Skype quotes
[6:33:26 PM] Zane: pokemon is not sex

[6:33:39 PM] James Anderson: factually correct statement by zane
[8:24:05 PM] James Anderson: sonic doesn't take blood transfusions, even when his life is in danger
[8:24:23 PM] James Anderson: actually why am i trying to insinuate he's a mormon or something
[8:24:24 PM] James Anderson: f**k this chat
[8:24:25 PM] James Anderson: i'm out
[8:24:28 PM] Josh: Clapping
[8:24:38 PM] Tyler Sontag: Clapping
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
[9/8/2014 6:50:13 PM] Eddy Limb: Ok, so 2 more seconds are possible on Switch Hit.
[9/8/2014 6:51:20 PM] Eddy Limb: After looking over my route, that is.
[9/8/2014 7:06:16 PM] J.B. Lewis: What in the world did you do?!
[9/8/2014 7:09:31 PM] Jeffrey (IHNN): I think he hit switches
CCMiniLP, my CCLP1 submissions. Outdated, not recommended.
CCSignificantlyLargerLP, my CCLP4 submissions. More current than my main set.
Consistent Inconsistency (ongoing), my main CC1 custom set. (discussion)
RyanJ1.dat (ongoing), my main CC2 custom set. (discussion)
Mystery Project (unfinished) (previews)

YouTube | Twitch | Steam
[8:18:21 PM] James Anderson: look both ways before you cross the street, be nice to your elders, and always make sure to press ctrl-P and ctrl-N after dying to get the full level bonus

[8:18:27 PM] James Anderson: there's your sage advice
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[3:59:14 PM] Michael Warner: y u no release it
[3:59:41 PM] James Anderson: y u typ lik dis?
[4:00:43 PM] Michael Warner: um
[4:00:43 PM] Michael Warner:
[4:00:45 PM] Michael Warner: thx
[4:01:04 PM] James Anderson: so you plagiarized
[4:01:06 PM] James Anderson: reported!
[4:01:10 PM] Michael Warner: no
[4:01:45 PM] Michael Warner: upload a preview of it plz
[4:01:49 PM] James Anderson: y u no guy?
[4:01:52 PM] James Anderson: y u girl?
[4:02:02 PM] James Anderson: y u want preview?
[4:02:26 PM] Michael Warner: y u no upload one?
[4:02:35 PM | Edited 4:02:40 PM] James Anderson: y u live australia?
[4:02:49 PM | Edited 4:02:53 PM] Michael Warner: y u no move out of canada?
[4:02:58 PM] James Anderson: y u blasphemy against canada?
[4:03:06 PM] James Anderson: y u no jihad?
[4:03:21 PM | Edited 4:03:24 PM] Michael Warner: y u no nazi?

[4:03:43 PM] James Anderson: y u answer question with question?
[4:03:59 PM | Edited 4:04:07 PM] James Anderson: y u start y u nonsense?
[4:04:23 PM] James Anderson: y u darvish?
[9/8/2014 10:45:27 PM] Miika: That's fine. Slight smile But if you are publishing a book, I require a free copy.

[9/8/2014 10:45:55 PM] James Anderson: 1001 Bananabread Recipes coming soon to a bookstore near you

[9/8/2014 10:46:28 PM] Miika: 'The Private Chats I have had with a Finnish Guy'

[9/8/2014 10:51:47 PM | Edited 10:52:57 PM] James Anderson: "Miika: The Incredible True Story Of Hard Work, Perseverance, And Determination"

[9/8/2014 10:51:59 PM | Edited 10:52:31 PM] James Anderson: (subtitle: How James was convinced to finally join a Time Trial competition)

[9/8/2014 10:52:42 PM] Miika: And in the end, all it took was a little bit of mocking?

[9/8/2014 10:53:06 PM] James Anderson: shh, don't spoil the ending!

[9/8/2014 10:53:45 PM] Miika: Now I know: "My experiences after a Sex Change Operation" by Jamie Anderson.

[9/8/2014 10:54:28 PM] Miika: (your correct response: "How did you know??")

[9/8/2014 10:54:50 PM] Miika: (to which I reply, "it was the pitch of your voice, dear")

[9/8/2014 10:55:29 PM] James Anderson: damn

[9/8/2014 10:55:53 PM] James Anderson: the other correct way to deduce that was, of course, my massive consumption of banana bread, designed to cover up the flaws in my new body by transforming myself into a perfectly spherical balloon

[9/8/2014 10:55:54 PM] Miika: (now I'm not sure what I need you for, as I apparently could just chat with myself)

[9/8/2014 10:56:40 PM] Miika: I wouldn't mind seeing a banana bread filled balloon.

[9/8/2014 10:57:14 PM] James Anderson: i charge $20 for admission

[9/8/2014 10:57:21 PM] James Anderson: bonus $5 for food charges if you want to see the balloon grow in action
[7:40:45 PM] Hornlitz: the solution literally didn't complete itself

[7:40:57 PM] Hornlitz: K what did you do Miika with the mouse

[7:41:10 PM] Tyler Sontag: He right clicked :O

[7:41:25 PM] Tyler Sontag: I'll try it out

[7:42:14 PM] Hornlitz: wow now I remember why I wasn't playing cc earlier

[7:42:19 PM] Hornlitz: my keyboard hates me

[7:42:58 PM] Tyler Sontag: the solution worked for me

[7:43:08 PM] Hornlitz: Umm what?

[7:43:21 PM] Tyler Sontag: [7:43 PM] Tyler Sontag:

<<< the solution worked for me

[7:44:04 PM] Tyler Sontag: downloaded the tws

[7:44:07 PM] Tyler Sontag: put it in the folder

[7:44:10 PM] Tyler Sontag: open tw

[7:44:14 PM] Tyler Sontag: pressed tab on annoying wall

[7:44:20 PM] Tyler Sontag: "Alright!"
<p>Proud owner of absolutely no untied bolds.
[1:23:15 AM] Tyler Sontag: also this quote from the syllabus

[1:23:18 AM] Tyler Sontag: "Please do not use your laptop or other electronic device during class unless asked to do so by the instructor. Phones should be silenced, just as one would do for a concert, play, or movie."

[1:23:22 AM] Tyler Sontag: WELP I HAVEN'T BEEN DOING THAT

[1:23:28 AM] Zane: Clapping

[1:23:31 AM] Josh: Clapping

[1:23:40 AM] Zane: i hate when phones go off during concerts

[1:23:46 AM] Zane: they play directly over the live music

[1:23:48 AM] Zane: so f***ing annoying

[1:23:51 AM] Tyler Sontag: (heart)
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[10:42:28 PM] James Anderson: plan: get a major in sociology, become the next marx, organize the next communist revolution, kill capitalism, and then get your minor in math because you will have no objections since an economics minor will no longer be useful
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.

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