Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer
Does a bear poop in the woods? Does a rover on teeth mode with speed boots still move at half speed? Does Allack not know Four Plex is a CC1 level? Anyway, Chip is far too innocent a lad to go out throwing wild teen parties, since that would expose the existence of the clubhouse and its many impossible creatures. In his free time, as revealed by Alphabet Soup's decade message, Melinda comes over to his house to "help him study". Because he apparently isn't good with school or social life.

Clone machines replicate matter at no major energy cost. Why doesn't Melinda sell or abuse this technology and get rich?
Just because Melinda is the clubhouse president, doesn't mean she is the inventor of the clone machine or have any rights to sell it. The inventor of the clone machine could be anyone among the bit busters. She could, however, come to an agreement with said inventor. Unless, she actually is the inventor, which is still a possibility, as she is responsible for the creation of many other things in the clubhouse.

But let's just face it, she has been tempted many times to get to be able to sell it, but it'll give stupid or evil people the opportunity to clone themselves.

Why does (in MS mode) Chip say 'oof' when running into a wall?

Like, is it because of surprise, because it hurt, because of frustration, or because he was actually struggling, trying to move the wall?

Or because of something else?
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)
OOF is actually an acronym for Out Of Footspace, meaning "out of room to move one's feet". When Chip is confused as to why he's no longer able to move forward, he remembers this acronym, and says it to himself out of astonishment.

If Four Plex was so good, why was there no Five Plex? Similarly, where's The First Laugh? And The First Starfighter?
They're in a levelset called CC: The Lost Levels. Which got lost after Chuck's computer crashed.

If Chips Challenge were to be made into 3D, do you think a TripleMaze level would sound fun?
Given how good Doublemaze was, probably.

How come Chip can get a short sprint when he moves, but only on every other tenth of a second?
CCMiniLP, my CCLP1 submissions. Outdated, not recommended.
CCSignificantlyLargerLP, my CCLP4 submissions. More current than my main set.
Consistent Inconsistency (ongoing), my main CC1 custom set. (discussion)
RyanJ1.dat (ongoing), my main CC2 custom set. (discussion)
Mystery Project (unfinished) (previews)

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Because he remembers there's a time limit, so he speeds up, then he gets distracted by the things in a level, so he forgets to mantain his speed, then he remembers again, so he speeds up again, only to get distracted again by the level, and lower his speed. Being Chip is not easy.

Why do we refer to Chip's direction as North, South, East, and West, instead of Up, Down (Or Forward, and Back), Left, and Right?
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)
Chip is a big compass buff and would be saddened to bits if he weren't able to put his homemade novelty always-points-south compass to use. Also because forward/back/left/right would be relative to Chip's position and a pain with directional notation but LITERALLY NO-ONE cares about that. Name one person who thinks directional notation is useful. Right. Nobody.

Why come helmets can protect you from spaceships, fireballs, ghosts, and robots, but not a bowling ball? And if helmets protect you from fireballs, shouldn't Chip be able to walk across fire with a helmet by doing a handstand? Related: if Chip has fire boots, how come he can't just kick fireballs away?
Well, in order to protect himself with the helmet, he is required to head-butt an enemy, with the helmet on. In order to "attack" a bowling ball, he would have to lay down flat on the ground, top of helmet facing the bowling ball, and wait for it to run into his helmet. This is something he can't or is not allowed to do.

Chip would be able to walk across fire by doing a handstand, if he had the fire gloves to go with it. This item, unfortunately, was limited edition, and once the thieves stole from Chip the last pair of gloves in existence, they've been gone forever. No average user has seen the fire gloves, anyways, as they've only lasted the alpha testing stage.

About kicking fireballs, maybe the fireball is bigger than the boot, thats why Chip can't avoid death from fireballs by kicking them, because the remaining fire would surround his leg and reach the rest of his body after impact.

Are fireballs living creatures, or soulless masses of fire guided by some unexplainable force (to move around and have the tendency to turn right)?
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)
Chuck's Challenge provides the terrible answer to that question- they are in fact alive, but every second of living is torture for them and they can't stop screaming.

Woop (the hero of Chuck's Challenge) has cutscenes that give us an idea of his personality. But other than being a geek we know very little of what Chip is like. Do you reckon Chip is shy? Outgoing? Has a sense of humour? Do you think Chip would call Chuck a monkey if they met?
Chip is a talkative introvert and has the sense of humor of a slightly drunk college kid, except he swears less, and has a bit less knowledge of dirty jokes. Also, he adds biology, math, physics, chemistry, and IT references to his jokes.

If Chip met Chuck, he'd probably call him a falling stracciatella ice cream scoop, two seconds away from dramatically impacting on the hot concrete floor.

Why doesn't the green button (in MS) make the button sound effect, while the other buttons do?
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)

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