03-Aug-2014, 10:37 PM
File category: CC1 Levelsets
The 5th set to the JoshL series. After just shy of a full year, this set now consists of 149 levels of moderate difficulty, 10 of which were seen in JCCLP. Entirely Lynx compatible and somewhat arranged by difficulty; the hardest levels are towards the end of the set. Most levels have been tested in both rulesets by Michael, Tyler, J.B., and myself. But if we missed something, please let me know!
This is also the source set of many of my levels seen in CCLP4.
Have fun and enjoy!

Confirmed solvable? Yes
What's New in Version 1.16
The 5th set to the JoshL series. After just shy of a full year, this set now consists of 149 levels of moderate difficulty, 10 of which were seen in JCCLP. Entirely Lynx compatible and somewhat arranged by difficulty; the hardest levels are towards the end of the set. Most levels have been tested in both rulesets by Michael, Tyler, J.B., and myself. But if we missed something, please let me know!
This is also the source set of many of my levels seen in CCLP4.
Have fun and enjoy!

Confirmed solvable? Yes
What's New in Version 1.16
- Now up to date in comparison to the version on pieguy's site. If already downloaded from there, no re-download is necessary.