CCLP5: Pre-Voting Culling & Level Nominations!
Important update:

The deadline for nominations has been extended - it will now conclude on June 14, 2022 at midnight EST.

Feel free to direct the first post of this thread for any additional information :)
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Of my own levels in the nominations set, I'd like to request these be reconsidered:

38 - Horde of Monsters
44 - Into the Dungeon (I'm guessing this was because it wasn't interestingly different from any other partial posting level? Still, I'd like to see it in voting.)
45 - Loch Block (I get that it's basically just a guessing game, but you only have to make one correct guess to solve it--I feel that that's less frustrating than a level with several guesses in a row where getting any of them wrong means losing.)
46 - No Problem (personally I feel like it's a pretty good monster-dodging level)
49 - The Sun (alright, I get that this one might not be super interesting to play, I honestly just like the aesthetic of it.)

I'll try to play through the whole nominations set to see what others I think deserve a shot. I'm glad that the deadline has been extended since I hadn't checked CCZone all week.

Of the six levels of mine that were culled, the only one I care to object to is Follower, which is one of my favorites of my own levels.
They call me Earthling, for I come from Earth.

Earthling1.dat, my levelset.
Here are the levels from the set of 151 I'd like to nominate.

1. The Bottom Line
24. Sickly Silver Monsoon
31. Waterways
32. Colour Rush
52. Imperial Elevator
55. Florid Outlands
59. Anomalous Materials
62. Hear Them Calling
91. Bomb Shelter
97. Blueberry Bushes by the Bushel
101. An Exit to Remember
103. Adrenaline Rush
110. Yet Another Pickle
121. In the Beginning
126. Netherrack, Netherrack, and Netherrack
127. Icy Hot Maze
132. The Crusher

Gonna look through the other culled levels as well and report back.
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
70 levels into the set of 151, here are some levels I'd like to nominate.
Temple of No Key -- A bit difficult and exacting, but interesting challenges.
Vanity -- Medium difficulty block puzzles. Ending takes a while but isn't really too bad.
The Trouble with Mirrors -- A puzzle I remember enjoying from CCLP4 voting.
Grudge -- Maybe a surprising pick, but I liked the compact monster manipulation/dodging challenges and felt the level's short length really made it work without being frustrating.
Waterways -- A level that could be technically called guesswork when it comes to pushing on blue walls while dodging monsters, but in practice the path is visually indicated so intuitively that it's a smooth and fun solving experience.  This is the sort of blue wall level I really like.
Blockage -- Some nice puzzles about figuring out how to make the best use of blocks that appear useless on first glance.  I do think it needs more time, though; I ran out near the end on an attempt where I wasted very little.
Imperial Elevator -- A nice casual chips-under-blocks level that has just enough "hmm" moments near the end to be fun.
Florid Outlands -- Simple maze with nice aesthetics that requires just a bit of planning to get through certain parts.
Anomalous Materials -- I liked the aesthetics and it had a nice progression with puzzles that got harder but could be done in any order.

Here are some levels that I'll nominate because I enjoyed them even though they might not be as good as the ones above for various reasons:
Catalyst -- A neat concept, though admittedly I wish more was done with it or there was more of a puzzle surrounding it.
Pearl Harbour -- Yes, it's long, but it's fun to progressively unravel the blocks!
Dark Night -- A simple idea made a bit more exciting by the low time limit.
Hear Them Calling -- A strange one, but the timing was challenging at points without being ridiculous, and navigating through the outside to get back to the exit was kinda neat.
Dirty Love -- I really liked the sense of progression through the columns and creating partial posts behind you to get to the next column.  It's held back a bit by the fact that you're never told not to teleport down, which can make things confusing if you do, and there are some places where you have to know what's coming up next to get through correctly (like the toggle wall and especially the glider trap).  It is possible to preview, but can be easily missed.
Spirit in the Sky -- Simple dodging gameplay for the most part, but I just liked how it was laid out.

And two honorable mention, which I am NOT nominating but strongly considered:
Lithium-Ionized -- I enjoyed the aesthetics and the odd way of navigating around, and using blocks to open up a path back...but just wish it did something more varied with the 4 sections.
Crusher Castle -- This is a bit like Green Wrangler but with blocks instead of helmets to contain the monsters.  I think both blobs and Teeth work well for a level of this kind, but the walker does not.  (Too unpredictable and fast to chase down and trap; can hit you head-on before you can react if you're moving quickly.)  Also I think there were a tad too many monsters and a little too much space.  Basically I enjoyed most of it, but it wore out its welcome while I was dealing with the last two blobs.
Here’s my final list of levels from the Nominations set that I’d like to nominate for inclusion in voting:

1. The Bottom Line
2. Chiptune Hero
12. Vanity
35. Blockage
101. An Exit to Remember

From the levels that were already culled, here are some that I want to put forward for the staff to have a second look at (most were already mentioned in this thread):

6. Monster Sorter

1. Governor Limits – very clever!
6. Head over Heels – Sure this level is tedious but it has a CC1 feel to it that I like. The level needs to be untimed though, I lost to time ¾ through the level which was not fun. Also the tank splash noise is very annoying in Lynx and seems a bit unnecessary, I usually play with sound effects off however.

