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12-Feb-2012, 1:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-Nov-2014, 7:39 PM by ajmiam.)
![[Image: IsO5v.png]](
![[Image: ctuqy.png]](
Some of you may have already seen a small preview of this set. Well, here it is, finally available for download right here! This is my first levelset, which has been in the works for quite some time now. It contains 100 all-new levels which start out very easy but become harder over time, especially after level 70 (though there are still some easier levels mixed in after that).
Watch a preview of the levelset here:
Author's notes:
- Every level has been tested in Lynx and should be MS-compatible as well.
- Every 10th level (except #50) is an "action" level--that is, a short level where speed, reflexes, and timing play a larger role than puzzle-solving. Don't worry, there are some puzzles and action both mixed into the other 90!
- I submit every level in this set for CCLP4, except #50 (which is just a "break" level) and the levels that are in CCLP1.
- Levels that contain random elements are, for the most part, untimed to avoid frustrating bold-seekers. #25 is an exception because randomness should not affect the best possible time.
- Two other levels are untimed because they have multiple solutions and I don't want people to stick to using only the fastest solution if they don't want to.
- One level (#18) is untimed because it is a sort-of unusual puzzle that could take new players a while to figure out. But hopefully it will be an educational experience for them.
- Fourteen levels are references to other games (not necessarily video games). One is a reference in title only; the rest are references in both title and concept. If you think you know all of them, post! I'd like to see who can get all of them first!
- Level 99 is completely, absolutely, totally unfair. This is done on purpose. Otherwise it wouldn't be a reference to the game it's referencing. It has no randomness or lucky timing, though, so once you figure out what to do, you should be able to solve it. The hint gives you the password to Level 100, though, if you want to skip it.
- This levelset is essentially complete now, barring bug fixes. I have another 100-level set currently in the works, and once I finish it, I will release it on its own and as a compilation with the levels from this set. In the compilation, I may reorder the levels.
Anyone and everyone may download this set, play it with Chip's Challenge and Tile World, and redistribute this set as-is with credit given to me. You may NOT, however, redistribute this set as your own, or edit any level(s) and redistribute the result without my permission.
Current version: 1.010 (as of 11/9/14)
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This actually looks really good. I could definitely see some of these in CCLP1 or something.
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12-Feb-2012, 1:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-Feb-2012, 1:54 PM by ChipHome5.)
It seems a very interesting level set, with some new ideas which are very good!
I'll try it as soon as I can!
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It looks intresting. I'll be playing it in MS, and I'll let you know if I run into any issues.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
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Level by level: I played to level 45 for now.
1. Leven 1 is horribly busted. I can just grab the flippers and exit in 33 seconds.
2. Level 2 was fun.
3. So was level 3.
4. Level 4 was really enjoyable. I liked how you put extra chips in.
5. Really clever.
6. I died right next to the exit on my first attempt because I wasn't paying attention. It was fun regardless.
7. The number of times I stepped into the fire / water is greater than the level number. But these types of levels are fun, and this was no exception.
8. Somehow I got killed by the pink ball to the upper left of where you start. Somehow. A fun and creative level.
9. I'm not entirely sure what you were aiming for with this level, but it was fun anyways. Also, murphey's law of blue walls: The fake one will always be the one you skipped.
10. Fun.
11. This was a rather clever level. I boosted into the bugs once. Doh.
12. Simple but still fun.
13. I didn't enjoy this level a whole lot, just because the concept is really overused in my mind.
14. This level was fun and mildly evil at the same time.
15. Fun, and bonus points due to creative trap use. I'd vote for this level in CCLP1.
16. I got murdered by the pink ball in the hallway with the chips at either end once, took the wrong pop-up wall into the block/water/blue key part once, and this was a really, really good level. I would vote for it for CCLP1 as well.
17. Fun. Insert firing lazer meme here.
18. Now you're thinking with portals teleports.
19. Help! The ceiling is falling!
20. That was entertaining.
21. I understand what you did here, but it still led to much invisible wall maze rage.
22. This is a clever level, but it's not equal between rulesets due to slide delay.
23. This level was quite exceptional. Yes, I got murdered by gliders a lot.
24. Clever, but on the key side you only need to spend one key and go through the same section over and over. I ended with all four keys, because I did this with the green key.
