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  How Should We Name CC2 Level Packs?
Posted by: random 8 - 15-Oct-2015, 2:57 AM - Forum: Chip's Challenge 2 - Replies (13)

gr8 poll

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  Is this sokobon solvable?
Posted by: mobius - 13-Oct-2015, 8:57 PM - Forum: Level Discussion - Replies (11)

Would anyone like to try this level, which I can't say is solvable because I haven't solved it myself. I got this sokobon puzzle from another game called Enigma. It looks simple [and like it should be solvable], yet I cannot solve it (yet). I also have no way of finding out if the original puzzle from Enigma is in fact solvable.

here is link to the level file [CC2]

I can replicate it in tielworld if anyone wants to try that doesn't have CC2.

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  Facing the Future: What's Next for Official Sets?
Posted by: jblewis - 12-Oct-2015, 10:56 PM - Forum: Chip's Challenge 2 - Replies (67)

It's been several months since the release of CC2, and it seems like a lot of chipsters have generally enjoyed it, particularly the expanded selection of game elements and new level ideas to experiment with. One of the reactions to the game I've heard the most has been that the "stock" pack of levels is somewhat inconsistent in design quality. It's understandable - after all, the levels were made before many custom levels were even created for CC1 and level design evolved to what it is today. Personally, I enjoyed CC2 as a nostalgia trip back to the late '90s era of design when designers felt more free to experiment randomly, but I get that it may not be for everyone.

Many designers have already begun creating their own levels and anticipating the creation of an official set for CC2, either as an alternative to the stock pack or as an outlet for their creativity. So, I thought we should probably at least start having some sort of conversation about what we'd like to see with respect to future official sets. There are several options we could pursue, each with its own pros and cons, and a number of salient points have been raised in favor of each option throughout the occasional discussions among chipsters on Skype about this topic. (For clarification's sake, I will be referring to the potential next official custom set for CC1 as "CCLP4" and the potential first official custom set for CC2 as "CC2LP1," though I hope we don't have to feel bound to use that name.)

1. Make CCLP4 for CC1, then make CC2LP1 a different set for CC2. This option is appealing for at least a couple of reasons: many designers have built CC1 levels in the hope of seeing them in CCLP4, and CC2 design hasn't quite brought about the same amount of activity or variety of design tools yet. With this approach, CC1 as we've known it can have one last hurrah before everyone fully moves on and makes the adjustment to building levels for CC2. It would also allow for some time for additional editing programs be built, not to mention a free Tile World-esque alternative to the official version of CC2 like CC1 had. The downside is that the focus would initially be placed on a game that isn't exactly "active" in the sense that CC2 is.

2. Make CCLP4 and CC2LP1 basically the same set, without the use of CC2 elements in CC2LP1. Arguably the biggest argument for getting an official custom set for CC2 built sooner than later is that unlike CC1, CC2 is not a "dead" game. It's available for purchase on Steam, and as such, we as a community are facing an opportunity to bring in new members and grow even further by maintaining the game's momentum through some evergreen content. The question is how. A few designers have already ported some of their CC1 levels to CC2. One could argue that anyone who wishes to see their compositions in a future set that badly could easily use Chuck Sommerville's conversion program to port their work over to CC2. Those who would still like to make CCLP4 a reality could get on board with this if the set is compatible across all of the games - but there are a few issues with this. Even though many of the CCLP4 submissions were compatible with both MS and Lynx rulesets, that's not a guarantee that they would work in CC2. Tile World's Lynx emulation was more lenient about arbitrary clone and trap connections, whereas CC2 requires the reverse reading order connections used in CC's original, pedantic Lynx mode.

3. Make CCLP4 and CC2LP1 basically the same set, with the use of CC2 elements in CC2LP1. This option would allow designers to implement workarounds in situations like the aforementioned clone / trap connections (such as pink buttons and wires), as well as give them the freedom to build levels slightly differently if a mechanism would be better suited to CC2 game elements. Of course, there are two rather glaring issues with this option and Option 2. One is whether or not CC2LP1 would allow item dropping in levels, and I'd like to believe that either choice would be consistent throughout the set. Not doing so would prevent designers from placing non-CC1 collectible items (and would be rather sad for an initial CC2 official custom set), whereas doing so would break a number of levels that may be more difficult in CC1. The other problem is that anyone who has been introduced to the CC level designing world through CC2's release would have to build their levels for CC1 and get familiar with its mechanics, which would just be extra work.

