"Busy" levels
Quote:It could go the other way around, e.g. can you imagine the frog level on a 128x128 scale? Or Warehouse II?

No way.

Wait...how is this "the other way around"?
The "lazy" side being one way around, the "genius" side being the other.
Hello'v'ryone's'is' rockdet Ænigma Mælström (any word with æ because it's funny), master of non sequitur buckets!
My YouTube Channel
Rock-Alpha(It's a great game, Bill) 65 levels, including "Voices" and the world-infamous famous "Bloblake"!
Rock-Beta (You should try it, Bill) 50 levels, including "Unicorn Rabbit" and "The Sedna Suite" odyssey!
Rock-Gamma (Woah, really, Bill?!) 40 levels, including "Uncle duo ha ha ha ha ha" and many other surprises and what the actual f*** moments!
Teeth "We are after all in the future, where the past is king and the paste is ming." -raocow
Quote:The only issue I have with increasing the map size by any number is the potential for abuse. Can you imagine a level like "Chchchchchchchips II" from Jacques.dat on a 128x128 map? Wink

Bwahahahahaha. This would have been awesome.

"32765 chips! Count them!"

Such a level would take almost two Chip's Challenge hours to finish, though... Flushed
'I made 1,000 levels once.' - Jacques

...honestly, it couldn't be worse than some of the "you'll have to wait beyond the end of time for the blob to finally hit the green button" levels out there. Wink
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
That's yet another area of potential abuse. Wink Not to mention "Pain II: Electric Boogaloo."
Haha, amazing!
Hello'v'ryone's'is' rockdet Ænigma Mælström (any word with æ because it's funny), master of non sequitur buckets!
My YouTube Channel
Rock-Alpha(It's a great game, Bill) 65 levels, including "Voices" and the world-infamous famous "Bloblake"!
Rock-Beta (You should try it, Bill) 50 levels, including "Unicorn Rabbit" and "The Sedna Suite" odyssey!
Rock-Gamma (Woah, really, Bill?!) 40 levels, including "Uncle duo ha ha ha ha ha" and many other surprises and what the actual f*** moments!
Teeth "We are after all in the future, where the past is king and the paste is ming." -raocow

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