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Too much info only to describe them turtles, man.
Hello'v'ryone's'is' rockdet Ænigma Mælström (any word with æ because it's funny), master of non sequitur buckets!
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Rock-Alpha(It's a great game, Bill) 65 levels, including "Voices" and the world-infamous famous "Bloblake"!
Rock-Beta (You should try it, Bill) 50 levels, including "Unicorn Rabbit" and "The Sedna Suite" odyssey!
Rock-Gamma (Woah, really, Bill?!) 40 levels, including "Uncle duo ha ha ha ha ha" and many other surprises and what the actual f*** moments!
Teeth "We are after all in the future, where the past is king and the paste is ming." -raocow
You can never have too much information.
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
Not according to Duran Duran:

"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
I take Duran Duran about as seriously as I take Newt Gingrich (though I will admit that Girls On Film rocks).
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
Well, back in the Hungry Like the Wolf days, they were just kind of silly (and being made fun of on Family Ties), but I think after the breakup-recombine thing they got some gravitas. The self-titled album from the early 90s had some great tracks.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
I'll admit that I haven't heard anything beyond their 80's stuff. Perhaps I should give the ST release a spin.
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
I have trouble taking Newt seriously as well. I imagine he will be in the cabinet if Romney wins (which is doubtful in my view).
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
I had a nightmare last night in which not only did Romney lock up the nomination, he also won the Presidency, along with the GOP sweeping the House and the Senate. Thank God I woke up.

I was under the impression that Gingrich and Romney absolutely despise each I wrong in thinking that? I can't see Newt being offered (nor accepting) a place in Romney's cabinet.
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
Obama and Hillary hate each other. Politics makes strange bedfellows. The general concensus is that Gingrinch knows everything about everything, so you snub him at your peril. I dunno -- I guess we'll see.

It's entirely possible that the republicans will take both houses. People are pretty pissed. Happened in 94. Problem is, Obama is much less likely to move to the center than Bill Clinton, which means Washington will still not get anything done. Actually, that may be a good thing, as it seem predictability is the key to business success.

Both parties pretty much annoy me, so I'm just watching for the theatre of it. I was hoping for a brokered convention, but it looks doubtful now.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
Obama doesn't need to move to the center; he's practically already there!

I was also hoping for a brokered convention; for as much as I dislike Obama, I distrust the GOP even more. Also, being from PA, I know how terrible Santorum is. If only he had a decent shot at the nomination! It would ensure Barack's re-election.

I'm bummed that Nader's not running this year, so I suppose I'll be casting my vote for the Socialist Party or the Worker's World party.
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.

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