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  October 2017 Create Competition - Piecing it Together
Posted by: M11k4 - 10-Oct-2017, 7:35 AM - Forum: Competitions - Replies (1)

Ready to make some levels? This time let's try a different take on building from a palette.

Your task, should you accept it, is to create a new level using pieces and concepts from previous create competition entries from 2008 to 2011. This is a total of 72 levels to work from plus a few non-trivial 'filler' levels that separate each competition in the collection sets. The idea is that you build from pieces conceived by someone else (or your former self) to create a unique challenge that is still a tribute to the source material. You can either try to use the pieces without modification (as I have done in the Time Trial Mixes) or just borrow a concept to create your own new puzzle with the same general feel.

The easiest place to find the levels that are your starting point is in CCZcreate2008-2011.dat
and CCZcreate2012.dat
, which you can get here:


It would be nice if you took ideas from at least three levels so that it doesn't just become a different version of a single level. Don't feel obligated to fill the whole map and make everything cramped. (I'd be curious to see even some smaller levels that still stick to this requirement). If you do make a longer level, please don't make it very difficult. You can be creative with the structure of the level and give it a fun name. There are some crazy levels in the mix to work from and I'd also gladly hear what your reaction to them is. Can you make it work? I'm sure there are some issues with this idea that I'm not thinking of right now, so be sure to ask below and I'll answer anything that is worries you.

Email and attach your submissions to valeosote at hotmail dot com. I will strive to reply with a confirmation that I have received your entry. I prefer if you use your username and this competition in the subject. Keep it short and simple, something like: "October Create - ChipHome5". If you list the levels you used as inspiration, that would help me when judging.



Additional notes:

-submissions are open through November 12th
where you live.

-The level(s) must be solvable, but do(es) not need to work in both MS and Lynx.

-You may submit more than one entry, but please keep the levels distinct from each other. Your best two entries is recommended.
-Points may be deducted for late entries, but will be accepted until I judge the levels.

-Entrants receive the normal prizes: the "You're Winner!"-award, Chip Cup points, and "Tool Box"-award for first time entrants.
-Please ask about other unclear situations.

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  README files
Posted by: Andante - 07-Oct-2017, 11:52 PM - Forum: Level Discussion - No Replies

To All Creators:

I can't tell you how many levelset readmes are all titled README.TXT. A huge majority of them!

It gets quite time-consuming when trying to organize what goes where.

PLEASE include the name of your set in the readme file's name. It makes such a difference!

I think creators rock!


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  UC6 Design Thoughts - Part 4
Posted by: Ihavenoname248 - 29-Sep-2017, 6:28 PM - Forum: Blog Station - No Replies

This is it, the final showdown with my thoughts. Wait, this is a thinly veiled FFX reference isn't it. HA HA HA HA HA okay this joke is overdone.

46. Synthetic Coral

One thing I find quite interesting to play is a field of blocks and water or bombs, and all you have to do is move around, building islands as you go. In particular, Plastic in the Ocean from UC5 directly inspired this- what if instead of having to bridge to the corners, you just had to pick up chips? Ultimately, it's quite easy- no Pentomino Lake without picking up the flippers, that's for sure. Unfortunately, splash delay does seriously hurt the level in Lynx... and I still need to finish CCLP4 in Lynx, right.

47. Blast from the Past

Finally, the first level I designed for this set! The only goal I had was to throw back about a decade, with pointless rooms, diagonal walls, and pointless boosting! Unfortunately, the level still ends up being fairly modern in its design, but hey- it's a fun variety level with 12 completely separate rooms with absolutely no interaction between them, nope. Don't even try sending the fireballs and gliders into the bomb room, I definitely didn't plan that to be a useful strategy and it most certainly wasn't forced on an older version of the level.

48. Happy as a Clam

I think few levels show my usual design style more than this level. I built the central room first (symmetry, level branching off of one core interesting room) and then the fireball room to the right. The gliders followed (single block+monsters in varied forms, simple collision telegraphed) and the rest of the level followed in the order it gets played. I'm especially happy with the fireball stream trick to get the blue key, and the final tank shuffling puzzle. Unfortunately SOMEONE (Tyler) busted this level and didn't get the full experience... but Shane did because I fixed the level.

49. Confusion Cave

My designer note for this level simply reads "Creative One Ways, Part 3?". I'm not sure how accurate that is, but when I tried resolving it well after I'd designed it I was quite confused, so I guess it does what I wanted it to. The highlight here is the fireball room and how it's completely impassible without a block.

