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  Create Names for CCLP Voting Packs!
Posted by: jblewis - 20-Aug-2014, 2:58 PM - Forum: CCLP Discussions - Replies (13)

It seems like the 50-level packs used for CCLP1 voting were fairly well-received, so I hope I'm not alone in suggesting that whoever's in charge of CCLP4 and beyond do something similar. So here's a place where we can all suggest wacky names for future packs. Slight smile Have fun!







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Posted by: Flareon350 - 03-Aug-2014, 10:37 PM - Forum: CC1 Level Packs - No Replies

File category: CC1 Levelsets

The 5th set to the JoshL series. After just shy of a full year, this set now consists of 149 levels of moderate difficulty, 10 of which were seen in JCCLP. Entirely Lynx compatible and somewhat arranged by difficulty; the hardest levels are towards the end of the set. Most levels have been tested in both rulesets by Michael, Tyler, J.B., and myself. But if we missed something, please let me know!

This is also the source set of many of my levels seen in CCLP4.

Have fun and enjoy! Slight smile


Confirmed solvable? Yes

What's New in Version 1.16
  • Now up to date in comparison to the version on pieguy's site. If already downloaded from there, no re-download is necessary.

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  Hunting for Bolds [5]
Posted by: Ihavenoname248 - 03-Aug-2014, 7:15 PM - Forum: Blog Station - No Replies

Alright, so...this is going to be a long post, covering everything I've done with CCLP1 so far. That said, I've done a bit more with CC1 and even scored 47 bolds in CCLP2 while simply playing through it, so the overall counts are hugely inflated since last time. Be very aware, wall of text incoming.

[Image: 7DKXINF.png]

Skelzie: Due to not having access to MSCC without huge input lag (for now, I have a couple potential workarounds), I simply learned and executed the 453 route. Didn't take too long, the rapid teleport sequences weren't very hard for me, instead I struggled with the blobs-they killed me incredibly frequently, but eventually the RNG fell the right way and I got to the ending teleport sequence. Got it first try, of course-453 scored for the TWS, I'll worry about 454 after I get 320 on Graduation.

Monster Lab: I'd been spending some time grinding this when I didn't really have anything going on, and on April 27th I got 1 tile away from the exit, but was killed at 50% odds by a rebounding walker. I pressed on and not 5 minutes later scored the 292. Did not expect that...but the first massive obstacle to 5,977,000 is out of the way.

Shrinking: Felt like trying for this a while ago, got bored, tried again randomly and scored 338 quickly.

Thanks To...: Had some time to kill with nothing to really do, scored this in around 40 attempts...with 2 failed 990 attempts. I got really lucky with the RFFs...

In terms of CCLP2 bolds, I picked up 24 from the first 90 levels, all on fairly simple routes, no learning of them-just a first solve while looking at an editor and then a further 23 in the last 60. I suspect when I start optimizing CCLP2 I'll pick up another 30 without any effort, at least. The list is Maze of One Way, The Serial Port, Debug File (mouse panel ftw), Ranger Denmark, How Goes?, Work Fast, Chase Race, The Mystery of the Seven Chips, Mads' Rush I, Ray of Light, Fun House Rink, Breaking the Rules, Hurry Up, Chip!, And Then There Were... Four?, Just a Minute!!, Security Breach, Planet of the Teeth (I did optimize this, since it was a fun level to work on), Reversi, Hobgoblins and Chimera, So Many Chips!, Killer Spiral, Bumble Boy, Cra-zy, The Walker Machine, Exit Chip, Loop, One-Block Sokoban, Torch, Hard as Rock, Pyramid, Bounce, Joyride I, Counter Clockwise, Turn Turn Turn, Frost Rings, Flame Boy, Paramecia, Blocks 'n Bombs, Dodge!, Fantasy Island, Miscellaneous, Frozen Birdbath, Microcosm, Zartacla, Trapped, Wormwood and Neptune.

