Skype quotes
[4:22:33 PM | Edited 4:22:35 PM] Tyler Sontag: ok trevor hates j.b. cool

Just so that people know this isn't true. And not to spread rumors.
[8:17:21 PM] Lord and Savior Michael: lol one of us should past this in the skype quotes thread

[8:17:31 PM] Lord and Savior Michael: feat spelling
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
[10:01:45 PM] Tom Patten: CCLP3 is so 2010

[10:02:07 PM] Tom Patten: CCLP1 is the s*** now bro
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[10:07:06 PM] Zane: yeah um

[10:07:11 PM] Zane: dodge these balls

[10:07:14 PM] Zane: on xbox 360 indie marketplace

[10:07:18 PM] Zane: best indie game evar

[10:07:29 PM] Tyler Sontag: Slight smile

[10:08:07 PM] Josh: i love dodging balls

[10:08:22 PM] Josh: i love dodging wrenches too

[10:08:26 PM] Tyler Sontag: omg

[10:08:30 PM] Tyler Sontag: that reference tho!

[10:08:49 PM] Josh: Slight smile
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
[3:29:11 AM] James Anderson: today i learned that supernovas are formed when stars get mad
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[8:01:05 PM] Zane: f***

[8:01:11 PM] Zane: i cannot land this

[8:01:16 PM] Zane: "i cannot ocean this"

[8:01:32 PM] Tyler Sontag: I cannot sea this!

[8:01:33 PM] Tyler Sontag: Ha!

[8:01:36 PM] Zane: okay f*** you

[8:01:45 PM] Zane: are you blind

[8:02:01 PM] Tyler Sontag: Yeah Slight frown

[8:02:07 PM] Zane: Ha!

[8:02:12 PM] Tyler Sontag: ;(
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[23:32:40] Tyler Sontag: k

[23:33:00] Zane: is a character

[23:35:04] Tyler Sontag: in a novel

[23:35:08] Tyler Sontag: by james anderson

[23:36:15] Zane: yeah

[23:36:17] Zane: top novel

[23:36:40] James Anderson: top gun

[23:36:46] Tyler Sontag: um

[23:36:48] Tyler Sontag: f*** top gun
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
[11:09:11 PM] Tyler Sontag: Zane is a better rapper than Lil Wayne

[11:09:27 PM] Josh: Slight smile

[11:10:32 PM] Zane: yeah

[11:10:48 PM] Zane: I'm a better wrapper

[11:10:50 PM] Zane: wrap dem gifts

[11:10:55 PM] Tyler Sontag: Clapping

[11:10:59 PM] Josh: Clapping
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
[5:15:07 PM] James Anderson: today i learned that JB is secretly canadian
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
you and your (flag:ca) flags

[7:51:23 AM] James Anderson: Thumbs up

[7:51:33 AM] James Anderson: you australians need to get that union jack off the corner of your flag, man

[7:51:41 AM] michael.warner960: lolno

[7:51:44 AM] James Anderson: a totally non-british flag is one of the best things canada ever did Thumbs up

[7:52:12 AM] michael.warner960: um, that flag of yours should change

[7:52:14 AM] James Anderson: strangely australia likes to flirt with getting rid of the queen but you guys keep the british flag on your flag :^)

[7:52:25 AM] James Anderson: i don't understand how those two can both be true but w/e

[7:52:38 AM] michael.warner960: >getting rid of her

[7:52:42 AM] michael.warner960: Clapping

[7:52:58 AM] James Anderson: well australia has had referendums on getting rid of the monarchy before

[7:53:04 AM] James Anderson: canada has never gotten close to that

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