Pointless CC Trivia Thread
In the original Chip's Challenge, the only time the game use the Lynx's sprite scaling features is in the title screen (the chips that spell "CHIP'S").
 Edit: And in the post level messages (like OOPS! and "Yowsers!, first try!"), wich appear vertically stretched!
This is the color palette that the Lynx version of Chip's Challenge uses during the game.
This is the color palette of Chip's Challenge 2 "original.bmp". Of the 256 entries, there are 223 unique colors with 195 of them used in the actual image.
In Chip's Challenge for Lynx, when walking into a force floor a quick high pitched sound effect plays once before the looping "brrr" sound, and neither Tile World or Chip's Challenge 2 have it, sadly. It is quirky funny. For hearing pleasures, there is a .zip with a.wav rip of said sound effect

.zip   whip.zip (Size: 4.88 KB / Downloads: 248)
The size of Chip's Challenge (Lynx) ROM chip is 131072 bytes. The last 11754 are 00.
Well, Down and Out wasn't the only connection between Chip's Challenge 2 and Crystal Mines 2. There are more examples:

 Monty Haul: Crystal Mines 2 (1991) had a level called like this before CC2. In both cases, the player is given the choice of 3 paths, each with its scoring potential. 

 Logan's Run: The CC2 level is taken from CC2 Rejects.

 Safety Dance: Again, the CC2 level is from CC2 Rejects. Both levels revolve around collecting items and avoiding enemies that "dances" (circle objects) by also following their pattern.

 7 Up: Like the Down and Out example, this one is for the expansion pack Buried Treasure released in 2003, after the development of CC2. Nearly identical layout with even a bonus in the same place. However, this game don't have have an equivalent of the ice block, so it doesn't plays the same.

 The link between both games is, of course, C. Scott Davis.
Canyon.mid, one of the music files that plays in the Windows 3.x version of Chip's Challenge, was composed by George Stone of the company Passport Designs, an '80s and '90s music software company. Also, it didn't came with the game but rather with Windows. The official title is "Trip Through the Grand Canyon".
In Chip's Challenge for Lynx, the first level (Lesson 1) and the last one (Special) share the same music.
In Chip's Challenge, the following items are available in red, blue, yellow and green versions:
 - Doors and their respective keys.
 - Teleporters.
 - Boots (red for fire boots, blue for flippers, yellow for speed boots and green for magno shoes).
 - Buttons (although there also other colors).
 - Custom walls and floors.
I discovered the origin of the music in Chip's Challenge 2. Well, as the "About" screen can hint, someone called Warren Trachtman was involved. He was a guy that in the early days of Internet uploaded MIDI versions of ragtime music sequenced by him. The files even share the same name with the MP3 files in CC2 (obviously they don't have the same extension). However, in CC2 some are capitalized.



 I have noticed that altough they are definitely the source files, they don't sound the same as the MP3 ones in CC2 with the default soundfont of Windows (Microsoft GS wavetable synth). I couldn't find the soundfont used for creating them.
 Also, this discovery only confirms my theory that Chuck Somerville created the game with almost no budget and needed to add music to the game. So he used this resource.

 Warren Trachtman died in 2017.

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