And then we move on to CCLP1, a set where I have 88 bolds, with very few routes copied, instead finding them for myself...it's a very different experience to CC1 and it's been a very enjoyable one, though coming up a second short is a bit frustrating at times Tongue. I've also been optimizing the same levels on the Lynx side of things, with 93 bolds there (including a joint bold and several unconfirmed records!) In order, the levels I've optimized, without outright giving away most of the routes I used (since CCLP1 is shaping up to be half public, half private...)

Key Pyramid: Fairly straightforward, just leaving a couple things behind and a lot of running back and forth. Still not really a fan of this level. MS: 168/168 (bold, my time) Lynx: 168/168

Slip and Slide: This one took a couple tries to hit on the right route, but it's definitely very easy to find. MS: 180/180 Lynx: 179/179

Present Company: Also really straightforward-grab the right boot, clean out the other room, clean out the first room, exit. MS: 183/183 Lynx: 183/183

Block Party: Now this was a fun route to find, 201 was the first I scored here, I immediately improved to 204 and 205, and quickly 206 after working out the key section. 207 took a small trick near the end (the force floor trick I used from the 201 even!). On the Lynx side of things, direct copy of the MS route. MS: 207/207 Lynx: 201/201

Facades: Learn the wall locations, easy to score. MS: 232/232 Lynx: 232/232

When Insects Attack: Took a couple tries to find a 185, transferred to Lynx. Buuuut, after that random 8 scored 186 in Lynx, and finding that was a bit annoying. I found the one thing with the paramecium and the dirt but didn't put together the rest of the route for a half hour. MS: 185/185 Lynx: 186/186

Under Pressure: 185.6, gave the route to Ben to upload to ChipWiki after he uploaded a 185.0. Lynx is a bit annoying due to the hint tile, but oh well. MS: 185/185 Lynx: 184/184

Switcheroo: A bit annoying, but there were only so many configurations that could have worked. MS: 230/230 Lynx: 229/229

Swept Away: Would you believe me if I said this was my first try at optimizing the level? Because it was. MS: 228/228 Lynx: 225/225

Graduation: The first really big level in CCLP1, and also the first level I lack a bold on-though not because I didn't know how to score it! 318 in MS took all of 3 tries to execute correctly, and a base 317 in Lynx took 5 or 6 due to being very tight without either trick. The night before Mike reported a 319 using the Teleport Skip Glitch, I had actually looked at the level and went "huh, the Teleport Skip Glitch would save at least a second here". I started trying to get my laptop able to run MSCC, but alas, it can't, and so I had to go to sleep without a new record despite having seen a way to. The next morning I counted spaces and it seemed like it would yield a 320, which J.B. confirmed. I knew how to score this, just don't have the means...on the Lynx side of things, Miika reported a 318, which I started looking for. I found the useful block slap immediately, but the other trick to push it to a barely 318 eluded me for hours. Eventually, thanks to some very vague hints from Ben, I figured out the one thing I had overlooked: tanks don't turn if they're already moving. After that, it still took a couple tries, but I did score the bold. MS: 320/318 (318 is maximum in Tile World) Lynx: 318/318

Basketball: Straightforward itemswapper, took a couple iterations to work out how to dodge the balls but once I did it was a very easy bold. MS: 226/226 Lynx: 225/225

Leave No Stone Unturned: In MS, fairly simple route with a small sokoban section to optimize-didn't take too long. In Lynx, block slaps and splash delay make it a lot more complicated...and I'm down 2 seconds without knowing where. MS: 289/289 Lynx: 287/285

The Monster Cages: James why did you have to find the thing with the walker stalling all 3 paramecia ;-; Took a solid 2 hour grind session (made easier by talking with a friend working on a Touhou fangame, discussing ideas and such) to actually score, but I did get it...at least in Lynx the different monster behavior makes this a freebie. MS: 263/263 Lynx: 263/263

Wedges: My initial score was a 204.8. Then I realized I had done a dumb with the 3 wedge rooms and could save 2 moves in each of 2 places, and that gave 205.6...I'd already found the teleport shortcut but hadn't quite pieced together how to avoid losing 2 moves to the extra block in the region yet. When I found it and scored 206, I was quite happy and immediately turned around and made the route public. I think this is the level that really showed that I could definitely optimize block pushing somewhat well on my own. In Lynx, the block slaps make the wedges 2 moves faster, so despite the splash delay and lack of boosting, it's still faster. I only just found the moves I was missing-stupid being greedy and getting the red key early >.< MS: 206/206 Lynx: 208/208

