Trying to think of stuff to put in a forest theme level.
I can't think of anything to put in this haunted forest theme level I want. Anyone have some ideas they're willing to share? The only thing I have so far is an area with a few teeth and a "pond" with a few gliders around it.

Anyone have any ideas they're willing to share?
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
I've had this idea for a while but you can add gravel and dirt, maybe even a bit of ice (if it's an icy forest your looking for) Also, you can add some bugs and paramecia in it Slight smile
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Total: 75+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
If you want to make it green (like treetops), you could put a bunch of blobs in unconnected traps.
A dirt trail leading to a (possibly icy) cave...

A plot that involves setting a trap and waiting for a monster to "fall" into it, etc.

- Madhav.
Well, SMW has caterpillars and trees to hide behind -- no idea how you'd do that.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
The level ended up playing out like this:

First, an area where you must get past four teeth monsters and then direct them into bombs. There's an extra twist here but I won't spoil it.

Then blobs. Dodge the blobs.

Then you have to get a bug to hit three trap buttons to gain access to a key.

After that a classic "Fetch chips from bugs" section, followed by a "guide fireballs through this water filled maze". Then you get to backtrack to the bug room and gain the green key and exit.

Every area except the teeth area is connected to a central "pond" with a few roaming gliders.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
Sounds pretty epic. Can't wait to see the final result!
I'm nearly done with the set. It's pretty short.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!

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