What was the most ridiculous fail trolling you ever saw?
I guess we can talk about fail trolls in the general off topic. I guess we should cut to the chase about our odd, stupid, fail, and ridiculous trolling you ever got or saw.

Mine is hands down, every last troll since I joined fluffybooru. It really opened up how all of them are just a cancer of stupidity. I'm currently trying to ignore them, like by saying "I couldn't hear you over X" with the X replaced with anything, such as "The fail trolling going on" or "The fact that did nothing". It's not just fluffybooru i've seen this at, in fact, EVERY troll nowadays is quickly becoming a fail troll and cancerous to the jerk-kind, whereas even the biggest jerk would reap for humantiy at these trolls.

Anyone else have some awkward or stupid story of a fail troll you got "attacked by" or saw?
Sewiouswy, Pom-Pom, whewe is that CCLP4 I so want?

Chip Win
"Christ almighty. You really ARE a huge whiner. You have a map and you whine. You win and you whine. You want me to get you some cheese to go with that? If you hate it so much, f*** it. Do something else with your life."

Two words: Instantaneous deletion.
dat BigOto2 video that once existed. It was called "The Greatest Rant" and it was the worst trolling ever. In this case, it was so bad it was AWESOME! Chip Win
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]
Quote:dat BigOto2 video that once existed. It was called "The Greatest Rant" and it was the worst trolling ever. In this case, it was so bad it was AWESOME! Chip Win

I miss that video Slight frown
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Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
One of the most hilarious trolls I've ever seen was a guy named "zenicanin14" on a DarkBasic programming forum one of my best friends frequented several years ago. I won't say any more; just read the page here:

Quote:One of the most hilarious trolls I've ever seen was a guy named "zenicanin14" on a DarkBasic programming forum one of my best friends frequented several years ago. I won't say any more; just read the page here:

I read that. This reminded me of the cancer that is "trolling on recent times"... But the way it got dealed of was just hilarious.
Sewiouswy, Pom-Pom, whewe is that CCLP4 I so want?

Chip Win

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