Twister: When I first played this level, I hated it. On a second play, I realized that no spaces ever had to be stepped on twice, and immediately revised my opinion of the level. Naturally, this second play was optimizing and netted me the bold-first try in each ruleset. MS: 315/315 Lynx: 306/306

Tetragons: My first attempt was 1 second short, even after triple checking the sokoban section for improvements. I said I had no interest in returning due to the RFFs, but I later revisited and noticed that I had been treating the central chip in the right rooms as a 1 path detour, instead of passing through the center. MS: 281/281 Lynx: 277/277

Tiny: Small level, not very complicated, easy enough bold. MS: 990/990 Lynx: 989/989

Square Dancing: Ruben reported 264, I started looking to confirm. I didn't feel like actually testing any routes, so I plotted the distance from each chip to each other chip worth considering, and started developing routes. Found 1 "263.8" and 2 "263.6" routes, but after 2 hours, never found a 264. So I went to go execute the 263.8 and found that it was the 264 route all along and my count was off by one >__<. MS: 264/264 Lynx: 263/263

Feel the Static: After figuring out which chips could be picked up at less time cost, this was an easy bold. I put off optimizing it for a while though for some reason. MS: 351/351 Lynx: 348/348

Chip Suey: Honestly wasn't that bad to figure out, I scored the bold in Lynx very quickly due to the consistent walker behavior, then switched over to MS and scored...379.6. Every time. Both Miika and James told me that it was probably in the teleports (I was going through each teleport once, Miika went through twice and James 3 times), which due to boosting was equal. I suspected it was the sokoban at the end, but trusted the expert judgement...and after rigorous testing, proved that the teleports were equal with all 3 routes. I then started listing off to James every little thing I did, and when I got to the sokoban, I spotted the 2 missing moves and scored the bold quickly-the walkers played nice after realizing this, and gave me the 1/6 shot 3 out of 6 tries. Third time I nailed the boosting and got the bold. MS: 380/380 Lynx: 375/375

Generic Ice Level: Not picking up the skates ASAP was all it took to find the bold route here. MS: 175/175 Lynx: 172/172

Repair the Maze: This one was really fun to work on due to the aspect of where to spend the 2 extra keys. The first thing I did was replace all red locks that I would never want to remove with yellow locks, and then did the same with locks that were outright worse than other ones. I ended up with a total of 3 locks potentially worth removing, picked 2, scored 325. Looked at the level again, spotted a shortcut that could be used if I used the lock I left behind, and that was enough for the 330. MS: 330/330 Lynx: 330/330

Circles: Annoying due to the walkers getting the way more often than not. MS: 226/226 Lynx: 226/226

Chip's Checkers: Thanks for the route here Ben Smiley. This was a really fun level to score the bold on-I came up with a 342 route on my own, but after seeing Ben's route spotted the obvious mistake I had made-being greedy and grabbing a chip early, of course. Still took a while to execute, but it was fun. MS: 343/343 Lynx: 329/329

Mind Lock: Pretty simple level, not really many options. MS: 139/139 Lynx: 139/139

Trafalgar Square: I love this sort of puzzle, and optimizing this was a little easier than expected. There was really only one potential point of entry, and from there it was pretty obvious where to go. My first attempt missed an extra push that saved a bit later on, but when I revisited the level later I found it quickly. On the Lynx side of things, there's 2 slaps that save time-this got me the confirm on Miika's 172! MS: 173/173 Lynx: 172/172

Teleport Depot: Bold is a 283.8, my first route was a 283.0. I found this out when I went over to Lynx and came up short of the bold there, and quickly noticed I was breaking the wrong blue lock! Oops. MS: 283/283 Lynx: 276/276

