Playing Melinda inside the challenge
Quote:I think that frogs follow her like dogs !

Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
I have an idea, but unfortunately it has nothing to do with not letting you play as Melinda until you reach a series of conditions, nor letting Melinda have special powers, nor letting you play as Chip on certain levels, and Melinda on the others. I lack of programming, but there is a way ( I think) to play as both on the same .EXE (Using CCHack, of course) and to switch to the opposite character, with the click of a button.

Okay, so modify an .EXE with CCHack (easy right?) Go to the graphics modification part, and don't mess with the original, nor the second original tileset (cause there are two, object_4 and object_4E) I think that's what they're called, I'm not sure, unless you made your own bonus tileset that gives Chip a golden shirt, then fine, import your tilesets in CCHack. Now, Previously having made a tileset with Melinda, Import it to the one that says "monochrome tileset". This is supposed to be used for the black and white Chip's Challenge "mode", I haven't tried doing this yet, but I read somewhere that it doesn't have to be specifically B&W, instead, it can be any color, just like the original tileset. I think I read that on the actual CChack's help file...

So, with the original Tileset and the one with Melinda as the "Monochrome" tileset, hit write on .EXE (I think it's that) button of CCHack and close it.

Now open the CHIPS.EXE you just modified and if eveything went well, you should playing with an "un-buggy" normal set, and when you got to ----->Options-------->Color you should see Melinda instead of Chip.

I haven't tried it, but that's how I think it's done.

In fact, I'm going to go try it myself... I'll come back to tell you if I succeed.
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)

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