Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer
The key also dissolves in the water.

How much does a pink ball weigh?
Nothing, it's a hologram.

What country's military are the tanks from?
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)
They aren't actually proper tanks, the Clubhouse's budget isn't *that* big. They managed to cut down on expenses a little by firing the guys who used to fly the gliders and replacing them with bots, but they still need to pay the energy upkeep of these machines as well as for the force-fields (those things use a lot of electricity). So the tanks are actually big paper-mache tanks the local primary school helped to make for the Clubhouse.

How else could the Clubhouse cut down on expenses?
Using basic tap water instead of swimming pool grade water. Having chipsters make fires caveman style (banging rocks together or rubbing sticks together) instead of spending on lighters or matches. Give cloners a limit of 999 clones instead of infinite clones. Limit the number of exits per level to just one (no more trap exits, extra exits for aesthetic purposes, or having one in each corner for you to chose the nearest in a non linear level). Asking the thieves nicely to give the stuff back after the level is over. Shutting the lights off of each level once Chip leaves them. Selling the normal tanks and replacing them with Bob Semples. Filling the water tiles up only 90% (to save on the tap water), having everyone pee in them to finish filling them up. In rows of force floors, only the first force floor pushes Chip forward, the following ones are turned off, but Chip got pushed so hard that he keeps moving forward due to the momentum. Only playing ice levels in winter, that way the outside temperature can assist in keeping the indoor temperature cold, and that way they don't spend on so much AC to keep the ice from melting. Making walls out of cheaper building material. Making floor out of cheaper building materials. Buying doors/toggle doors made in China. No more levels with extra chips. No more time limits, so they don't have to buy clocks. Making fake blue walls out of same colored tissue paper. Having only one level in the clubhouse at a time (when Chip beats a level, he steps out of the clubhouse, waits for them to turn it into the next level, and then steps back in).

Before Chip, there were other Bit Busters in the club... What makes Chip the special one to be able to take Melinda to the E-Prom ?
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)
Chip and Melinda both take finding their true love very seriously, and it turns out Chip makes a damn good impression of the saxophone in Yakety Sax.

If Chip's Challenge was so good, why didn't they make a Chip's Challenge 2?
Why are you stuck in pre 2015?
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)
What do you mean? Hey imagine if Trump became president of the United States LOL I can't.

If the protagonist of Chuck's Challenge 3D is a purple alien, does that mean Chuck is an alien?
I'm afraid to say Chuck is now a monkey (the purple alien used alien-magic to do this, because he found it hilarious).

How did Woop (the purple alien) find Chuck? Chuck is most famous for Chips Challenge so Woop must have been an existing fan of Chips Challenge. Does that mean Woop could be one of us?
Chuck was hiding under a rock near the river.

Woop was looking for scorpions under rocks because scorpion
venom is an antidote for alien hangovers. He found Chuck instead.

Statistically, Woop is most likely to be a chipster's distant cousin.

Why do Chip and Melinda mention Woop when reaching an exit? Is it just a reference, or are they all in the same universe?
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)
In CC2, Chip and Melinda are permanently on a quest to capture Woop and punish him for making Chuck design more levels, in addition to the Vladimir thing. This plot tidbit was supposed to appear on CC2's physical instruction manual (imagine NOT reading the manual)

What starts with a G and rhymes with host? What starts with a B and rhymes with most? What starts with an R and rhymes with post? What do you put into a toaster?

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