Skype quotes
[5:56:58 PM] Tyler Sontag: To the Skype thread!
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
[12:10:38 AM] Zane: i should just

[12:10:40 AM] Zane: become a 100-gon

[12:10:44 AM] Zane: f*** being human
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[11:11:00 PM] Tyler Sontag: to the skype thread
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
[10:17:43 PM] Zane: k what is this bulls***

[10:17:46 PM] Tyler Sontag: um

[10:17:48 PM] Tyler Sontag: youtube recognizes

[10:17:51 PM] Tyler Sontag: that your video sucks

[10:17:55 PM] Tyler Sontag: and thus is not letting you upload it

[10:18:01 PM] Zane: k

[10:18:11 PM] Josh Lee Hixson: Slight smile

[10:18:12 PM] Tyler Sontag: : ^ )
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[9:06:03 PM] Zane: part 83 Clapping

[9:06:08 PM] Josh: Clapping

[9:06:12 PM] Zane: at level 68 Clapping

[9:06:21 PM] Josh: yeah lel we established that Clapping
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
[11:21:40 PM] James Anderson: actually, the number of times 12 year old guys hit on me back when i played runescape because they thought "jamesa" was a girl's name...(facepalm)
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[10:22 PM] J.B. Lewis: ACID COOKIES!
CCMiniLP, my CCLP1 submissions. Outdated, not recommended.
CCSignificantlyLargerLP, my CCLP4 submissions. More current than my main set.
Consistent Inconsistency (ongoing), my main CC1 custom set. (discussion)
RyanJ1.dat (ongoing), my main CC2 custom set. (discussion)
Mystery Project (unfinished) (previews)

YouTube | Twitch | Steam
[4/5/2014 9:06:21 PM] Tyler Sontag: I will NOT love Trittany until she becomes liberal Slight smile
[2:10:22 PM] Josh: Josh is a person who likes CC.

[2:10:29 PM] Josh: Slight smile
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
[11:45:57 AM] James Anderson: "phale", a word which here means "ruben has been away from the community for most of that time"

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