The Last Starfighter: In MS, I got stuck at 273 for a while then randomly pulled a 274.8...and a 274.6 with 2 wasted moves returning from the top >.<. In Lynx, the old record of 255 is trivial, but random8 beat me to scoring the 256 by having a blob clone extra blobs. I still intended to get this second for myself though...until another trick was found that allowed 257...and 258 with a blob! MS: 275/274 Lynx: 257/257

Sky High or Deep Down: Pretty simple route, just a matter of trying top to bottom and bottom to top. I think the order is different in each ruleset, but I don't completely recall. MS: 326/326 Lynx: 326/326

Button Brigade: I optimized this one in Lynx first-had a bit of trouble figuring out the best way to set up the fireball room near the end, but it didn't take too long to find. MS was even easier, though I thought I was triggering some bug with boosting and toggles-nope, just a cross-check! MS: 219/219 Lynx: 217/217

Quincunx: Evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil level. I still hate it. At least Lynx is trivial, but MS demands perfection. MS: 144/142 Lynx: 114/114

Nitroglycerin: Very well designed maze, fairly simple to optimize. I had more trouble remembering my route than discovering it. Still didn't take too long-I still have a couple more free bolds like this later on. MS: 263/263 Lynx: 263/263

Spitting Image: I scored 955 immediately, then could not find the 956 at all. I kept overcomplicating things trying to split the first room up-which still scored 955. Of course, the trick was something simple again (a simple teleport twice..), which I didn't realize until James told me the difference between MS and Lynx was 8 moves, not 10. MS: 956/956 Lynx: 954/954

Just a Bunch of Letters: Honestly, on the MS side of things it was a matter of looking at the map and picking a route through the letters. The Ls in the middle kind of forced a specific route, and the monsters didn't interfere. Lynx though...the waits dropped the route to a 287, so I had to leave a chip behind to skip having to wait-it resulted in a lower 289, but a 289 is a 289. MS: 289/289 Lynx: 289/289

Mystery Wall: A common theme is figuring out the hard part of the route optimally and then missing something simple elsewhere in the level. I figured out the optimal way of doing the block cloning on my own relatively quickly, but this came up 2 moves short of the bold. I kept looking there, trying more and more outlandish things until James outright told me I had that part right. That left only the top section...where I realized I was doing a dumb again. MS: 379/379 Lynx: 374/374

Rhombus: Another really easy level, thankfully. It was just a matter of figuring out the teleports in the beginning to beat the fireball cycle. MS: 219/219 Lynx: 216/216

Habitat: I can't be bothered to work on this one for a while- my first route turned up a 331 in MS, and in Lynx it was 330. Ended up getting a tick-perfect run along the 4 chips in the lower section on a second attempt /by accident/, and matched my 331. MS: 332/331 Lynx: 332/331

Heat Conductor: My first approach to this level netted me a 480 in MS and a 462 in Lynx-this was with way too many extra teleports. I was able to increase the decimal by reordering a few sequences to avoid teleporting 5 times at the end twice in a row, but it wasn't enough for extra seconds. Then I compared routes with Ben, and after confirmed I teleported too much found 481.0/465-exactly what Ben had, only a lower decimal. We compared routes directly at this point, and one particular arrangement of chips ((9,9) (6,5) (14,4)) being collected on their own pass I hadn't considered before...and that was enough to get a 482. Then James wondered where I was dropping only a bit and I noticed I could save [2] by teleporting vertically going to the fireboots. That bumped me up to 482.6/466.almost467, with [2] left to find. I'm...not sure where. MS: 483/482 Lynx: 467/466

Dig and Dig: Very simple level, just a matter of avoiding the monsters. MS: 237/237 Lynx: 237/237

Sea Side: Another travelling salesman level-plot a path between islands, then plot the chip path. MS: 962/962 Lynx: 960/960

Descending Ceiling: In MS, the bold of 166 was fairly well established. I found all the cycle skips and scored it pretty quickly. In Lynx, however, I noted that the bold was 160...with a partial confirm of 159? I wasn't sure how this was quite possible, until it hit me: each person missed one cycle skip, one of them at the very end. I found them all and scored a new record of 163. MS: 166/166 Lynx: 163/163

