I have no idea how to build this concept. Help?
So mobius, you don't need this any more?

And just to check if I understood you correctly you asked for something that would do this:

1) Chip presses the red button in the middle of the room.

2) the six lower bugs are released in a random sequence, but with enough time that they don't make it too hard for Chip or collide for instance.

3) the seventh bug at the top is released and the red button is only now usable again.

Should it work in both MS and Lynx? Are there some parts, like tanks/teleports/toggles, that shouldn't be used in the mechanism? Why is the random order important with successive presses of the button, compared to just having a set order? Does it matter if some orders are more likely to happen than others, or if some take a different amount of time to go through?
I could still use help but I've completly removed the bug sections. I've decided to do that differently. See the bugs there were not meant to dodge but rather they are actually a clue as to how to solve the level (another unseen part of the level)

I've found a solution but it's not ideal. The concept is this: Chip has to pass through six "gates" or "doors" in a certain order in order to keep open a toggle door or hold open a trap to get 1 chip. You fist go into a room and view a device which cryptically tells you the correct order. I've been able to make this successful but the order is always the same. The way I wanted (which is Like the puzzle from RHEM 2) is that the order is randomly generated every time.

I'd like it to work in both MS and Lynx. Preferably I wanted to have the chip behind a toggle door which opens when you "start" the device and if you try to grab the chip before going through the doors or if you've gone in the wrong order the door closes before you can get it. But I'll accept any other method; like a trap that needs to be help open. The mechanism can use anything and can be fairly large. [only two 2x20 areas of the level are so far taken up not including the mechanism]. Pressing one button should start the mechanism and both the clue part and the actual mechanism (they have to work in unison if this is going to be randomly generated since the clue has to reflect the actual mechanism]

"Does it matter if some orders are more likely to happen than others, or if some take a different amount of time to go through?"

-No, I don't think this matters. The clue is a device which you watch as it takes place and takes a little time to work. I realize I'm not being real descriptive but I'm avoiding giving everything away (probably too late) if you really want to help I can PM u or come to the chat room.

in any case I already have a working level so yay. Slight smile
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

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-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski

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