Chucks Challenge
And in 3D to boot!
I'm definitely looking forward to the PC version of Chuck's Challenge, not because of the 3-D, but because I want to control my character with the arrow keys, like I grew up doing in my childhood. I am less proficient with the touch screen controls in this Chip's Challenge-ish game for the same reason I'm less proficient at controlling platform games with arrow keys instead of a controller; I grew up controlling Mario with my thumbs. Also, the level editor can be a pain when you have to use two fingers to scroll the screen; I often accidentally paint the blocks with my first finger. Slight frown

Can we talk about our custom levels here? I made a level today called Kinda Sorta Quick (a reference to how long a veteran will take to complete it and to how fast you have to be to execute the solution): http://www.chuckscha...php?levelId=893

By the way, I like this week's level, Problematic by jblewis. That screen name sounds familiar somehow. . .
Nice level, Grant! And yes, I tried to port a few of my levels to Chuck's Challenge. The problem with "Problem Solver" was that the "glider" monster in Chuck's Challenge can't destroy bombs, so I had to opt for a paramecium flicking a tank button repeatedly.
Quote:Nice level, Grant! And yes, I tried to port a few of my levels to Chuck's Challenge. The problem with "Problem Solver" was that the "glider" monster in Chuck's Challenge can't destroy bombs, so I had to opt for a paramecium flicking a tank button repeatedly.

Heh – nice workaround. Too bad both of my CCLP3 levels use the thief tile, which has no equivalent in Chuck's Challenge. Porting Mouth-Watering would require an extreme makeover, and I'm not sure if there's any real way to recreate the top section of Block Head. I could probably find some other old levels to port, though. . .

Speaking of levels, I have a new one available, titled Wait For It. Hopefully it is free of busts and other bad things.
I gave some feedback about the thief tile to Chuck, and he said that it may be considered for the future. Slight smile
Gyah! One of my favorite levels in my original GRANTF.dat set, MAZE OF THE FIREBALL, can't be transferred (unless there's some creative possibility I'm missing). The original level involves stepping on the correct patches of dirt to carve out a path for a fireball. It must hit two red buttons (which are surrounded by fire) exactly once each along the way. Each red button controls a block clone machine; the first press of the button clears a bomb out of the way of the fireball in the home stretch, while the second press blocks the passage. If the fireball reaches the end of the track, it hits a green button that allows Chip to exit.

Unfortunately, fireballs do not interact with floor buttons here, and I can't yet figure out anything that a fireball could interact with where a second interaction would cause a new harmful effect. Maybe I should focus on making the Lynx-compatible version before I stress out over the Woop-compatible version. . . Slight smile
I played Chuck's Challenge. It is fun, but not as fun as Chip's Challenge IMO. Slight smile
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
One of the more unfortunate omissions from Chuck's Challenge is the trap. The "colored barriers" are okay, but sadly, this means the loss of Cloner's Maze-type puzzles...
The first time I played Chuck's Challenge, I was like "???"
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
Alright, I gave it a shot, and I uploaded one of my levels to Chuck's Challenge.

Level ID is 895.

It's one of my more favorite levels that I've made Slight smile
<p>Proud owner of absolutely no untied bolds.

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