Valentine's 2016 Mini Create Challenge
Happy Valentine's Day!

We already have a create competition going on centered around CCLP3, but let's start another smaller one! You may have noticed that the wiki has great information on CC1 and CCLP2, but many of the pages for CCLP3 are lacking by comparison. Let's help our friends out and do something about this! And maybe at some point we can do the same for CCLP1.

Your task, should you accept, is to improve the individual level pages of CCLP3.

For each level you substantially improve, you will receive 1 Chip Cup
point as thanks, up to five points. The edited pages do not need to be perfect, but useful. You can come up with your own approach and voice if you feel, but the main point I think is to make the level page useful for someone working on the level. This may include hints on how to solve the level, or how to optimize it, or just generally interesting tidbits about the level or its history (or scoring history). You can include pictures, maps, videos, links, and even comics if you want to go all out! Don't stress it though, as just getting the basic information out there will often improve the pages a great deal.

Deadline for this task, if you want credit for it here, is the end of February. Post your progress below so we know what's been going on Slight smile I will figure out the Chip Cup points and awards for participating in March. If you wish, you can even use the hashtag #Valentine in your reason for updating the page Tongue

Dibs on Vulcan! I found a busted route that's conceptually simpler than the intended route, and nearly found the intended route but didn't make the connection with the glider.

I'll also probably add some information to Get a Clue (page needs refining), Checkers (as barren as Vulcan), Same Game (not a bad page but it could use some further solving information) and Suspended Animation (going into the 2 different solutions with a little less time-specific detail, in a more general sense. Why this level? Because it was the most frustrating to solve out of all of CCLP3)

edit: Just updating this post with progress. Get a Clue and Checkers have been updated with some further information. I've also updated Block Buster with the casual-friendly consistent route I discovered yesterday, though I don't expect any points here for doing so. It is nice to no longer have the Block Buster page say "to solve the level, it's best to go for 402" now though! Flame Thrower has also been given a little more information, instead of restating the same information twice.

double edit: Vulcan solve information added- there's a basic outline of the key points of both routes, which is possibly not enough for a level as difficult to solve as this, but it should be enough as the most difficult to conceptualize parts of both routes are included.
My CC1 levelsets: (25, 150, 149, 149, 149, 149, 60, 149, 43, +2 = 1025 total)
25 levels.dat | Ultimate Chip.dat | Ultimate Chip 2.ccl | Ultimate Chip 3.dac | Ultimate Chip | Ultimate Chip 5 | Ultimate Chip 6 Walls of CCLP4 i^e
IHNN-Ultimate: 147 of my best levels (through UC5), plus 2 entirely new ones. May be overhauled soon.

My CC2 levelsets: (100, ???)

My CC score tracker. Has lots of cool automated features!
Twitch | Youtube | Twitter
I guess it's March, so time to dish out some points for this task. Slight smile I am sad that I didn't have time to do anything for some points myself, as I do think keeping the quality of the Wiki decent is valuable for our community. On the other hand, I see that not many others jumped at it even with the promise of Chip Cup points
as an encouragement, so either the most everyone disagrees with me or the task was not to people's liking. On the third hand, I did throw together this thread because it was easier than making a Treasure Hunt level and still wanted to provide a way to earn the (secret) Trittany award for participating in a Valentine's competition. Anyway, our astounding list of entrants is...

Ihavenoname248 - 4
Chip Cup points
for editing Get a Clue, Checkers, Flame Thrower, Vulcan. Plus you earn the Trittany award too! Thanks for participating.

Did I miss anything/anyone? Any other issues that need commenting? Now I need to find a few minutes to post my thoughts and results of the recent Create Comp... look for those soon!


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