4. Forget about CCLP4 and move on with CC2LP1 instead. This is the option I've been in favor of the most. It allows anyone who wanted their levels to be in CCLP4 the opportunity to submit them for consideration in CC2 instead, providing they're still active in the community. It gives them the freedom to build their levels in any way they want using whatever elements they want without having to worry about compatibility with another game and its ruleset(s) or multiple versions of their work. (This would especially be nice for optimization and scorekeeping as well.) Of course, it would mean that we wouldn't be making CCLP4 - but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing when the submitted content could be made even better with the trappings of the new game. We'd be making a commitment to supporting CC2 and making sure that it has new material instead of clutching onto something that's arguably obsolete.

What do you think? Which option sounds appealing to you? Do you have another suggestion not listed here? Feel free to sound off in this thread!

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  October 2015 Time Trial
Posted by: jblewis - 12-Oct-2015, 8:29 PM - Forum: Competitions - Replies (6)

Another month, another Time Trial! Thanks to Jeffrey (IHNN) for allowing two of his Ultimate Chip 5 levels to be used. You can download them <a class="bbc_url" href="https://cczone.invisionzone.com/index.php?/files/file/506-october-2015-time-trial/">here</a>.


Technicalities copied from Miika:
1) The person with the highest combined remaining time on the two levels wins! There may be a tie in overall score.

2) You may enter in MS or Lynx, with the former being the primary rules. This means that any Lynx times that exceed the best MS solution time will be considered equal to that MS time, but otherwise all the times will be compared together in one category.

3) Please send your solutions (either the tws file or avis) to my own email ivorydreams at me dot com. Do not post your solutions or solution times or share them with others before the competition results are announced. All times will be published at the same time, and the quickest solutions will eventually be released. I will strive to respond to your message by a confirmation that your score has been recorded.

4) The levels aren't too hard to solve. Don't be afraid to send in your solutions even if you sense they aren't perfect, and simple casual solutions are also appreciated. You may enter if you solve at least one of the levels, but solving more will obviously place higher.

5) This is part of the 2015 season of the Chip Cup. Winner will be awarded 15 points, second place 12, third 10 points, and so on. If you win a competition here for the first time, you receive the "You're Winner!" award. All participants who haven't participated in a Time Trial earlier receive the "Run, Chip, Run" award.

6) Submission deadline is November 15, 2015 where you live. I will judge the submissions without warning the during the following days but will accept submissions until I do. If you need a more specific time, you can always ask. To avoid losing on time (it is a time trial after all), get your solutions in early rather than later! You can send in improvements while the competition is running, so there is no downside to sending in something you know might not be your best effort if you had forever to work on it.

7) The designers of the levels, may enter the competition, as long as they feel to not have gained any significant advantage as a result of having some advanced knowledge of the levels.

8) The levels may receive an update within the first week of the competition. This will only be done if there is some significant problem with the first versions of the levels.

9) <span style="color:rgb(34,34,34);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';">A participant may "freeze" their scores at some point after submitting their own solutions. They will not be able to send in any more updates after this, but they may talk about the levels and their times with other people who have frozen their entry. I will update a public list of people who have frozen their score.

<span style="color:rgb(34,34,34);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';">People who have frozen their scores so far: Hornlitz, IHNN, Syzygy, J.B. Lewis.

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  October 2015 Time Trial
Posted by: jblewis - 12-Oct-2015, 8:23 PM - Forum: Competition Level Packs - No Replies

File category: Archived

The two levels for the October 2015 Time Trial, created by Jeffrey Bardon. They are:

1. Cemetery of Onbashira

2. Chemical Fire

What's New in Version 1.0.0
  • Initial release.

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.zip   CCZ-TT-1510.zip (Size: 4.07 KB / Downloads: 311)
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  Chip's Rewind [Being developed]
Posted by: zacharyz00 - 02-Oct-2015, 6:57 PM - Forum: Under Construction - Replies (11)

Hi. This here will be a 167 level pack which will be first designed for Chip's Challenge 2 and will then be ported to CC1 and TW.

Currently planned levels:

[Click to Show Content]

Unorganized, later levels:

[Click to Show Content]



A demo has been released, be sure to check it out.

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  The Royal Society for Starting Things on Top of Other Things
Posted by: Eric119 - 21-Sep-2015, 2:12 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (5)

Lately, I've been thinking it would be good to do a bugfix release of TW2. But before that, there are some issues to take of. Specifically, back in July I found on Atari Lynx that Chip can collect things he starts on if he doesn't move, and also that he can immediately exit the level if he starts on an exit. This breaks lots of custom levels, including a few official levels, which makes updating TW to emulate this a bit problematic. So, it would be good to reach a consensus on how best to handle this. I take the view that TW1 and TW2 should behave identically with respect to the game logic, which means that this ultimately depends on what Brian does with TW1.

