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It's interesting to hear people's stories on when they first played Chip's Challenge. I must have been about 3 or 4 when I first bumped into it. It was the first computer in our house and it was Windows 3.1 and it had the Windows Entertainment Pack, and no surprisingly Chip's Challenge was the game I played on it the most. The game's memories became lost in me for a while, but then I remembered the name of the game all of a sudden again. What about you?
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I haven't the slightest idea... I know I was playing it during my kindergarten years, but I dunno if it was earlier...
But It may not matter, seeing as I think I turned 5 in early Kindergarten, so... yeah.
1-5 FTW
<p>Proud owner of absolutely no untied bolds.
08-Jan-2012, 12:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-Jan-2012, 12:51 AM by BigOto2.)
My grandma introduced me to CC when I was 2 or so, and I would always play on levels such as Chipmine that don't have any monsters because I was really bad at dodging. This could quite possibly have been my earliest memory. Only problem is, upon beating Chipmine I would always end up at Eeny Miny Moe, in which I could never make it past the paramecium because I didn't know how to block it with the chips and block. I still fear this level to this day, although my recording session earlier went surprisingly well.
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I was introduced to the game at 5 and beat it three years later after turning 8.
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Waw, most of people here were pretty young !!!
I think I was 8 or 9, it was on the computer after my mother brought it back from repairing place. I could not understand English so my eldest sister tryed to translate the storyline, but she could not understand all of it also... It took us years to know the meaning of "Marvel Mental", only after we got a big and complete English dictionnary from Middle High School... I remember I could not pass the level 10 and my sister spent a huge time on 23 Blobnet....
Then we were stuck somewhere, and I don't know why, I pressed Ctrl+N to go to the next level as a desperate gesture, without having its password, and it opened the 144 levels, each of them, very quickly, and another try opened the 5 last levels... So we beat all of them but not in the order. My favorite was "Nightmare" and my sister's favorite was "torture chamber", just after. The last one we beat was alphabet soup, I dont know why, we were not so interested by it ^^.
Finally, somebody erased the game's scores by mistake after few monthes, I think it was my mother after we introduced her the game, by willing starting again a level, she pressed the desperate F2 key, and since she could not understand the warning message in English, she pressed ok, in front of my eyes and despite my "Noooooooooo" ^^ ....aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!! I still have an awfull souvenir of this traumatism !!! And the worst thing is that she did not like the game at all... Such a wast !!!
After this, my last data crash was when I tested some levels I made... When I replaced CHIPS.dat, it was without my scores...
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I was 8 when I first found the game on my grandma's computer, which was also Windows 3.1. I would spend hours and hours playing the levels, most of which I hated, since I was only a child...and I was curious to know what was beyond the areas of those lesson levels! I remember that I was stuck on Partial Post for so long I couldn't beat it! I thought 138 was the final level but then I managed to beat it and I was immediately surprised by Yorkhouse, Level 139!
But my best memory of my first playings of Chip's Challenge was having a mini orange notebook with all the level's passwords in them! I still have that notebook to this very day, which I will never ever get rid of...
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I think I may have mentioned this before on the NG, but I have to ask - did anyone discover the "ignore passwords" function by accident? I did around the time I was on "Teleblock," and for some reason, instead of taking me all the way to "Thanks to...", as it does now, it only went as far as "Potpourri," which I had to beat before using it on another set of levels, which I believe lasted up until "Catacombs." It's strange, because this has never happened since.
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I was 4 or 5 when I first played cc. At that time, I didn't understand how the game worked and never made it past lesson 7. I started playing the game again when I was 8, and with the help of my sister on blobnet and blobdance, completed nearly every level.
I can still remember dying in blobnet with only 7 chips left, and spending a long time trying to figure out how to complete the corrupt version of spirals  .
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Quote:I think I may have mentioned this before on the NG, but I have to ask - did anyone discover the "ignore passwords" function by accident? I did around the time I was on "Teleblock," and for some reason, instead of taking me all the way to "Thanks to...", as it does now, it only went as far as "Potpourri," which I had to beat before using it on another set of levels, which I believe lasted up until "Catacombs." It's strange, because this has never happened since.
Yes I think it's what happened with me, by accident, I never understood exactly but now this function makes sens to me !
My dad bought a new computer with Windows 3.1 around the time I turned 6, and I have fond memories of exploring WEP. Of course, CC was my favorite game...
I think I "discovered" the Ignore Passwords function when, after failing to complete a level yet again I started banging on the keyboard. I guess I accidentally hit one of the cheat codes, because then I was suddenly able to access all of the levels.
I remember being stuck on Level 7 for the longest time. It took me forever to figure out just how the teleports worked (I could get all the chips, but then I found myself unable to get to the exit!).
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.