Mughfe: I didn't put too much effort into this, just enough to purge my initial time. MS: 419/413 Lynx: 403/397

Gears: Trivial level is trivial. MS: 206/206 Lynx: 206/206

Frozen Labyrinth: Even without Miika's AVI, the right route for this level was fairly straightforward. Nothing difficult in the execution either-just a matter of remembering when to slide. MS: 365/365 Lynx: 360/360

Who's the Boss?: In MS there were lots of routes that scored 279 due to the boosting allowing certain cycles to be reached...in Lynx, optimizing was a bit more of a mess, with the bold going up and up and up from 272 to 273 to 274 to 275 to 276 to 277. No clue what Miika did for the 277 honestly. MS: 279/279 Lynx: 277/276

Sapphire Cavern: My initial route was down 1 second, upon trying a slightly different path I found 286. MS: 286/286 Lynx: 286/286

Bombs Away: Well, the route before James messed with monster collisions was easy to find...no matter what I did I couldn't make having monsters clone monsters be worthwhile, though. MS: 955/943 Lynx: 942/942

Sundance: Another trivial bold is trivial. MS: 180/180 Lynx: 180/180

49 Cell: I...do not like optimizing this level. In either ruleset. MS: 430/422 Lynx: 413/406

The Grass is Greener on the Other Side: MS ruleset was trivial to find, since the teeth just cooperate. Lynx required a small wait, but this was still a fairly straightforward level. MS: 167/167 Lynx: 166/166

H2O Below 273K: This level...this level is insane to optimize in MS because it's an approximately 30 second long nonstop boosting frenzy. When I started working on it, Ben had bold at 256. It took me about 10 minutes to score 259, but I couldn't stay away, scoring 263, 265 and then 267 -.9. Later that day I went back and scored several more 267s before topping out at 268. At that point I went over to Lynx and scored 231 (bold) first try. A while later I kept working my way up, scoring 269 and 270 the same day. From there, I was positive I wouldn't be able to improve it...until I decided to play the level for a bit while screensharing. I scored 270 again a half dozen times, including a -.1! Finally, I broke through and scored 271, and I don't think I'll be improving this anytime soon. MS: 274/271 Lynx: 231/231

The Bone: Scored bold in MS, switched to Lynx, improved the record by 1 second with a block slap and splash delay dodge, then it got improved again. MS: 309/309 Lynx: 306/305

Start at the End: I optimized this in Lynx first, and my first attempt found the bold easily enough. In MS, I derandomized the level to see how much slack there was with the boosting, did it fast enough and scored 408 , and then took an hour to actually scored it on the stock version...then James pointed out I was missing a lot of moves in a very obvious place, and I then found the 410 route immediately after. Unfortunately, I was annoyed with the boosting and didn't really feel like going for it, so I got a 409.8 and called it a day. MS: 410/409 Lynx: 400/400

Mini Pyramid: Found 231 in MS, added a ram to score 232, then realized the next day that skipping the suction boots might be viable...found 234 and polished the route to score 235. In Lynx, I scored 229, then tried a different approach with the water blocks and scored 230. I'd accidentally snatched a chip under a block sliding off ice at one point, though, and optimized the route further to net a new record. MS: 235/235 Lynx: 231/231

The Chambers: Very easy in both rulesets. MS: 322/322 Lynx: 323/323

Connect the Chips: See above. MS: 963/963 Lynx: 963/963

Key Farming: Fairly simple route to discover, and the execution wasn't too bad since you have 4 mistakes. MS: 296/296 Lynx: 285/285

Corral: I kind of fluked into bold in MS on one singular attempt with 0 interference...in Lynx I didn't try too hard. MS: 327/327 Lynx: 327/321

Asterisk: See 3 levels above. MS: 970/970 Lynx: 970/970

Guard: One of those levels where you try everything until it works. Kind of annoying, especially in Lynx where you have to get rid of one of the fake walls to trap the teeth. MS: 263/263 Lynx: 262/262