64. Fair and Square – the level has fireballs as equalizers as a way to allow random elements without bold time requiring luck.

41. Reactor Dice – after dying the first 10 times I was going to say it was a no, but then I noticed the teeth and I think it’s kinda cool how you can gamble how many walkers you want to let out before switching to the other sides and kill off all walkers in the water. Surely a nightmare for optimizers but I think that’s not a reason to not include a level in voting.

114. Double Rainbow – I like the exploration feel of this level (where can bridging take you?). Also I love the reference in the hint.

5. BLOCK CIPHER – At first I did not get the pattern, even though I had the map in front of me, but finally I managed to figure it out and it’s a fair puzzle. A hint might be useful, though it shouldn’t give away too much. Maybe something like “The locks are your key [to how to place the blocks].” If the level should indeed be included in an official set, one would know upon encountering it that there is a pattern and not just random guessing. Should be untimed though.
I didn't get very far through the nominations set, but here's a few levels I think deserve a chance:

6. Statue of Teeth
10. Monster Slider
12. Vanity
19. Insect Path
25. The Trouble with Mirrors
31. Waterways
32. Colour Rush
35. Blockage
They call me Earthling, for I come from Earth.

Earthling1.dat, my levelset.
Looking through the set of 151, I was surprised to see quite a few levels that looked interesting to try as well as some levels that I know I enjoyed, therefore I think they at least deserve a shot:

1 - The Bottom Line
5 - Swip-Swap
6 - Statue of Teeth
7 - Temple of No Key
8 - Special Tanks To
12 - Vanity
18 - Distraction
20 - Island Solitaire
25 - The Trouble with Mirrors
31 - Waterways
35 - Blockage (old favorite)
44 - Into the Dungeon
50 - Left and Right
52 - Imperial Elevator
54 - Slurmy Slonka
55 - Florid Outlands
56 - Golgi Apparatus
57 - Lithium-Ionized
59 - Anomalous Materials
60 - Bunny Blue
64 - Dirty Love
68 - Spirit in the Sky
69 - Bootes
71 - Long Lost Allies
72 - Valtteri's Den
73 - The Rise of the Morning Star
74 - The Circle of Granades
75 - Altar of Storms
76 - The Mole
78 - Jailer Meets Prisoner
79 - Minotaurus
84 - Warehousing
85 - City in the Sky
88 - Keycrux
90 - The Crystal Palace
91 - Bomb Shelter
92 - Frosty Retreat
93 - The Legendary Block
96 - What Lies Beneath
97 - Blueberry Bushes by the Bushel
99 - Leisurely Stroll
100 - Quad
102 - Victorian
103 - Adrenaline Rush
104 - Cycloids
106 - Panic at Floor 11
109 - Drugs
110 - Yet Another Pickle
111 - Panic in a Bucket
113 - Dangers of Beasts
116 - Hazards and Beasts
118 - FrostNoBite
119 - They're Called Locks for Nothing
120 - Paint
121 - In the Beginning
123 - Ocean Temple
127 - Icy Hot Maze
130 - Numbskull
131 - Carnival
132 - The Crusher
137 - Fargem
138 - Siegecraft
141 - Ice and Flame Dungeon
145 - Ignition
146 - Hidden
151 - Blazing Heat

I also looked through the list of culled levels and want to make a few nominations:

AndrewM-CCLP5 46 Boomerangs
ArchieP1 38 RAILROAD
ArchieP1 102 SWITCH SIDE
ArchieP1 117 AGAIN AND AGAIN (Seriously, why should this be culled?)
BowmanCCLP5 14 PORTMAN (When I first made this level, I thought it was really fun. Apparently that is not the consensus of everyone, but I'd still like to nominate it)
CheeseT1 59 AS EASY AS 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169!
CheeseT1 61 CROWD
I only have one level from the culled list that I'd like to nominate, and that's ArchieP1 #38: RAILROAD.
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
I would request the folling levels from my set (AF_LsF-CCLP5) be reconsidered for voting: 

Level 1: RADAR 
Level 10: SECTOR X 

Of these levels, the one I would like to see in voting the most is RADAR. It's probably my favorite level in the set, plus I worked hard on it and I feel like it is challenging.
And now my nominations for the second half of the set, coming in at the literal 11th hour:

City in the Sky
Blueberry Bushes By the Bushel
Adrenaline Rush
They're Called Locks for Nothing
Netherrack, Netherrack, and Netherrack
The Crusher
Probably the Worst Maze to Exist
70's Circuit Board
Ice and Flame dungeon
Angels and Demons

And of the levels mentioned by others outside of the nomination set, I would like to nominate the following:
CheeseT1 61 Sokobananas

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