Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread
Just posting in this thread to say I am still working on levels for this set!

I took it upon myself to make a spreadsheet of this set's construction for myself; for me to keep track of what types of levels I create (so I don't create too many of one type of level) and whether or not I want to keep certain levels. This will also help me with how I want to rearrange all levels when nearing completion, which I also decided that this set will contain a total of 149 levels because I refuse to break the classic amount of levels from CC1 sets. In addition, the start of the set will contain simpler, tutorial type levels which CC2 ultimately lacked a lot of with certain tiles (like the hook). The overall difficulty I am aiming for is easy-moderate levels, with the exception of a few hard levels (maybe 5-8 at most). These hard levels, however, should be no harder than DUNK TANK, assuming you've played that level. Another thing I decided is I will include music from other video games of my liking to go along with my set specifically. Though I will probably still keep the CC2 music here anyway. So if you know me well, you should expect a lot of Pokemon themes here Tongue

Anyway out of the current 55 levels, I have 5 marked for removal and 1 as a maybe keep/remove. However, they will remain in the set until I have enough levels to replace them. That being said, I most likely will not update Flareon1 for a long time until I reach 149 levels. So be sure to leave any kind of feedback of what exists so far and that will help me out with what to keep, fix, or remove.

The levels I am removing as of now include:

GREEN APPLE HARVEST - tedious and not fun at all

CLOCK EXPERIMENT - was more of an experimental level

VOLCANIC WASTELAND - way too large

IRIDESCENT - too many design flaws

WORLD OF A THOUSAND FLAMES - decided not to have levels with CC1 boot rules in this set and changing that here would break this level badly

Levels I may keep/remove:

DETONATOR FEVER - good concept but I feel it's not designed well enough. If people still want this in, I will redesign it a bit

Last thing worth noting, all removed levels will be placed in their own set that is currently unnamed and nonexistent, for that matter. Even though they have reasons for being removed, I still want to keep everything I considered for this set, to better improve future custom CC2 sets of my creation, if any. Flareon2 is confirmed to be a thing by the way, also hello.

Anyway stay tuned for more news. If you want to know anything else, comment here. I will post level previews of what I make in the meantime since updates here won't happen for a while! Thanks for all the feedback and insight! Flareon

tl;dr version:

- Made a spreadsheet to better assist me with set's construction

- Set will have 149 levels total, with tutorial type levels at the start, a rearrangement of mostly everything seen so far, and include different music

- Won't update this set until 149 levels have been reached

- Overall difficulty is aimed to be easy-moderate with very few hard levels

- Leave any kind of feedback in the meantime

- Expect level previews every so often

- Removed levels confirmed to be in their own set

- Flareon2 confirmed
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / ???
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: Too many but presumably over 1400

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 75+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon

Messages In This Thread
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by geodave - 03-Jun-2015, 12:07 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by Michael - 06-Jun-2015, 10:12 AM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 29-Jun-2015, 5:06 AM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 28-Jul-2015, 11:29 AM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 28-Jul-2015, 8:29 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 28-Jul-2015, 9:05 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by random 8 - 10-Oct-2015, 10:47 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by mobius - 13-Dec-2015, 2:04 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 22-Feb-2016, 12:40 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 22-Feb-2016, 3:53 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 22-Feb-2016, 4:24 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 26-Feb-2016, 8:21 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 26-Feb-2016, 11:16 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 27-Feb-2016, 10:20 AM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 01-Mar-2016, 6:12 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by Flareon350 - 27-Mar-2016, 3:36 AM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 31-Mar-2016, 9:42 AM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 31-Mar-2016, 2:08 PM
Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread - by _H_ - 31-Mar-2016, 8:49 PM

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