Highways: This level was so much fun, and I usually don't like boosting after a 2 ice slide. Probably due to all the boosts being like that. MS: 424/424 Lynx: 412/412

Design Swap: I found 333 on my first attempt, and quickly improved it to a 340. I then found all manner of other times like 341, 339, 336, and 343. At this point I noticed the potential to disrupt the bugs to hold down the trap button for me, and scored 345 with that. James then told me that this was not part of the 346 route, at which point I looked for a 'vanilla' route a bit longer and ended up finding 346. Switching over to Lynx, you fall 1 cycle behind MS resulting in a 340...except due to different cycles the bug-button approach actually saves a second, netting me another new record. MS: 346/346 Lynx: 341/341

New Block in Town: Annoying level, easy route at least. MS: 174/174 Lynx: 169/169

Chip Kart 64: This one was quite fun, though I honestly don't see how a 45 is possible...it's probably something really silly. MS: 45/44 Lynx: 35/35

Squared in a Circle: Copied Miika's AVI for the 427 and 413, was nowhere near convinced it was optimal in Lynx. I found a nifty little trick that saves [2.5], and when random 8 said he found a trick that saved [2] in both rulesets...we merged routes and suddenly 414 joint bold. MS: 427/427 Lynx: 414/414

Klausswergner: I didn't put too much time into this route, just enough to try the obvious route (scores 281), and a couple faster routes. Ended up with 285/284, which isn't too bad for the amount of effort. MS: 288/285 Lynx: 285/284

Booster Shots: Lynx bust, annoying route in MS. MS: 304/299 Lynx: 386/386

Flames and Ashes: Juggling one block around was actually really fun here. MS: 947/947 Lynx: 946/946

Double Diversion: Just like back in the blind race, I'm still not a huge fan of this level. It was just annoying to optimize, with testing waiting/not waiting and which side. MS: 288/288 Lynx: 285/285

Juxtaposition: THIS MAZE IS AMAZING. Learning the paths didn't take too long, either, even for Lynx. MS: 426/426 Lynx: 426/426

Tree: Another level I put a bit of effort into-improvized the sokoban every time, most of my missing time is probably there. MS: 302/298 Lynx: 280/276

Breathing Room: Small and fairly simple, not too many different things to try to find bold. MS: 183/183 Lynx: 180/180

ToggleTank: I found the bold route literally first attempt optimizing this. MS: 243/243 Lynx: 241/241

Shuttle Run: This...is probably one of the easiest bolds in the set. MS: 8/8 Lynx: 6/6

Secret Passages: Upon looking at the level in the editor, my initial route idea counted keys...and came up with just enough to go through all the locks I wanted to. The result was a 533.8. MS: 533/533 Lynx: 533/533

Elevators: This is another of the easiest bolds in the set. MS: 957/957 Lynx: 957/957

Flipside: Most of the difficulty here is in avoiding the few walkers-funnily enough, the optimized route was much safer than my casual routes. MS: 390/390 Lynx: 390/390

Colors for Extreme: I found both of the old records the day before James improved both, and J.B. and random8 both confirmed the same day. I got hung up on trying to disrupt the glider path with the blocks and couldn't think of any way to break the level that night. When random8 uploaded the 889 Lynx solution, though, I took another look and saw the potential blockslide. From there, the bolds followed. MS: 900/900 Lynx: 889/889.

Launch: I'm not sure where the extra second in Lynx is-maybe a block slap I missed? MS bold was first try. MS: 95/95 Lynx: 92/91

Ruined World: I got stuck at 970 for a while, and then realized I was ordering a couple blocks silly. MS: 971/971 Lynx: 971/971

Black Hole: Every route I tried fell short, until I realized the bugs were all offset by 1...that turned the route into a mad dash into the bugs snatching all the chips from certain death. MS: 971/971 Lynx: 969/969

Starry Night: This route didn't take very long to find either-and executing the boosting didn't take too long either. I had more trouble working out how to dodge the walker in Lynx! MS: 309/309 Lynx: 302/302