50. Opal Shrine

For this level, I used the walls of Wall Jumping Up Waterfalls to craft a non-linearly ordered variety level. The very first thing I tried to build in was a very lengthy final block path that would reuse most of the level, but this kept having to be scaled back and nerfed as there were ways around most of it. The initial release didn't require the block path it currently does as I had liked the shortcut, but after Tyler didn't even entertain the possibility of the intended path I took another look at the level and managed to require the oversized loop. In the final form, it's a fun level- I only wish the fireball manipulation was a little more clearly telegraphed in advance, as it's possible to fail right at the end.

51. Despotism

Walls from Communism. There are some weird hallway block loops to manipulate a single fireball through most of the level. It's not too interesting to play, but I'm still proud of the fact that I fit a completely different level inside Communism.

52. Outlast

Say hello to probably the only original concept in the entire set, because truly original concepts are hard to come by. Original executions, sure those are easy. But concepts? Have you ever seen a room where you had to keep a teeth from leaving a certain range, while also having to leave that range? The left room came first while experimenting with the concept of extending where you could step, and is rigid as a result. The right room followed as a "alright, now you understand it, now apply what you've learned" kind of room. It is possible to extract all 10 blocks, albeit not easily and it's not required in any case.

53. Immersion Circulator

Walls from Miika's Hexominoes. While I was skimming through custom sets for interesting arrangements of walls, that level jumped out at me. Sure, it was originally used for a collectathon, but there was some serious potential for reinvention there. Once I stripped the level bare... I had nothing. So I built the outside aesthetic, laid down a few objects to partition the level (most notably the tank guarding two red keys) and just built upwards from there. This is probably the longest level in the set despite only having a 496 time limit. Why 496? Because it's the third perfect number, after 6 and... 28. Naturally, I ensured that's how many chips there were. That sounds like something Miika would do.

54. Navigating Neptune

Obligatory blue wall maze with some shortcuts and I made the fireball puzzle first and kept that theming for rooms to open shortcuts.

Okay bye.

55. Lebanon

So, funny story about skimming through custom sets for interesting walls- Cyprus was a given. I immediately hit on the idea of limiting cloning to make a sardine can and then blockslide multiple blocks off of the same slide... but then actually executing the area took hours and was still broken for quite a while. Eventually though, I had a first puzzle and the tanks always changing (everything up to the fireball+tank room) and had no ideas for the remainder of the level, and it'd been sitting there for a while. Well, I had clone machines in place as partitions, but still.

A month or so later Josh and I collabed and I sent him the half finished level.

I got back the dodging sections and outer block part a day or so later- not what I would have gone with, but hey- it worked and was pretty fun! Though I noticed a few ways to squeeze out extra blocks from the end and made it required (touching the border is also required!) and telegraphed the gimmick of all blocks having gravel under them early, as it could be seen as unfair without that first block. Then I added my own block manipulation section to reach a hidden hint and called it a level.

Time limit is 961 because apparently that's the area code of Lebanon.

56. Monotone

I hope you don't dislike invisible walls.

57. Mystery Caves

Mission statement: difficult linear campaign level. The first section was meant to have a bit of tangential story to it of a prison, and also set the tone with an "In a Nutshell" style area. In hindsight, it's a little mean to start there and force redoing it every time the teeth+ball room goes awry. I went back and forth on whether that dodging and manipulation was fair, but ultimately decided that it was since you can see what needs doing in advance. That said, the tank button to start the manipulation was the last thing I added to make it a little easier. Then you have a fantastic blockslide puzzle before a really cool ball room and a few assorted puzzles before a fake-out exit. I wonder if anyone will ever die to that walker. Probably not, but the room is lol.

58. Flight of the Prince

Entered in the Movie Madness Create, which it won. Inspired entirely by chasing Snape down in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and the gameplay suits this. You see a green flash and something go off the tower, immobile, and then get to move when it dies, just like the story. Then you have around 20 seconds that demand perfection in Lynx and near perfection in MS, with some pinpoint dodging checkpoints and minor itemswapping. I love how carefully tuned this level is to work in both rulesets, something I couldn't manage with Extreme Hold Right Adventure. I do wonder if the design is too mean, though, as you do need to get a decent amount of boosts to even solve the level in MS.

Regrettably, I couldn't keep a section in which the glider would merge into a 3 tile gap of pink balls and clone another, blocking the path for Chip. Why? Slide delay- waiting at the upper force floors would allow the glider to delay, bounce off a ball instead of merging in resulting in its death, and Chip could just walk into the fake exit. I tinkered with a few potential fixes, but ultimately settled on just making the slide delay not matter.

59. The Party We Have Never Seen

Soundtrack for this commentary.

