File category: CC1 Levelsets

While first released on August 28th, 2014, it was brought to my attention that not many of my newer levels were showcased in the original, thus realizing I had completely rushed the original release and well... also realizing there were a lot of crap levels in the original release.

...so here's a brand new, much better, re-released JCCLP2 - my second official "best-of" level set! Special thanks to the one and only J.B. Lewis, for the idea to overhaul this set for without him, I never would have considered it!

Like JCCLP before it, this set holds my best 145 levels from my latter three JoshL sets (4, 5, and 6) and is fully Lynx-compatible! It is also arranged by difficulty and includes 2 levels from my rejects set that I feel have been liked enough by various community members to be showcased here! It also includes 2 brand new levels - made specifically for this set.

As for the levels themselves, most of them retain the changes I've made to them for CCLP4 consideration while others have altered time limits. In addition, there's also secret hints scattered across the set! Find one and you get a password for a certain level you can skip to, if you want to do that! Although most of you might have disabled passwords to start with or just look in the editor... still it's fun to reach them!


JCCLPRejects - 2 levels

These two levels were ultimately rejected at first because I was not that pleased with them upon creation for one reason or another. But after giving them some time in the spotlight in the previous version of JCCLP2, I realized others enjoyed them, enough to make me actually like them myself. So theoretically, these two were falsely rejected but they are here to stay and can be found towards the end of this set.

JoshL4 - 25 levels

In terms of my designing career, this set is where I found a style I was comfortable and happy with. Unfortunately my choices of making difficult levels instead of easier ones makes this set less fun than the others...

JoshL5 - 73 levels

Taking nearly a full year to make, this one is definitely my best set and the one I am the most proud of. It is also my personal favorite! It manages to retain simple to understand, original concepts, but still contains a ton of variety. The only thing I regret with this set is I wish I had arranged the levels in a more orderly fashion than what I did.

JoshL6 - 47 levels

Not as good but this one is a close runner up to its predecessor! Unlike JoshL5, this one is heavier on the aesthetics given the design trope of monsters on top of unusual tiles but still contains a wide variety of gameplay. Even so, levels from this set can be considered as a "mix" between the difficulty levels of JoshL4 and 5.


These were very last minute creations. Thanks to the inspiration I got from seeing Jeffrey's medley levels from two of his sets, I just had to attempt to make two of my own - one for JoshL5 levels, and one for JoshL6 levels. For the most part, I am fairly proud of these but they could have been better. The difference between the two levels is the JoshL5 medley uses 16 8x8 sections while the JoshL6 medley uses 16 7x7 sections. Some edits were made to both of these, but they both still are fun to play and neither of them aren't too difficult. If you know what you're doing that is.

JCCLP3 might be a thing in the near future if I can make it happen! But don't count it Wink

Thanks for sticking around with me and my levels for all these years. I wouldn't have made it this far without this community. Slight smile

~Josh Lee [Flareon350] Flareon

Confirmed solvable? Yes

What's New in Version 2.8
  • Fixed bust in Sandstorms in the Underworld (133) Thanks for chipster1059 for pointing it out to me.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.dat   JCCLP2.dat (Size: 146.54 KB / Downloads: 542)
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1 / JoshL8(?)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon

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