Chip Block Galaxy: I put a bit of effort into this, not much though. Ended up with a partial confirm and Lynx record because no one else tried. MS: 908/890 Lynx: 893/893

Roundabout: Due to boosting, the bold was trivial to find in MS. In Lynx, 350 required splitting rooms and detouring later sometimes, sooner other times...it was quite tricky! MS: 350/350 Lynx: 350/350

Flame War: My initial idea of a route netted bold in MS, but -1 in Lynx. I had a couple other ideas involving maneuvering an extra block, but they never quite panned out. MS: 322/322 Lynx: 321/320

Gate Keeper: Straightforward level. MS: 365/365 Lynx: 362/362

Deserted Battlefield: After wandering around for 5 minutes on my first play, I wanted revenge. I looked at the editor, found the 17 second route, and executed it in both rulesets. MS: 982/982 Lynx: 982/982

Loose Pocket: Another surprisingly simple level to optimize for its position. MS: 332/332 Lynx: 334/334

Frozen in Time: see Loose Pocket. MS: 944/944 Lynx: 943/943

Portcullis: Both of my initial routes came up a second short, though I found some improvements pretty quickly. I still don't know where the missing second in Lynx is, though. MS: 977/977 Lynx: 978/977

Tunnel Clearance: Lynx demands perfection, but perfection is simple enough to obtain. MS has so much room for error, but remembering which direction is tougher. I'm not sure which ruleset has the harder to score bold here. MS: 257/257 Lynx: 235/235

Jailbird: My first routes came up 4 or 5 seconds short, but they didn't have any monster collisions. After that I found 366, 367 and 368 fairly quickly, and switched over to Lynx where the collisions behaved differently. It took a bit of tinkering, but I found a 366 route...and then accidentally stumbled upon the perfect set of collisions and scored 368 in Lynx for an unconfirmed new record. MS: 369/368 Lynx: 368/368

Alternate Universe: After learning the center segment, this didn't take long to score. MS: 959/959 Lynx: 954/954

California: I didn't spend too long on this, just enough for an initial route. Somehow, still +19 on everyone outside the joint bold in MS. MS: 426/419 Lynx: 414/404

Blobs on a Plane: Derandomized, found the 255.4 route, executed 248 in MS after an hour, scored 247 in Lynx within 10 minutes. Decided to keep going, suddenly 250 5 minutes later...another hour later, 249 partial confirm in MS. MS: 252/249 Lynx: 250/250

Runaway Train: The walker killed me way too often for my liking in MS-thankfully, Lynx played nice. The only tricky part was the paramecia room. MS: 104/104 Lynx: 98/98

Metal Harbor: I happened to stop on this level flipping through CCLP1 in the editor, forgot how to solve it and spotted a way to have an extra block in Lynx with some creative block slaps. I figured the bold route already used this, did a lazily optimized dry run and scored b+4. Further optimizations yielded another +3, +2 and +3 for a 787: +12 on random 8's 775. random 8 then found the bust and scored 788, I switched extra blocks and scored 789, then the next day spotted an extra splash delay and an extra 0.5 near the end...and scored 790. MS was easy-merging Lynx routes less slaps was enough Tongue MS: 798/798 Lynx: 790/790

Chip Plank Galleon: Lynx bold was easy, MS I'm down 1. MS: 282/281 Lynx: 280/280

The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Simple route. MS; 60/60 Lynx: 58/58

Blockade: Another pretty simple route. MS: 210/210 Lynx: 207/207

Elemental Park: Yet another simple route, though the execution is quite difficult in MS. I did 2 attempts after scoring bold in Lynx. MS: 596/588 Lynx: 573/573

Frogger: A simple test of iterating permutations of waits and runs. MS: 272/272 Lynx: 271/271

Easier Than It Looks: My initial optimization was a .8, once I realized I could just teleport down in the walker room...I felt really dumb. MS: 106/106 Lynx: 103/103

Spumoni: The only MS record I have, and only because I got to it first. The level interested me, and I routed it and executed-the execution was fun too. MS: 446/446 Lynx: 439/439