But even before that, we need to understand the Atari Lynx behavior with respect to things (namely Chip, monsters, and blocks) starting on top of other things. I have done some investigation, and below is what I know.

So, then, what to do with Tile World? We could very well decide to make some changes but not others.


Chip can move off, or win instantly by staying put.


Chip can immediately move away without collecting. If Chip stays put, he collects the item (except, as found by Brian, that chips are not collected).

Blue key

Monsters can move off. They erase it if they can't move. Blocks also erase blue keys they start on.

Green, red, and blue buttons

Not activated.

Brown button

Activated if whatever is on top doesn't move.


Drowns Chip, monsters, and blocks if they do not immediately move.


Does not kill Chip.


Does not go off.

Dirt, fake blue wall

Cleared away if Chip doesn't move.

Real blue wall, appearing wall

No effect.

Chip socket

Removed by Chip if there are no mandatory chips and he doesn't move.

Force floor

Pushes in given direction. Chip can go sideways, but not backwards.

Chip can move any direction off a random force floor.

Ice, ice corner

Chip is trapped and cannot move even right away. Ice slide sound effect is playing. If on an ice corner, the drowning sound effect also continually plays.

Monsters are not affected by ice initially underneath them unless they're stuck there. (Fireballs can turn right, for example.) Ice corners do redirect them.

Blocks do not move, but can be pushed. Pushing a block on an ice corner can dislodge it, but Chip will die if he doesn't get out of the way.


Chip is stuck teleporting around indefinitely.

Monsters ignore teleports under them unless they're stuck.

Blocks teleport around indefinitely. It is possible to rescue a block by pushing it. Chip can be killed by stepping in front of a teleport exit, even though the block doesn't leave the teleport sequence.

Clone machine

If Chip starts on a clone machine, he is stuck. However, if he pushes in a direction, and then the clone button is pressed, he will exit the clone machine in the direction he is facing and leave another Chip inside. Pressing the button again can create "extra" Chips, which cannot move voluntarily. If Chip enters a tile containing a stationary Chip, he automatically exits the other side unless you are pressing a different direction. Monsters and blocks cannot enter tiles containing an "extra" Chip. An extra Chip moving on ice or force floors can kill Chip.

Recessed wall

Pops up if Chip doesn't move.

Now for the big surprise. If a monster or block starts on top of a recessed wall, it doesn't cause the wall to pop up. However, if the entity stays on the recessed wall, ordinary walls are spontaneously created wherever Chip goes. It also isn't possible for Chip to collect things, activate buttons, exit the level, etc.; objects just turn into walls when you step on them. If the monster or block later leaves the recessed wall, this behavior stops.

(The behavior with teleports is strange. A teleport turned to wall can be brought back by going through another teleport that would cause you to exit from the first teleport. But you don't exit from the recreated teleport at the same time as its creation.)

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  CC2 Level Set Maker
Posted by: Nickcc - 18-Sep-2015, 12:50 PM - Forum: Software - No Replies

File category: Programs and Editors

<span style="background-color:rgb(248,241,243);">CC2 Level Manager is a program for creating c2g files. It allows you to select levels and music and add story script and c2g code(flags).

What's New in Version 1.2
  • This version has changes and bug fixes.

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.zip   Chips Challenge 2 Level Set Maker.zip (Size: 41.09 KB / Downloads: 264)
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Posted by: chipster1059 - 16-Sep-2015, 6:33 PM - Forum: CC2 Level Packs - No Replies

File category: CC2 Levelsets

My first CC2 set. See this thread for more details:


What's New in Version 2.4

2.5: released 12 November 2019. See thread for details.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.zip   C1059-CC2.zip (Size: 423.09 KB / Downloads: 517)
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Posted by: chipster1059 - 16-Sep-2015, 6:33 PM - Forum: Under Construction - Replies (41)

For a few weeks I have been working on a CC2 set, and I have decided to release a first version. Here it is:

It contains 40 levels. Several are ports of CC1 levels I made with a few improvements thanks to CC2 tiles, others are entirely new.

No music is included in this version. I may add some in later versions if there is enough demand.

Please leave feedback! Thanks for playing!

PLEASE GO TO THE LAST PAGE TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION! Older posts contain outdated versions. Thank you!

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