25. Before I even started the level, I knew this was going to be chaos... and it was, but it was really fun at the same time. Optimization potential ahoy!
26. This is a good level, but it's probably too hard for CCLP1.
27. The beees! Noo! Not the bees!
28. It really is easier than it looks.
29. What is this, Minecraft?
30. This level is unsolvable in MS due to the controller-boss glitch involving the teeth cloner (the controller is the pink ball).
31. Pankcake chip v1.0
32. Tricky.
33. A nice block pushing puzzle.
34. More bugs.
35. Another tricky one - it's moderately difficult with the "highest difficulty".
36. Clever and tricky.
37. A nice maze.
38. Annoying.
39. This is a good concept, but the level stretched on for too long. It would be better if it was shorter.
40. Another good level.
41. This could have been a good level, but cheap tricks to kill the player (like having two bugs around a chip rotating the wrong way) spoiled it.
42. Win.
43. This level appears to be unsolvable - the toggle door doesn't open before the fireballs kill chip.
44. A creative and fun level.
45. Needs more lazers.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
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12-Feb-2012, 8:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-Feb-2012, 9:09 PM by ajmiam.)
Wow, that was fast! Thanks for all the feedback!
Quote:1.Leven 1 is horribly busted. I can just grab the flippers and exit in 33 seconds.
Uh, yeah...Actually, you can reach the exit with any item. I kind of meant for it to be a place for new players to experiment and learn what the items do.
Quote:24. Clever, but on the key side you only need to spend one key and go through the same section over and over. I ended with all four keys, because I did this with the green key.
*goes back and hastily inserts some recessed walls*
It's amazing what you won't even think of trying to do in levels you designed yourself but will notice instantly when playing someone else's levels.
Quote:30. This level is unsolvable in MS due to the controller-boss glitch involving the teeth cloner (the controller is the pink ball).
Oooooooops!  I should know better! *inserts boss*
Quote:41. This could have been a good level, but cheap tricks to kill the player (like having two bugs around a chip rotating the wrong way) spoiled it.
Sorry! I hoped the level title would have been enough warning for the player to look for things like that.
Quote:43. This level appears to be unsolvable - the toggle door doesn't open before the fireballs kill chip.
Hint: You're not in checkmate. Look for a safe place to stand where the fireballs will never get you.
I'll have an update fixing what you've pointed out so far up sometime soon (probably not tonight, though).
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Alright, I'll give level 43 another shot and see what I can find.
I do have to say that I like this level set.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
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Quote:29. What is this, Minecraft?
Great level, too
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Quote:Great level, too 
Also, that was so brilliantly obvious in level 43 that I'm ashamed that I missed it. I played a few more levels while I was at it.
Level 46 made me irritated because of random walker stupidity. They were going everywhere but where I wanted them to go, and I got sick of it and just started spam cloning them after blocking off what I had already cleared. Dodging fun then.
Level 47... I didn't like level 22 of the original CC and I didn't like this, but that's just because I don't like these types of levels.
Level 48 is fun, and I'd vote for it for CCLP1 if there wasn't lucky timing with the toggle doors on the ice slide making that part annoying.
Level 49 is also fun, and the teeth at the end made things even more intresting.
Level 50 is, well... unexpected. But fun.
Level 51 is fun, but lucky timing is not cool.
Level 52 is extremely creative and very fun, and I'd vote for it for CCLP1.
Level 53 is a nice item swapper, but I would sugjest adding more time to the time limit.
Level 54 is creative and is a concept not seen often enough, and when it is seen is rarely executed this well. I'd vote for it for CCLP1.
Level 55 is another fun level, but I actually only needed a small part of it.
Level 56 is intresting and kind of clever, but even with the hint the solution was still difficult to find.
Level 57 is fun.
Level 58 - Lucky timing. Yuck. Otherwhise, good level.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
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Quote:Level 58 - Lucky timing. Yuck.
Please clarify...?