Fire and water have such a lovely aesthetic that I underuse.

Open-ended cloning puzzles are such an interesting design that, again, are underused.

Sooooo I made one with a semi-open order. Gotta get to the bug on the right first to open the block cloner, then do the three chip challenges before the two socket challenges that subvert the normal flow. Shane picked up on the main trick pretty quickly, likely because I telegraphed it in advance. He also spotted a solution I didn't catch to the upper area, which I'm not unhappy with. Originally I wanted to force bridging around the bomb, but he found a clever way to use the existing blocks to guide a fireball over- nicely done!

I'm not sorry for the random force floors on the exit path- good luck J.B., and at least it's untimed Tongue

60. A Chip Down Memory Lane

And finally, the walls from Archie's RUN OUT OF GAS in a spiritual sibling to Mental Marvel Monastery.

Fully intended alternate solution follows, with the description copied below:

Everything seen here is intended- I designed the level to have two solutions, and this one to feel busted. But nope- every little detail that juuuust works out is completely intended!

That being said, I did not tune any of the monster order or timings for this route. I'm pleasantly surprised by how little waiting around there is here. The overall design goal was to make a level like Josh's Mental Marvel Monastery- a throwback medley, of sorts. Strengthening the connection, I used the walls from Archie's "RUN OUT OF GAS" as my starting point, as Josh used Andrew R.'s "Producing". I also took care to make each part try to feel like something out of CC1- I'm not sure I succeeded, but that's why there are the (few) random pointless bits and certain other design choices.

Levels referenced in some way:

Nuts and Bolts, Elementary, Tossed Salad, Oorto Geld, Scavenger Hunt, On the Rocks, Lemmings, Seeing Stars, Chipmine, Bounce City (skipped), Reverse Alley, Block Buster, Now You See It, Short Circuit, Torturechamber, Miss Direction, and Alphabet Soup.

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Posted by: M11k4 - 28-Sep-2017, 6:54 AM - Forum: Competition Level Packs - No Replies

File category: Archived

Here are two levels for you to compete with, and a bonus level that shows the inspiration for the first level.

17.5 A -
Bargain Brinks by lookatthis and Miika

17.5 B -
Time Trial Mix III
by Miika (kind of)

by lookatthis (#41 of

This time we are primarily competing in MS, but your Lynx solutions are always welcome as well!

For more details on the competition, check out its


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.ccl   CCZ-TT-1710.ccl (Size: 2.89 KB / Downloads: 309)
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  October 2017 Time Trial - Piecing it Together
Posted by: M11k4 - 28-Sep-2017, 6:53 AM - Forum: Competitions - Replies (5)

Let's kick-off this season with a Time Trial!


The theme for this competition, Piecing it Together, has a double meaning.

First, the levels themselves are pieced together from other levels. The first level, Bargain Brinks
, is a take on a level called Brinks
by lookatthis; instead of nine rooms I picked my favorite four and combined them. I also added a few chips to the rooms and a mechanism that discourages flooding the rooms. The second level, Time Trial Mix III
, is a mix of time trial levels from 2010, creating a whole new challenge. I think it also comes together feeling a bit like those levels from back then, much like the previous two levels in this series.

Secondly, when you set out to plan a solution to either of these levels but particularly the first one, you need to stitch together separate parts of the solution. I considered offering smaller practice levels for each room of the first level but as there was toggles involved and other complexities, I felt it was best to leave that up to you. I do want to stress though that you should create such versions of the level yourself to practice on. I didn't even make it possible for you to practice the rooms out of order, so to maximize your enjoyment with this level, don't force yourself to play the same rooms over and over again in linear order, but rather practice and plan them out separately first. The second level may be attacked similarly with couple of the sections, but it's not quite as necessary if you aren't going for the absolute best time. The point is that any good optimizer should learn to make use of their editor to practice different parts of a level, and if you haven't done that before you should try it with these levels.

The main competition will be in MS, but I think this time we can safely throw in any Lynx solutions to the same pool. (This means the levels are probably solved quicker in MS, but if you submit a Lynx solution, I won't rank them separately.) The deadline for this competition is the end of October. I might award some extra Chip Cup points if you get your solutions in early. You can send them to me at valeosote at hotmail dot com. See below for more technical details.

That's mainly what I had in mind. I'm excited that CCLP4 has been out for some months now and we can start something like this without needing to fear everyone still being busy on that. Don't get me wrong, I certainly am not yet done with CCLP4, but feel like something like this complements working on that nicely. Will love to hear any and all feedback and thoughts you have on these levels. Keep your eye out for more competitions starting soon!



More technical details:

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