ZK3: Damnation
You have to jump in and grab the red key as soon as it's free. It can be pretty difficult at first, but it's easy once you have the timing memorized.

Here's a video solution to show that it is indeed solvable.
Honestly that room is obnoxious, Angry it's like an almost impossible version of the "boosting ice and tank section" from Think Tank, this level will be better off with one less bee. It seems like pure luck is a factor in that room.
I'll post my review since I've completed 39 of the 40 levels.

1. Nice diagonally symmetrical puzzle with a nice puzzle.

2. Neat looking simple maze

3. Not too bad of a level just gotta be careful with which blocks you push.

4. Tricky level for the start of the set but it is good exercise for toggle door parities.

5. Pretty neat looking and nice item swapper.

6. Awesome puzzle. Was this supposed to be a series of levels since there was a split path in CCLP4. Maybe this is part 1.

7. I feel that we need more levels of the "Last Laugh" kind of concept. Also a simple level.

8. Okay level, I guess.

9. Same as level 8, the typical level that follows a sequence of puzzles, which I really like.

10. Kind of nerve wracking with the force floor slides on water. I am not going to lie, FF slides surrounded by water are pretty scary.
11. Tricky time rush level but fun to figure out.

12. Great level and how it looks in the map is awesome.

13. A little tedious but I don't mind it for this level. Also, looks nice in the map.

14. Well constructed sequential puzzle, only problem are the walkers on the top of the level.

15. I like the "deadline extension" concept meaning unlocking a cloner to make it longer.

16. Somewhat confusing level and yes another scary FF slide surrounded by water.

17. Really fun cell kind of level and a nice pattern of the chip always in the middle of each cell.

18. Okay level.

19. Awesome puzzle I like this one along with the aesthetics. Never been in a real life corn maze but this level is an enhanced maze.

20. I remember seeing this level in one of the CCLP4 voting packs, also a great level.
Nah, Split Path in CCLP4 is just the old version of the level (with the outer spaces filled with walls). I'd love to see that type of concept used more, though!

Also thanks for taking the time to leave all the feedback on my sets by the way, I know I haven't responded too much, but it is much appreciated! Slight smile
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
21. Awesome level I have to say.

22. Also an awesome sequential puzzle.

23. This level has some neat patterns, but to me the level is slightly confusing,

24, This level has the "Garbage Chute" kind of concept.

25. I sort of like and dislike joyride kind of levels and I find this one kind of difficult. Fortunately, backwards boosting in MS makes it kinds easier and the fact there only 3 slides. Still difficult in my opinion though,

26. I kind of like this level, not the best one but still all right.

27. This level has a nice trap puzzle but the level can be kind of nerve wracking. Not to mention the repeated use of FF's that have to be used precisely.

28. Slightly confusing but sill a nice concept.

29. I have to admit that I got completely stumped for the first glider, but it was just another dumb oversight. This is a great level and i really like this kind of blow up monsters concept.

30. Really confusing level.
31. This is a fun and somewhat tricky map the path puzzle. Just have to be conservative of clearing dirt tiles.

32. Aside from the scary FF's surrounded by the fire, this has many great puzzles rolled into one.

33. At first judging by the title I thought this was going to be a time crunch level. It's actually a really fun one, I also head that you can bust this level in 6 seconds but I prefer to complete it the intentional way unless I'm going for optimization.

34. This level is kinda hilarious.

35. I don't exactly understand what the symbolism represents but nevertheless a fun level.

36. Creative use for the tooth monster at the start, reminds me of Field from your ZK4 set and A Wild Tooth Appears from ZK2. The ending was really chaotic though.

37. Great mind bending puzzle and a very well constructed one. I was stumped for quite some time on this level but I was able to figure it out. It always feels good to crack a tough puzzle.

38. Difficult level in my opinion. I was totally stumped on the trap section and the "marsh" puzzle at the end. "The Marsh" puzzles are one of my least favorite CC concepts especially when they're at the end.

39. I find this level extremely confusing despite its extreme creative aesthetic in the map. Don't get me wrong this is a great looking level and kind of fun once you know how to do it. I believe that "messy" levels are confusing but create nice chip maze levels like Josh's "Divide by Zero".

40. This is an extremely difficult level and very unforgiving. The room that I really hated were the 3 bees circling the red key, honestly that room is just really bad. Fortunately, I had a lot of practice with the "trail master" concept with the tooth puzzle at the end. So, if it were to be nerfed, I would at least get rid of one bee in the red key room cause that room is almost impossible without extreme luck in my opinion. Extremely difficult level as the last one. AngryConfusedFlushed

All in all this set had great puzzles and a couple of hard ones that are kind of designed for CC veterans (I consider myself to be one). I'd give this set 3.8/5 stars cause I am not going to lie this set was pretty difficult. This set still has some very nice levels like Split Path (6), Corn Maze, and Vault 21 (21). The level Four Years (40) is the most difficult level in my opinion. Also, this set had a somewhat decent difficulty curve. There were some pretty difficult levels in the very beginning and the set got uber difficult near the very end, specifically 39 and 40. Nevertheless, I had fun playing the set and like I said before cracking tough puzzles are always a good feeling


My personal rating: 3.8/5
I can't help but notice that you tend to call difficult levels bad, with little else to suggest a different reason for that opinion.
CCMiniLP, my CCLP1 submissions. Outdated, not recommended.
CCSignificantlyLargerLP, my CCLP4 submissions. More current than my main set.
Consistent Inconsistency (ongoing), my main CC1 custom set. (discussion)
RyanJ1.dat (ongoing), my main CC2 custom set. (discussion)
Mystery Project (unfinished) (previews)

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I meant to say that some of the levels were frustrating. But in the future I'll probably add suggestions to make the level better, the merging is entirely up to Zane though. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy playing his levels.

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