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07-Mar-2018, 1:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-Mar-2018, 2:02 PM by mobius.)
Quote:On 3/5/2018 at 5:28 PM, The Architect said:
I like the idea of expanding on the types of keys/doors/teleports/etc., but I wish we could stop color-coding them. It's restrictive to artists designing new graphics. 
(I don't know if anyone noticed, but my new CC2 editor avoids color-based element names as much as is realistically possible.)
How do you think keys etc should be coded? By shape or symbols? colors seems the simplest method to me; and I've never found it restrictive. Keys could have different shapes but with toggles walls and bombs it gets much trickier.
Important features while I'm thinking of it: extra bomb chips!
some other new ideas:
freeze gun is an interesting idea! The laser idea is another type of way to destroy enemies, sort of similar to the bowling ball but different.
A STOPWATCH button that stops time or in effect; pauses the game for everything else yet Chip can keep moving (and clock keeps ticking).
(unfinished idea)
blocks which have either N on one side and S on the other; opposite poles are attracted to each other and same repel. Blocks two spaces apart draw toward each other. Another tile called (magnet wall?) which cannot be moved but attracts magnet blocks.
item if player picks up is attracted to a magnet wall
buttons that function similar to black buttons but don't need wires. All must be held down to activate something. (would make making sokobans much easier).
someone else's idea from discord:
If an enemies like an ant has a "backpack" it can pick up and use items just like ghosts and rovers. Maybe same item as "magic satchel". So enemies can pick it up and use it as well.
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We could also give Chip a backpack and double his inventory.
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14-Apr-2018, 12:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-May-2018, 7:26 PM by ncrecc.)
A spool of wire that would leave wire wherever the holder walked, like in the level editor. This would affect the logic of the level in real-time. Wire still wouldn't be place-able on colored floors, recessed floor panels, etc.
Cursed medallion that, when picked up, would prevent the holder from dropping any items. Could only be taken away by a red thief.
Some kind of block that doesn't activate pop-up walls or sink turtles.
Green CC2+ chips/bombs that don't add to the total chip count.
Wire that's deadly while it's active. It would be red while inactive, and yellow while active, so it could be easily distinguished from normal wire.
Bowling ball-esque item that doesn't have an inventory, but moves at a speed boots pace, and if it hits something that can normally be destroyed by a bowling ball, it instead causes the thrower and the target to swap places. If it's fired from a clone machine, it causes the target to switch places with whatever is currently inside of said clone machine.
Trapdoor that turns to normal floor once any moving object falls into it.
Some item (blessed medallion?) that, if its holder is Chip or Melinda, does not cause the player to lose if the holder dies and there's still another Chip or Melinda to switch control to.
Gauntlets. When the holder has these on, they can push against an enemy to change its direction. This would also give Chip and Melinda immunity to enemies while pushing against them.
Forklift or something. When the holder has this, they can push directional blocks in directions they're not meant to go, and can push any combination of multiple types of blocks (including dirt blocks). When used with a hook, this can pull directional blocks in directions they're not meant to go.
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How about round boulders. When pushed, they roll and keep moving in a straight line until they hit something. Easy to implement and goes well with the puzzle theme of the game and would add a nice twist to the classic block-pushing themed levels.
You can see this feature here in a flash game I made
(levels 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 23 demonstrate some puzzles that can be made of this)
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(unfinished idea)
blocks which have either N on one side and S on the other; opposite poles are attracted to each other and same repel. Blocks two spaces apart draw toward each other. Another tile called (magnet wall?) which cannot be moved but attracts magnet blocks.
item if player picks up is attracted to a magnet wall
I had a similar idea but in my case the player picks up a North, South or Neutral magnetic charge from standing on a thing that gives you a magnetic charge whatever it's called (inductor, conductor? a physics person might know)
The way it works is if Chip has say a North charge, then every South magnet he is aligned with horizontally or vertically will be attracted to him and move in a straight line towards him until they hit him or something.
Will be easier to understand if you have a look at levels 11, 12, 15, 16 of my game:
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A suggestion I would like to make for the level editor is to be able to "shift" the entire level's contents up, down, left or right. Either that or to be able to adjust the horizontal and vertical size so all empty space around the level is taken out. This would save time having to measure and manually do this yourself.
Also to be able to maximise the level editor level to see more of the level at once.
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14-Apr-2018, 12:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 14-Apr-2018, 12:34 PM by Gavin.)
Laserguns (not an item, but a solid object)
Laserguns fire a laser when a button is held down. Lasers could destroy Chip, monsters (another way to get rid of monsters, and I would personally prefer having Chip figure out a way for a monster to move into the path of a laser rather than directly fire a weapon himself) and ice-blocks (but not standard blocks which could be used to block the lasers).
The laserguns could also be pushed around, and if a button is held down that would arise some interesting puzzles where you push laserguns but only able to approach them from certain directions.
See levels 18-22 for examples
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Quote:3 hours ago, Gavin said:
A suggestion I would like to make for the level editor is to be able to "shift" the entire level's contents up, down, left or right. Either that or to be able to adjust the horizontal and vertical size so all empty space around the level is taken out. This would save time having to measure and manually do this yourself.
Good ideas for me to consider for my own editor, thanks!
Quote:3 hours ago, Gavin said:
Also to be able to maximise the level editor level to see more of the level at once.
Hey, my editor already does that!