08-Jan-2013, 11:47 AM
So I posted not one, but two new posts in the blog today! http://cczone.invisi...-for-tws-files/ I'll try to visit one of the above topics soon too. Now am gonna add this as a suggestion:
Topic suggestion F: Short review of CCLP2
Vote this post up if you want to hear my general feeling about CCLP2, now over ten years since its compilation! I don't have the energy to do a full review of CCLP2, as I am planning on one for CCLP3, but I can try to reflect on how I initially experienced the set and how it looks to me right now compared to what kinds of community sets I expect we should be able to produce in the future.
Topic suggestion F: Short review of CCLP2
Vote this post up if you want to hear my general feeling about CCLP2, now over ten years since its compilation! I don't have the energy to do a full review of CCLP2, as I am planning on one for CCLP3, but I can try to reflect on how I initially experienced the set and how it looks to me right now compared to what kinds of community sets I expect we should be able to produce in the future.