Steam Cleaner Simulator: I also optimized this within the first week, but it was a bad 463. Today I went back to improve my Lynx score from b-14 and ended up with 464, then did the same with MS and netted 469. Then I realized my ending in both rulesets was dumb and gained another second. MS: 472/470 Lynx: 468/465

(Ir)reversible: Straightforward level with no options=just execute it. Lots of boosting, but nothing hard. MS: 333/333 Lynx: 328/328

Thief Street: It's a .8 with a mouse-assisted flick. MS: 179/179 Lynx: 178/178

Bummbua Banubauabgv: Another very simple level to optimize, just a matter of organizing blocks in the solution path. MS: 383/383 Lynx: 380/380

Chance Time!: Simple, fun level. Bit of luck, but nothing too bad. MS: 235/235 Lynx: 235/235

I still have another 40 CCLP1 levels to go before I've got at least a base score for the set...maybe I'll hit 6,000,000?

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  CCLP2 Lynx (original) by Chipster1059
Posted by: chipster1059 - 03-Aug-2014, 3:55 PM - Forum: Tile World Save Files - No Replies

File category: TWS Files

This is a TWS file for the original version of CCLP2. It is played in Lynx. Most (but not all) Lynx-compatible levels have been solved, including the first 13.

What's New in Version 1.0
  • 1.0: Original upload.

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.tws   CCLP2 Lynx.dac.tws (Size: 22.13 KB / Downloads: 212)
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  CCLP2 Lynx TWS (first 13 levels)
Posted by: random 8 - 03-Aug-2014, 3:45 PM - Forum: Tile World Save Files - No Replies

File category: TWS Files

for the blue ribbon award

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.tws   CCLP2 lynx.dac.tws (Size: 4.46 KB / Downloads: 207)
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  CC1 CCLP1 #10
Posted by: random 8 - 03-Aug-2014, 3:18 PM - Forum: Awards - Replies (1)


EDIT: While i'm at it, http://cczone.invisionzone.com/index.php?/files/file/409-cclp2-lynx-tws-first-13-levels/

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Posted by: random 8 - 03-Aug-2014, 3:12 PM - Forum: Tile World Save Files - No Replies

File category: TWS Files

Slight smile

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.tws   cc-ms.dac.tws (Size: 49.03 KB / Downloads: 208)
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  Top 50 Lists 2014 Deadline
Posted by: AdrenalinDragon - 01-Aug-2014, 12:15 PM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

UPDATE - Deadline has now passed.

Good evening, Chipsters! CC Zone now has a deadline for posting all of your top ranked 50 CC levels from each official set!

Deadline - 11th September 2014 12:00AM GMT

Remember to Private Message them to the CC Zone account, NOT this one!

There are four top 50 lists in total:

Chip's Challenge 1

Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1

Chip's Challenge Level Pack 2

Chip's Challenge Level Pack 3

Please also refer to this topic: http://cczone.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/1003-cc-zones-top-50-rated-levels/ on checking which levels are not allowed in specific lists.

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  Levels you want to see in CCLP4
Posted by: Michael - 01-Aug-2014, 1:09 AM - Forum: CCLP Discussions - Replies (16)

Post them here.

Tyler suggested this, btw

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  Hurt and Heal: Breaking Bad
Posted by: AdrenalinDragon - 31-Jul-2014, 5:50 PM - Forum: Games and Trivia - Replies (5)

+1 for the choice you want to heal, -2 for the choice you want to hurt. A choice will be eliminated from the round when it hits 0.

Copy and paste the latest post reply, then make your changes with +1 and -2 to your choices and numbers.

Rules - No double posting! Wait until at least two different people after you have responded minimum before you play again and post!

NOTE - If a choice you want to give a -2 score to has only 1 remaining, the -2 vote must be shared with another choice.

Round 1 - Main Characters

Walter White [10]
Jesse Pinkman [11] +1

Skyler White [8] -2

Walter White Jr. [10]
Hank Schrader [10]
Marie Schrader [10]
Saul Goodman [10]
Gustavo Fring [10]
Mike Ehrmantraut [10]
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle [10]
Todd Alquist [10]

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